OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN tioxtorablo To@.$, Dart aountyAttoramy xeadallcotaty BoarJio, "knr pur e&r - _ . . ,” .,.i Eoxorable Joa. B. Dart, Pcge 2 dies an unmitural death, axospt unbar ecntanoe of the lcw, or in tho abmnoo of ona or mm3 good witnessca.' "An the purpoeo of an inquest is to deter- mine the OQUBB of death, not to prove *ether a pareon lc dud or not, the justice of the peaoc ia of tha opinion that the rmatlon of wltnsases in thi. artlole mean. witnao8*8 to the oaus. of duth and not nsoomsarlly wit- ne8635 th0 ‘fact thd death has 000urrod. %f 0curss. in thou 0sse8 where the wit- nusa. to a. unn.tar.1 dwth .a. bothth. oauce and the deathltmlf fher'e m10.d bs no oeoeaslty.for~ma lnqwrt. But *hero the oawe of a&h oaotus iii one ~laoa an4 the Math in anotherit wouldse& thatan Inquest .hoald bo hrld to a.o.rtain the oars. of death.“ Totu qaastlon, aa we oadsrstand it, is a8 stated by ua in the heading of this letter. ATt.lola 968,cod.of Crirnixi.1 Plv..&lrsgiV.8the oiroumtanoes under whlah a just100 of tbr pasae'is author- izedto hold .n inquut.Suohartlolo reads as hollows: %ny ju.tioiof alo yuoe s&U b. lw and lt.8bsU'bo US tlUty, thoriead, t0 hdLd inquest. wlthoot.8 j.ury?ltMn nim oW*, in the' 9. Whia0.p-n dleb ln prlSe* . “A!.m&z& &ob zlmkula4.or i&l a ny c a lm0 a do a m.lXWP t .wilor .an 8na 88ur 8l a enteno eo f tb a lnw. or in th e a b smo e ~0f 0m o r mo r e good wlitnu8e8. -3. Khan the body of a hup*m bdag 1. found, and tho .irowtanoes of hi. bath (II-. anlnOWl. HorlornbleJo..& Dart, Page 3 that he oame to hi. death by unlawful means.g ~phasls our..) Subseotion 4 of Artiol. 960, eupra, may pmslbly be invoke4 in rour faotU~oa.8, but thf. do.8 not prob- .blo from the entireaontext of yourlatter. If the jwtloe of the p-0. h.4 to swpsot the -cm.. 0.m. to her am&h unlawfulmaas there wouldbr amplejuntlfl- oat&on for an "7 nquostb.o.u.8 or tha provlsloao OS Artlols lvu, ooae or crlmlml PTOOO~UWI, as ~~404, msuhg 68 foi- 1OUBl "If a pamon noalro an injuryIn on0 aouat~ and die8 la another by raaun or sprh inJury, thb offrn6sr ayr’be procrooukd in the ooonty whonthe learns r.o.1v.d orrbanthwbath o;yAzwor ln the oountywhom the dud. b6ay &&as0 of the abotosSotuto ths o** of althar Buu or~Xwl&l'Couaty wouli3bare ~rrdsdiatieate try Zho .Ue~ 23&e'I.nqcmst uzhr %ubd.lvision 4 of Artiol. 968, supra, u6ul4 not depend ?Ipoathe prereaoo or absuioa of d&tsssos llthar at thb 8o.n) of th. injury ar brth. We nort d~drsrttoth. ooastraotionto be p&owl UQ.B l3ubseotlon & of said Article WL IthMkorl taaly...o+tx t&t th. pup088 of .. ls to eb infommtloP u to rbrthera bath w awoe& by lol. orialml sot .M to 0-n eTlba.0 to preveat usape 0X.the @ltr, as Wll an to $?srnlSh8 fwadmtlan far a. **aal pro.e6utloain oa.6 (irth 1. shorn to br fslOailieor m Othemis@unlawn& ,. SW PiirbOaf. ibb Ia the instad oarno,va am cb the Opinion tht 1% mu&l be es lamantial~toknow the oamo of th. d.dh .8 tha faot ot bath lt..lf, tm fulfill the porpo8.r of the statute as disowsad in the oitd o.oU. F'rcr the 8upmnar Court cam or pohk Oounty *a Philllp8, supm, we tak. fh. followfly pertinant lasnm.g.1 . . Xi1 Ho~:orablaJOE. B. Durt, Page 4 “. . . The foot that death bnd resulted from vlolonae, end the further root, for es- em~le, that the rlolsnoe ooreieted of a blow upon the head, are but steps in asoertainlng whether or not a crime haa beon odtted. The blow may have oharaoterlstlos other thsn thoee of a physlaal mtura. It may bare bean aooidentsl or it msy have been Intentional. It may hnvo boon ulllful, uncl without jwti- floation, or it nay bate beon jostlflsbls. In ecoompll#hlng the purpose or the inqumst, It is 08 Important to dotermine the80 Uttar aharaateristios o? sn wt of violenos rhioh has led to a doath as it is to eman tha ra0t that them was violenoa, and that aah wus 1te mault. . . .- w8 dlrsot your espoolsl attantlon to ths dlsousslon or the requlremeats of a nlid inquest boron rollsotlon~of s fee thereror in the @au of Pierson v. Gelvutan Conat~, (Civ. App.) olted abova, spaolflcall~to paga SO of 151 s* n. (26). It la our opinion that your question should br ~J.u- rored that -good wltnsasuw to the caum of duthwould be as essential as "good wltnesse8 * to the bath lt8eU; an& Li all or the othw e8mntlal ruqtiraments OS a valid lnquost have been mat, tha justice OS the peaoa la entitled to his fee. Your. vary tnlly ATTO?.LWfGlCXFX4.L ~SlStMt
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion