Honorable Homer Cfwrlson, Jr., Dire&or
~hqu&ml& of Public sasety
mstln, Texas
We are in
in vhloh you re@es
qgestlon oontainsd
of the Fort$w&sventh La&la-
' LltelaseLav. Artlale 2# Seatlon
"2. &QP pel’8Oll VhilS driving OF OMrSting
8ny road mschlne, farm traotorr or lxuplwnt of
Honorable H-r t#aldSOP, Jr., Dlreetor, Page 2
hu8bandFy temporarily operated or moved m a
8na y vehlole
8 uri
in a n emer g eno y ; l + l
We ootloe that the phrase %mporar3.ly operated or
moved on a highway" 18 not defined in Howe Bill 20. There-
forG, said phrase im to be given itllOcQmnonand ordinary
m. We believe that in u8ing 8uoh phra8e~fihe.mLs~e~ature
intended for it to mean the aam4 ar it me8n8
Vehlolo ROg~8tr8tlOn LaV, Art1016 66750. Artiole 667~lq
plWidO8 Ib8 fO11OV8t
“(q) gJ 'operated or moved tentpomarllyupon
thG -898 18 -t th0 O~X'atlOllOr 002iYea
ktveen different farms, and the operation or oon-
voysrme from the ounerP'8farm to the place where
hi8 famproduoe 18 prepared forPurrketorvhere
lame i8 aOtWlly marketed and MXX?IL'
In your -80 the fans traotor18 eponted temporarily
on th4 htghvay for purpose of hauling a trailer loaded vlth aot-
ten to the gin. Iti8 ouroplalonthattho&flxlltlanofthe
term 'operated or n~ovcrd temporarily on th&hQhv8yr* in Artlole
667%1 veuld aoverruoh operation a8 you dosor%be. The Amarillo
&Ul't Oi atvil m-8 in t&J 0-b Of BOPn VI. ReWb8, n 8. w.
(26) 737, stated a8 fOllOV8:
"Tb+3a@'OCId8tsteEWlt8hoW8 the fall
!Pheappellsnt l&v98 uponand operate8 a farm
Lubbock oounty and red868 aottan, feed, and live
rtook therGon. He ovn8 a cum-too.Fordtru&, vhlah
he operate8 frantimetot3metemporarlly on the
highvoylrOf the 8tStO ti tXWl8pOl't~ e@ttOIltroa
US farm to the gin, farm pNdUOt8 to tha oitp of
Lubbook, and materiel thereiran to and for ~841on
hi8 farm; but the truok ir operated aad u8ed OX-
olu8lvely in OaMsotlOu tith the bWb.bO8e Of th#
farm. He did not register the tNok or pay any
lloen8e fee thereon for the year 1934.. Ths appml-
lees me engaged ln enforoing the law pertaining
t0 the OpW6itlOn Of motor VehiOlW On tao~bigans8
and threaten to arrest and pronecute appellant or
his driver of the mmhlne for the vlolatlon of the
18~ if he driver,the tNOk u;panthe h%@lVayS W%th-
out paying the reglrtratlon tax.
*Artiale 6674a-2, Vernont8 Ann. Clv. St.
in 80 far a8 material to thl8 appeal, provldesa
%very ovner of a motor vebl.016,trailer or 8eml-
trailer used or to be u8ed upon the public high-
vays of Ws State, and reh ahauffeur, 8hall ap-
ply 0aoh year to the State Highvay Dqartment
through the County !l!ox Col.leotorOf the County in
vhioh he l'O8idOSfOl'the I'egl8tl'8bloIl Of Oaoh 87.&I
vehicle ovned or oontrolled by him, or for a
ohauffew'8 llcen80, for the emuing or ourrent
oelemlaryear orunexplredportlonth8reof;pro-
vided, hovever, that owner8 of farm traotors, farm
trailers, few-se&-tnller8, and implements of
husbandry, operated or moved tespomrlly Upon the
h%ghVapi Shell not be required t0 Fsg%Ster 8UCh farm-
tractors, farm-trailera, fem-semi-trailers, or
ilE~hilGIlt6Of hU8bandry.'
'The t&greed8tatspranfOf faOt8 8hOV8 that
appellsntts tmrok va8 used exolualvely in oonneo-
tlon vlth the b~8ins88 of hi8 farm end m8 wved
.and operatedbuttez%pcMy onthe highvajre and
under the fnterpretatlen of artlale 66754x-e b th8
Supmae Court in Allred VI J. C. BnglsDsan,TX&e.,
61 3. W, (ad) 7?j,91A. L. R. 417, the tNtlk vw an
tion feea."
In the above qwted oa8e tha mart held t&t the u8e
of a truolcfor purpoee8 of hauling ootton from a fana to a g3n
va8 Opfmbtfmg tempOwily on the h%@vGyE of this stat0 tithin
the rorning Of the lW&8tr+StiOU StatUtO. It 18 OUF Op%ZdOIl
that the same rule vould be applicable in interpreting the
definition of suoh phrase a8 used In Rouse Bill 20, the nov
Drlvern4 Lloemse Law. Youtrretherefore mlyisedtbatin our
opinion the peroon you Fnqtimiiabout would not be required to
obtain a dr%ver~~ lloense"In order to opewte ln the 8tamer
you dercribe.