Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

HonorableFrank Wrlght CountyAuditor Fsnnin County Bonham,Texas Dear Sir: opinion NO. o-3669 Re: Doea the comniseioners'court have the authorityto donate to a fund sponsoredby an Ameri- can LegionPoet for ths purpose of purchasing~~pulmotor? Your letterof June 2, 1941, requeetingan opinionof this departmentupon the above stated questionhas been received. The courts of Texas have repeatedlyheld tbet countycomle- sionere'courtsmay exerciseonly such authority~8 is conferred,ex- prfiesly or by impllcrtlon, by the Constitutionand the etatuteeof thla state. The authoritiesto thlpleffect are 80 numerouewe do mt deem It neceeaaryto cite them. In OpinionNo. o-1001,this departmentheld that the oomis- slonera'court does not have authorityto donate countyfunds to the AmericanRed Cmaa and other charitableorganlzrtlone. OpinionNo. O-591 of this depvtment held that the oommis- sloners'court of GalveetonCounty,Text, me without wthorlty to ex- pend countyfunds for the employmentof life guard6for the Galveston beach. There are ?dmy other oplnione of this &epertznent holding in effect that the countyoomal~eionere' 00~t has Ilo leg*1 authorityit0 expend countyfunds for any purposeunlees duly authorizedby l&w. After a carefulsearchof the authorltlee, we fall to fM PII~authority, authorizingthe ownul~sioners' court to donate or expendany oountyfunde for the above mentionedpurpose. Therefore,the above stated queetion Is respectfullyUmmred in the negative. .- HonorableFrank Vright,page 2 (o-3669) Trustingthat the foregoing ful4 rImwereyour inquiry,we Yours very truly, ., ATTOBNEYGE~LOF TEXAS By: AraellWilllm8 If3 ArdellWilll8.m~ Assistant AW:db APPROVEDJune 15, 191 Glen R. Lewie Acting AttorneyGeneral APPROVED opinion comuiittie By BWB chairman