, ; OFFICE OF THE ,AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS . AUSTIN Honorable Tm A. Craven Caunty Auditor McLerIn~county Waco, !i%xas DJar Slrll .. .. . _. : _: : 2 : :, i. : . . . . joaorabl&Toa\+. Craven, Page 2 on fhs basis of the population of said county, accordin;:to the last precodinq Federal Cenous; provLded that tie Co.mzsstonersCourt.3in said courA.ios are authorlced~tofix the naximm amma salary for th-nbalance of the fiscal year 1941 after tineefl'cctivsdate of thin Act on thz basis of the F&ernl Census of 19&O and th3rcsi'tcr ac- cording to the last preceding Federal Census; and declaring an emarseucy. ."BoIt I&acted By Tie LeSislaturo Of We State Of Texas: "S%ction 1. The CoimlssionersCourts in all &unties of Texas having a population of not less than one h-undredthousand (100,003)m.d not Icore ~.. . ,, i ~‘.,. :%han one hundre,d+@ n$nety t&?~sand.(190,000)'~ .. .,i: : l&abittitEi,ambording td &&last p'reccdlng'Fe& ; era1 Census, infixingthe~anuualaalarythat . .. 1 ~shallbe paid an dfficernamed In Section 13 of ~maptor.455~of the Acts of.the Second Callad Sea- '1 '. .. aton of 'the Forty-fourth.~c~Ssletlire,wheIiesuch:~ ‘..’ -.: officer'-a,salary is detcmnincd In cog@.iauca~vith :‘th.e,.lavs v*hiChexlst%d~on'August24, 1935; a&d Zs ,. I based-upon pogul‘ation,shall coq?uto and fix the: aalery of each of such officers at.tha mximuu amouutvhich could have beon ~tid each of such officers undor~the lavs exis&q on August 24, 1935, accordirigto the Pederal.Census of 1940 and thercaftor-accordLugto the last preceding '. i Federal Censusi provided thoCormlsoionero Courts ~' I In mid counties are authorized to.azend then presmt order,of said Court fixlr?zthe n&?Lmm '. snlarg,of said officers.for the fiscal goar 194$ frcn and afterthe offcctlve date~of this Act for the balmoe'of said fiscal year; accor&ing to the Federal Causus of 1940, and thsreafter ‘x2'-',~~.'~.~&..&t&&--p -the: .).estr.prace~.Peder~. ---y.-F.-.--- ..-- __ . Camus. - _~. A caraful oou..arZoon betvaen the cagt2on and the body Of this Efll ir&icatos a conflict betveon tiio~. The caption dcscriboathe I3511as: , : - . ,. .’ r:-“. _ ,82 DonorableTom A. Craven, Page 3 .,,~,:, :..;.~ ., This langun,gt3 Is, In 0~ opi~~-?ion;: pernLssSve,pur- : ': portingto confer upon the co~~~~lssionem~co+sntsof the affect- ,. cd countiesthe poirerend discr&;ion to.dotemino'the rzaxi~m salericsof county o~fica~~ within specified Units. Vebster's gstomticasl Dictio;urg defines "autho?:ce"to r&a "te clothe vith authorityor-legal poue~) to give a right to act." .'J!he body of the Dill, on the othor hood, gives no discretionto the comiissloners~ Court, but directs that.the officers salaries shall be set at the m?.xitm%prescribadby this Dill in zcandatorj lgsquage~ 1 “!?he Comlssions~s Courts Q 0 * shall eon- pute and fix the salaryof.each of such officere at the n~~fmii'awuut * * e." (&lphC~iS ours). .'I Such dSvw&!mce.betwee~ the caption &XI body'of the Act,. ;.i &j&s t&3 '&&iro''ActIiwallil, ‘63 ‘&lie&i,~ ‘ati’bein& fn +i&&ti’iri of A&icle III8 Section 35 ofthe Texas C@nstitut3m, which readst :' "Seci '35.~ Ro.bijZ,.(except gens&al apl ', -.propl?is'tion:~bills;.~hi~ . ... z?ay&brace the va-'.~'.... riouugsubjectsand accoimts, for and on eo- ‘c+rh...of vhlch,noneysare app?oprlated)shall " ti contain mope t.han.,onesubject, wh2oh shal3.be expressedin its 'title. But if any subject _ / shall be mbracod in an sot, which shall not be expressed in th6 title; such act shall be void only as to so.xach thereof, a8 shall not i be so exprassed." ?&e pmposa of such a constitutionalpro&ion ,lowells stated in the follonia quotation fron Coolep~s Constitutional bkltations (7th Ed.), .P.2C5, vhieh ~33 quoted with eggOVa in Eevnon v. Wilm~.~son, 103 9. W. 656,et P. 6571 w4 4 4, Xt hoe bson held by the courts that vhen the oxpr~s vtirbltige of cl~chtitle llults arxlrmtrict3 the ptuqs~o of’the bill, ACm'eTtto J.~@.,&jt~~rs? any.acc-J>ia O~~C,“W~SB in SW% bill DSCi pPB3CS':b.Od, fk',?Z iC illOX- aws of the lq$slative~power, cud th-zte law subject to th5.scoql8int lo unocnstitutlonel. Uard Cattle isPastwe Co. V.~Csrpentar,109 r- %3x. .10~.~.203 Sr..Wq .521333x.Psrrt@.De swvia,..'.' &3'%k. &. R. 635;229 S. W; 5425F!iLton ,.:’ . . ._ . . .. ve Ry. Co., 13.9!i!fsX. 455, 283 S. I?.4.!5; GulP' &odilctionCo. va Rmrott (Tax.~Cqi~. A2g1.)2% :., .. S. W. (2d)'389:r)ltterv,:Boxar~Co.:(T$x..Con.': ‘. : :. ; (2-J)l?jj, Apti,)13.S..y,.- issj ~~~1~~~~'~~~ State, 53 Zex. Cr. R:626, 31'1. S. U..?j6t Aclens~ V* H&or WbPk8 co., a5 !ikx.~465, 25 23;U. 635, .’ 606," ‘fnweiuch es tha vice hherwinribwe Indicated goes to the vary essence of Rouse 0113 3~. 518,it 1s our q&nion thatthe seme 13 uncm,natitutlonaltmd void in lta entirsty.. Yours very truly
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion