OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN EocOrCkb18 John D. Reed, Conmissioner &uxKiu or Labor statiatioe Amtin, Texas DearSlrc ThisAll ackoml et&d above* As we d a8 rOliOW6Z hall be oz~ployod In any ftoatory, bopi ziechanical~ or nercmtfla tel, restnurant, crooning hotine, ;ieturs show, br,rbc_nnhop, tola- 8 or other or;fice,ex~resf.3 or or say mx3to hstitntfon, , iastitut:onor enter- f~alos are employed, for xxo than :riso -,rtiaro nfno tiouruin as3 one cul~n5z.rdzp, zor ::orethan flftpfour hours in a&y one oAlendar we~k.~ .. . 1933, ?Any eiqloyar, overseer, superintendent,. torerrsnor other R.rdlesa of co?ennntion or contrsat. The pn?osa of tbo Federal Act lo ctieouos~edin of Elnck Yountain Corporatlon.vr AUklns, 290 X-J.617, 13 3. vi. (Zd) 200, ‘en8 the o::l,nion ~1:) tkt CQSS -makesit claar to us t&t the Ccngresa of the ~d.tod States h3.snot, ULIyet, divasted the acvereiig~ State of l’oxesr?fita power anC rii;htto anforoe the ,abovequoted etntutea, .,, .. &&Mu- _,‘. . penal Penal CoGe atill in art3 still Code are In full force e r1.111 forgo and efroct, irrespwive or of tSleaccuracy accurao~ or t aP the ruling,nentioned by you by the iyage Rcur and Rcur Uivlsic lJivision, United States Dkpartment or Labor, that the Federal the ibae Ftir Iabor 8tandardaAct or 19% apolies to oannlng plants that tmt ship mrt4 or ship pirt all or or all of tkiairp50auOts in wzimeraef, lnteretate OweI . Your3very truly CSCZRAL'OF TEXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion