OFFICE OF THE AmORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTlN Hanorrble Homer oamlsaar, Jr.,mMctor ~-utam~.~ of Fablio Safety Aortia, TsUa Ye are pleaaatl d~te,wkluhnada u foil SeotMa6 22 8116 28, APtSale XV, Eolwr BLlX So. a0 of the 47th Le&w.otore, re4d aa fQl.loraI .onble Homer Qarrlsm, Jr., Page 2 %atiat 22. suapettd or revoke %A%% ofrl~%!?% Seatim 10 of this Aot the Mreotor believe8 ,the li.aett8eeto be incapable of rrielp opmtlnga motor vehiale, the lkkreotar my not* sad lioareee of euah f8ot and ummcne hsmtoyppeor fm h e wing l pmvided hereiaaf’ter, &aeh m- lag shall be hmI not less then tern (10) d8ye after notlflcaticna to the licensee ok oper8tor udder arty of the provIsion of tbia SeatAm, md llpn &l%rgss In vriting % oapy of Yhtoh ab&ll be glven to mid operator 07 lioaneee not leer thea ta (10) dBys befm said bWl’$li& tir the pur- pose of hemlng ruah ea8e8 jurlsdlatlar ie verted Irr the nnyor of the city, or j&ge of the police aourt, or a justlcre of the peace In the county or m&zllvj.f3lottthereof where the operator or llosnsbe Pealdee. Bush cowt ary %dmlnitbter oaths and mfq &mm rubpaame for the rttadmoe of vitneauos and the produatim of sel&tive boa&e ZTit*r Zt sbll be the duty of the aoourt to 2 far hewiag UpQt ten (10) &ye vz@ittsn notlee to the Departmat. t&o *uoh hear- ing, Stt the event of en afflzmwtive fS,mUqg br tire Court, the aff%oev vho reelder at mtah heu?ing shell PepoPt the 8eae to the Bepwtment rhiah ehall have authari~ to ewpemd erid lioenee for (L period not greater then oae (I) yem, provided, haeves, that in the event of ruoh riiirrr;tlve flnd.lag the lioenaee my r* to the oourtty 0-t of the oounty rbereia the heu4ng ru held, aa%d appeal to be ta?ied di#nave. llotlae by N rtered riltoaddFeroahoul¶4xlthellaeneeof1 $ wee eba&l oatrtitute rerviae for the purpose of thir seotlaa. “(b) Tke authaFity to stupend the Lfaenne of my operator, samwrolrrl opemtor, or atmffew uI ruthociaed In tbie Seotlan 18 @ented tke vt- mat ttpaa determWq after proper heerin( 8a here- iabefere ret out that the lioetxrreet ~w8blOlIopbr Oarrlrm,Jr., Pmge 3 “I. Eus oamttted aas offense for vhioh ruiomatlo 8118pen8lca of llaa8e 18 nmde upon aaaviotion; Baa bea “2. rerpamlble u a driver ?or pag &malting in the death or per8ae.l usaldent injury 0r another er leriow property m; “3. Is aa habitwlly rwkle88 or negll.pnt driver of 4 mtur rshlols~ ‘4. I8 4a lsrbitualvialataz, of thetr8fflo -8 l 5. It3 inaap8blo to Mv4 4 motorveh%ole~ “6. RW permittedntt ma.mriw or iMIululaut w of rushliaare; “7. Hu aclrStt4d ut niiaa8e in another bt~ti, vhiah ii ooldtted h this 8tate would M polml8 for rwpetuiQt Q remuatica; “8. E88Nledar~odto8ubmltrrepmt of my aaoidmt b rhloh ho VW ipvalved m pro- vlded ia Seatian 39 of thle Aat. ‘Seatiat 28. swpadlag rorMetlt'r 11ea%wJ upat aavioticwt tn 8nother Bfrt4. “The DepMmatt ti 4uthorSred to rwpaad ,a* revoke the llaenme orpaym8ldedoftu8 Mdte upon rooeiving notiae of th8 wmv&otiaa of rush p4reott ia mothor Slate t3i aa offettn4 tbrela yhlah, ii oaamltted b thZr State, would k pemdrr r0r w~pen8iar ez rovowtion of the llaamse of an opcw8tor, aammorcr,lalopw*tttr, or ohmtf~ewn.a Subae&&m (e) of &at&m aB n@.n8 the bsps&nnnt to dU4at th4 ayar of a olty, or l ju d g 4 oi the polio* oourt, or l jwtioe of the peeve, to hold the xwpimd bear rad to 8et l date thereiar, ud the Dsparmt to notify the -fl OW80 in writing of the char@ e@nrt hfm, of the Plato and pl8ae of the hearing, 8nd II~QIWW him to app4ar therefor. Et Le re utmd tbt a aepy or the dtargos ixttmltirrg atd notlflaatiatt to \ t e 544 gonorable Hoaer Garrison, Jr., Page h lioetteee of the hearlng, and the aumuona to hlm, ahell be given I the lioeneee not lere then ten days before the hearing. !Rhere IS nat?d.x& in the Act to prohibit the doing of eeah of these rot&, in relation to the llaenaee, 8Liultaneoualy. Obviouely, hovever, the dete of the hawing mat be set and knovn by ti -pertrent before it aan notify the licensee thereof. In the fom letter to the oourt deaQnated to hold the hearing, it is reoited that a popy of the ohargee againat the lloensee have alroedy been riled to him, and the court ia requeated to edvlae the department of the date of the hear- 4s. If this proaedure 1s adopted, we point out that the ll- aenaee vi11 subrequently have to be notified of the date of the hewing, and thlm not leer than ten days before. In the foxa notlfloatlon to the llaensee enaloaed rlth hour latter, the date of the hearing Ia provided for. If e 8imultmeauII nOtifiOetion to the lleenaee is -de, aa indlaeted by thin tom, it will, of dourae, hers to be after the oourt has been derlgnrted end the herring date set, Subwction (b) 7 of s*otion22 endSeotlon28euthor- ize the ruspe~ion of a lloenee vhen the lloeneee 'Ear aomltted en offextse in enother State, rhioh if oommitted 5.n this St&e wauld bo grounds fo r luapenrion or revodatlon.” In the notiae to the lleen8ee the oharger agaiu8t hti rurt be desaribed. We muef be done vith oertelnty usd pertloularity in order that the liaeneee ny be fully apprised of the conviction in mother state whiah form thebaris Of the chWg$e e&nethia, and inorder that it ray OleSrly appear that the OffUMe aomitted la the Other Bt&te would be grOundll for IlUBp8lXSifB3 in thie state. Tha OffWBe le reflected in the judgment of conviotion should therefore be enbodied unrefully in the ahargeo In nltlng aode &gdXtBt the li- aeneee. 20 ilh8tldB t in the tolll~swbmltted q?pear6 the "a aherge of operating a motor vehlols~vhL1o under the LX%* of intoxlaatlng liquor," This la not an offense under the lewa of Texas. The operatian of the motor vehlale must be while upon a public road or highway, or upon a rtreet or alley wlthh the limits of an lncorpozwted alty, town or village. If the lioeruee, after having been given notioe of the hearing and of the &ergo, either velves further natioe thereof or vaives tha hearing, doubtlesm he could not thereafter 8UQOeaB- fully attack the proceedings in theee partfctiars. The form f-545 mmmble Homer Qarrlron, Jr., hge 5 miver vhloh you have 8ubrLtted 18 adequate for this purpore. : No particular forms ere required In these proceedinga , .’ i a, vlth the suggertions we hbve made, the onea eubnltted by YOU, together vith the praaedure indianted, appear to be pro- .’ psr.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion