%I> ?;,.b ps :I,, pi: !& OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY QENERAL OF TElUiS .‘!~ AUSTIN e-c.- A-- l?onor~bl.e R. A. Barton, Page 2 Tropor ratloi.aad dlupoatltlon o? the sus or $le.80.-' ab,i80uRT duo oifiobra of thb court ulldor Art. 105s. C*C*P* Q,uctatlonfrozaywr oplnlen O-785 tddrebrrsd FfoLoaaanCounty1 to T8w A. bP*ven, uouaty .&eltior, walk lay BDh. lQ39. "(Where e oonvlotion 18 had in t&i0ptiao Court and @UT e p8rt Of the oomtr (ireoollbotb~, the BUUIoollocrtcd shouldbe preratoa between tho ormers and thb oountf in tho easioprwortion (18to whloh laoh waul4 have beea entitledto reoeivotherefromhad 811 co&c beon oollooted, Art, MB, U*U.P* mw8ver Bin00 the jwtioo ot ,the peabe is &mid by tho County, hks brfal fee8 ilh o ul.e a a t b eo o no leo rin oeth epror~!:tlon. Art6 1088, 1084 a.a.P.f T@u follbmi tb8 8am pr8obauroin your oplnioa 0460, (I&o& April 8rd. 193% "IInbnntbr JiUtlM court opinion,you 5kto that thoro &elf.ba no di~orl:~tlon b8twben th8 otSt8brr or tha Court, but thbt the diapaaltlm *hall bo in usual proportion. *~rtlo$e to9 8nd suaoeedine; artlol*n 0r c.0.p. ;rotido for thb orooutlon or judgmnont in a nl8baaabnorosw, and juQ8 thnt tho 6tmposition of the OuElof $.lr?.ao would follow 810nt; the line 0r your opinionb es naee:ee for e ju8tlor aoust. Fl8arb edviwt *cpdaan ?m. II. "AI% 1058 t3,a.T’. proridon in art as foll.owat*TIM oountg shell b8 liable for ona- half oi tha foes of tf;b oftirp*r*of tha xmorablo X.-AI Esrton, Bga 3 court when the 60f0naant faila to pay his ?laa an6 lay8 his iins out In tha oounty &ill or dlsohargesths MUM by mana of working ruoh rieb out dI tho aountyroada or on any count9 projaat~. * WP YrwlBwEt "art. lCS1 C.C.P. proridba that the County Attorney shall'roo~Ivo for oonrIolions o? a nladoimmor nature tho sum of $10.00, vlrst: xn the event the dsfbnaant aad prrltl hiu tina in oath, the,County AttCmnOp wauld ha+* reoslvbd ths sum of @O.OC ior his fobt ” ;aoocd: In tho event the ddatdnnt hnd remed out and dlscharga4his ilao in $811 at 1-r 0:: the county mad, thb county Attorney would hare naeited iron Calhoun COuMy, tb sufaoi $8.00 aa hia ieo, under art. 1086. Thlrdt IR tha oaae at bar, the promtad ree of the county Attornor oa the $l&80 wtid only be a froationalpart o? tho $?S.OOa~ pm- tided for under MO. TWOabove notmi. ‘Ymuld the CountyAttO&%Wy be e~atitlbd to noolvo froz the County the dittazunoobetween the prorated part OS the #l&80 end Fhe @.OO PreTIdul under Art. x0. 1058. %lkowi%o b&&l the aomb rulb apply to the other office rs oftthe oourt." wm papuiation or aalh0tut~icount9, mxaa WX+~* to tbm 1940 9Wersl oonaus la 8,011 inhabitenta. ‘~8 fartiw a 5uma from your latter that the Cotlut~ and pnolntttqfrloora of chua county,cabs, ar(, opbretfng uadortbbfee nyetwm, and that any aalsries paid to them are otoftlalo aals~I~8, allowed Ln the mount and ;nannora8 tha law prorldea. oy enoweru harsto ara bsssd u~gon tfro abesta assumption. Art1010 1085, V.A.G.E.?., nab8 as followat "The Count-7 slm?l be liable to laoh oifloer und wltnbfaa brivin~ ooutn in 0 mIadom8anor oaoe tar only one-half thereof where the dafaubnt ha8 satie- fled tho fine and ooreteadjudged e,galnd him in full by labor on the oounty far+, on tha in the workhouse, pub110 roads or~upon any publfo works Of tti oountyj and to ;:sy swh hali of mob legal oosts as may have beenso taxed, not lnoluddlag oommla~lone,the oounty judgm shall ieaue h&.8 warrant upon the oounty treamirar In favor of the proper party, and thtlB&SW 8hall bm paid out of the road and bridge fund or other funds not otherwlaa appropriated. YOUr i&tW the tin* in th&B O6Utbe diiBOiOlortC4S t&It was $25.00, the oost 447.50j the Qafendant psid &kLSO that in oath and laid out $30.00 tl>tiin jailj tbo oounty attornayla foe wa8 $lO.OOj tha trial fee in oo:mty oourt is $5.00 under Artiole 1574, T.R*C.O.F.,la taxable ae oosts and belows ~00 the oouuty. You 60 not stat. the exaot mount8 of fo.8 Bue to the olerk, sherifT aad ooneta?lo but the amount due M j+ntly wol~ldbe $Sg.UO. Oplnlon Nos. O-469 and O-755 of tbls dopartmcmt hold that where o~Uy 0 pert or the fine and aoats alu oolleoted,that the money oolleotad should go ilrlrtto the p$yment of the oost8 and Iha balmo,o, if any, to tha amunt of the tine and that where than is not USOU& eoll~oto4 to pay all of the aost8, the maoy oollsotod ohould be prorated, and that in suoh oaae one offioar had no priority ovor another. said opiniona furtherhold that the trlel ha bolonglng to the oountyahwald,ba oonsldond in the tion. 73 quote fro* Opinion Ho. %+7&W as iollkrrr~ prsril *In view of the trial fae ebova provided, being a pert of the oost8,end by maeon that the Justioo oi the Naoe being paid bg the oounty, it in our opinion that the $3.50 in pumMon should be prorate6 on the baalraof $8.00 to the county attornoyj #J.SO to the oonatable and &GG to the taounty,whiob figurer spproxlqtaly sixty four and a fraotlon oenta on the dollar. The oounty would gat fta pro rate scrrtof the paymnt.” ::G0nelose herewith 0opie6ior mid opinions ror your infori%ation. opinion No-O-1578 of this department, approve4 that a oomtsble ui:er8tlngundm in Llmltsd Confersnoe, I:oldtj the ?a8 system Is entitled under Artlo$s 10515, V.~.C.C.F., to half costs from ths ootnty an thet pirt of the time s defsndant rszmins IA jail or works for ths ootinty rrhsn he so dleohargss prt of hIa SIue and pays off a part of Eme. “ia snolose h,srwlth a copy of ml4 oriInIon ror your Iaformttion. Tie pilot* fro&$opinlon x0* o-;Llwi or tlie de- ;iartimnta8 follower *Ia answer to pour iiith qusstion, It IR t: a opInIon of this departwmt that wimrs oniy a g-artof the fins and ooets are oollsotsd, that tbs miney oolleoted should @ fIrLt 6s the paymenf~O? the oO8ts 81~4th8 bslanO8, ii an~r,to the aznotu&of the fine, and that whers there Is not emugh a0lloote6 to pay all the oosts, t&a swner oolleotsd should bs proreted betwosn the arrertiag ofiiosr, tha oorsty attorney and the oomty. That no oiflssr has priority over another in suah matter. YQr exa rpi8, if the tine aad oosts amunt ,to $S%OO; as In your ease; Ohe fes of the ommty attorney unounts to #S.OOj ths to8 of ths oonstabls amounts tc $X3.00 and the trial fes mounts to $4.OOj Lf ths d8fandant paid $6.00 in ossh snd the bslsnw 15 work86 out 011 the county farm ths ErrsatIng offiso~ would bs entitled to $.LbS of ths ossh paynnat, the oouaty attorney would be satit to $1&s or the oash payment and ths oounty’ (as Its portionor the trlnl fee) noold be entltlsd to $1.09 of the or?ah pqxaat. The amoating orfIo8r and ooatty sttornsy would alss w entitled to rscsIvs pay,~mt from the oounty under Artlole 1056, V.A.C.C.P., one half of th8 bu110t3 0r the r088ior th8 thi0 tb0 flefsadsnt worked out ths bslaaos of his fIm aad oosts. undsr. the oxawls Guoted absn the arresting ofttoorrauld be sntlt1ed to neeIvcr tram the oountj the ~‘um af $1.89. Ths total sumreoslved bp ths arrsrting orrioor frozi both SOLWOOSwould be $Z.l~,* xe la810~8 herswith a oopy of raid Opinion for your l5fcrmtlon.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion