OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN You advlu by ru~~lw~Bal letter tbat the aon- #table involved Won O~a~oesyrim an4 that he ma prswnt and a8&8ted in l we r 8p w8b ed th a t y Qu adviu U8 what f MJ, the coorrteblo psrfoma In the ooll~otlon of 8 Md 008t8. ISO r&Vd w huti8h 8uoh inrormatlon, aad ror the pspo8a of this oplalon (I# will ammo that the ollry &ity perfomed 8~ tha 00~tab10 -8 in aakin(L tih. uls8t ltid thrt ho Wa8 Wt Oalbd tQOn 60 rM&er W 8~~&0b la Iraldag th0 OOlhOtiOn Of th4 riW8 M& 008th you li&wise advlrr Ohat the defeadimt in em& Oa8e U88 0OIlViOt.d Ot the @ff%Mi8@ Of ~oortlrloate ot~publio oonvenionoe aid AU@mity frond the RkibOad CO~Id88%0& we do sot in ml8 oplnlon 88U$OatlmqUe8tl4w oi ths aom0tkt088 0r tb mk8i oi .M) oharge8 a8 aodr in oatah eaw, but doa& 801d. prOpOr di8pOdttW of the #I8.00 iin0 a880889d 31n oaoh oaM* Hoaorabl. E* Y. cmab&ma, page 3 -The 8horlti or other orfloas, exoept a jurtloo of tha pea00 or hl8 olerkj~uho 00116et8 a8hareto?or8 8t8tab,thntthe cowtable ~WtIfai~ ~riornmd 110 duty hi amneotlon with the aotual oollaotion Of,%b riM8 Ma 008t8 MiI haVi~@ tbhUdY rSOSi~ti hi8 rM8 prorldedby law for 8WVloO8 perfor~eb, he would not be l%%thd to My OOid.88iOn 011th0 ii.N8. Thaw 18 a0 pxvwlrrionin 644 at6tute8 pro~ldlng that the general fund of the aounty ishml.4naolw any portion or th6 flm8. l’ha balanor ai the iin. OXJ$E%80 8houl4 bs depodteb to the oredit OS tha 8taM a8 prwidrd by law. Yowtuytruly ATTCUWEY G- OB TXXh3 'BY
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion