, .L .OFFICE OF~THE ATTORNEYGENERAL OF- AUSTIN 4-C.&URN -- .-. Honorah a. Ii.Wrl@i, Superixite~t, Pexlr Pehool for the ZJeaf Alwin, Te?.aai. mar m I,vright8 -: ote Item g44as wkfi'oool echool, with &t13, aad fbel for a. o5gfwed your quotation*em t&e Ben- it to be e orQ$na1 J%ill,and fY.nl¶ St is true, as you state, the appropr%rtbm own- tens, hmadiately folloriq$ the heading of items BaWr%est the PollorLnp;$~(M.z18mantho U%leeS OthWIda~ not&),* stem 24, the 01iea6 to rhicb you iaqtdrer~elrgreso- ly states, horemr, l~Ltm&psl, vocational aabeol, dth imwe, llonorab1e3. R. rrlght - pqe 3 water, lights, am% fuel for ia months ll500.00.'The clear Import of thir language 1s that the twelve months pertains not only to erl.ar7,but liketiee to house, rater, lights, an&fuel+ There is nothlng in the lan- guage from vhioh it could be,lnferred,rmoh lees m&xi, that there was to be any dietinctiondth respeot to the period fbr which the different sub-items should be paldorf'urirL&ed. In other,rord.s, this-ela nothing to indloate a legielrtireintentlen that the salaq sheuld be Pox-nine months, and the heuos, water, ligbte, a?&I fuel should be fUrnished the yrine$palfor twelve mon@m. Qur inter Mation crmtports with the leg&ala.- tire intention, a8 lL oated fn Item 33. That item $84 ~Blnolpalof aoaderdo sahool, lOamMU, d.th himme, water, IAgbt~, W heel for Jg wnths 1990.00~' !mls, it is e1ear4 noted that tne smly.,is for ten tenths, whereas, the other item am ?er twt$lve manam. Pwdtheee oon&lerations, It iollovs ymtF quew tlon should b@ aumworeilIn the alqatlre. 0 ivPR5VE5 OPINION COMMrrrcc SY&$