OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN r CDPmaan aoheol one-halfthere- at withoutan tat&ear ulted2tE on as state& the moon6 decisionof l 7731, countySahml vs* Mstrie% Traotersof rht ~00.8, in whbh ahe sw- 1 Chapter339, A&a 1935, that Seotian2 of Artiole , lat 0. a., pa 259, ch. f, Aats 1929, 4lst LogUt- worn to be aan8truod to- gether. The%6 &.Ut6, Of course,relateronly to tha eh8ng* of bouadaz4eror detaohlngtozvf,tory from schooldletriota a* 15mltedby the plwrlslonnthere5la set Qut. rrQvfrlaa18 made for the aonmlidatlonof eoamncm rahooldS.strlota, cam- man county liao dlstrlotrand independents&o01 dfstrlote ._ , : Sonortnble IkmnanPPickele, Page 2 by Article 27&h, 3ectlm 5b, VernOnksReoissdCivil stat- utes, and Articrle 2806, Rwieed Civil Statutesof 192!5+ SeatLtmfjb01 Artlole2742b, 6upra,rolateato th* OonaOli- daticnof rchcoldlrtriotsby eleotion&&adplwvmw that they ehallbo oonduotedinthenwnerprea~bu%by~eaersl lva in Article2806, RevisedCivil Statutes,1925. wrthave Qatuiarad carem* pur opinionrequest snd tbaproBlsanthem3a&wesented. slaoe la have been uu- able to find auy at8tutergauthurityfor the prceedureout- linedand r~ated, it i8 th oplnlanoi this depwtwnt that the quo&&m w hove shted must be ansvemd in the negative* Ycure very truly ATTORSEYos66RALOF.TaxAs i
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion