mar SenatorD&emyt
Your lettar oi Fe0
abcm atated,La aa to11686
trol to foil
axlppooe that the
the ea8e of .rpot
the total amottat or znotwy
traot or8.r er 8poQ pumh8me ordm
1 mat to follow tam prowhremt-
oprnionwould aasti -xtobmme
ytnufmbleToEDOI)B~~ - page 3
a ONP frtrasr OpsniOnOouldbe takea,d &ouliibe frlrarain
ww OpM O$ d&aUlf, WI fhe crrfent
Oh w reply &a the
dd8ulting contractor(uhethartm oontraot 8.mspot oont~aet)
and tba paroba8t~by t&a I5cw-defthe 5qpllss ~rdered~vtkero
me #aa rsy ba ptlrcrhured on the mwket. Morewer, if wch
~~plioe are oatuoll~ls~rehsedby the Uoard, then yeU okmld
f#&JAePnotify the~contr8atur of the ez6QSEtoet if StmIlwp-
p&&earif aq, an2 that the eontra.etcr vcmld be chr~ed rith
mtoa esM88. Srmb proeedurewe~ldcppewtobootanWhu~
mt OBIly,ana shmaldwith proprietybb fOllcvedTinall otwbdl
oi doaulf .
Imar qa45tien3 ia not 00 emSly amsverod,t@
XXIall inetanuaswhere maw b&de are t&an aul the
~oxoo8sd5fference,ifemyI hsaebee~~chnrged to the arzQ$nal
6en$CMter, there arlsas 8 I.s.abiutyoa tha part es the OOOI
tmaatw upcn his tarn cantreut or bin epot-yorobuso awtrwt
for mauhditYerwce, aad no alfioer c~.boamtof tha Gwern-
m8nt may roleaso su& liabil%ty.
Xf,'$,n su& 6 caoe, however, the amwnt of uueh d&f-
imnce in uost of 8upplier by way or unwed lMdl%w ta
the oentraotw~e liabU.%tyio 50 Owl1 86 that inuoprnwDl7 tb0
co8tibso~wy tea preparatlcnrodonbmlapieoof them&&or te
W Attorney Wmex'al f'~rOmthn wouZdes6eedthe amtW8thYOlYO8,
tJmI* it is the opJaionefthis DepartmatyourBoanl dmuldtmt
innrrr U&I cost, and uhc~l& rrOt mbdt the amtiter tc the AttorWy
Peaeral for aathnat oil. DA thir aeuneotion, we vauld odd tWt
whexw them B~YO been rerpertod &&au&to br 8 omtraoter8 and the+
wegate at ouch cuper-ulbodlllrbility wmld esooedt-hocoot of
p*epar&g mid. uubudttf~ to tbs Attorney Uenewa1 a utatweat ef