OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Claude A. Wllllame,~Page 2 We are informed by letter from the State Treasurer that separate book aooounts are maintained upon all of the various funds administered by the State Treasurer, but the funds themselves are oommlngled. After the various State depoeltoriea are seleoted by reason of their having qualified under our ttatutet, Arti- ale 2632, Vernon's Revised Clvll Statutes, provides h&v the funds may be deposited by the Treasurer. Artlolt 2532, supra, mada ln part as follows: *After the dtpositorler have qualified aa provided in the preotdlng ortiolte, it ahall be the duty of the Treasurer to depoalt the funds belonging to the State In suah dtpoal- tories, an far as praotioal on a fair peroant- age basis, and shall at all timea keep euoh funds equitably jxorated in proportion to the amount whioh taoh la entitled to rsoeive by drawing warrants alternately thereon, or by apportioning the warrants 80 drawn." The offloe of the Trtaturer now handles all of tit funda plaotd in its hand6 In the name manner, inoluding the Gtnrral Fund, the various apeoial fund6 and the trust funds, rush ae eaoheat funda and unemployment ooapentation funds. J The office of the Trtaaurer has cainted out to us that should that offloe be required to maintain rpparate bm aooounte for the Various fund@, that whop nbank cenda in a group of warrants to the FrtasUWr for payme+ and theat warrmtt ware drawn on mare than one fund, tht Stats Treaturtr would be required to draw at many drafts in payatnt of the warrant am there were funds agalnmt rhleh the rarrantr were lrsue& Subrequent to the tnaetmant of the State depository laws mentioned above, the 44th Legislature enaottd the Ttxar Unemployment Compensation Aot , whioh bar been amended by the 46th and 40th Seesions of tho Ltgialature. The 47th Leglela- turt amended Beotion 9 of the lot in some reaptots, but rt- enaottd the rtatute ortaflng thla fund ar found in 8. B. 4O@. ArtloLa 5931-b. Vernon(a Rerl8td 01~11 Statutst, Beotlon 7, nor reads in part-i?tbfollowmt Honorable Claude A. WIlliamis, Page 3 asto. 9. (a) E&ablIshment and oontrol: There Is hereby emtablltahed~aea swnd, separate and apart from all pub110 monies or funds of thin rtate an Unemployment CompensatLon Fund, whioh ahall be administered by the oommlt- slon txolutlvtly for the purpoetr of this aot . . . WStotIon (b) Aooountr and deposltrr The State Treaaurtr ahall be treaaurtr and tiuatodlan of the fund, who 8hall admlnlettr euoh fund In aooordanoe with the dlrtotiont of the oonuuleelon The Treasurer rhall maintain wlthin~tht &d'thrtt ttparate aooounta: (1) a oltarlng ao- oount, (2) an unemployment trust fund aooount, and (3) a benefit aooount. All monies payable to the fund, upon reotlpt thereof by the commission, ehall be forwardrd to the Treasurer, who &all lm- mediately deposit them in the olearlng aooount after olearmoe thereof, all other monies in-tie oltarlng bdount ahall be Immediately de- l posited with the Seoretary of the Treasury of the United State8 of Amtrloa to the oredit of the ao- oowt of this State In the Unemployment Trust Fund ,.-. . monies In the oltaring and benefit6 ao- oounts may be depoalted by the Treaaurtr, under the dlTtotIan of the oommlselon, In any bank or pub110 depoaItory,in whIoh general fund8 of the state may be depomlttd. . . . The fitattTrgaa- urer &all be lirble, on his of flolal bond, for the faithful ptrformanoe of his duties In oonnee- tlon with the Unemployment Compensation Fund pro- vided under this Aot. Suoh llablllty on the of- flolal bond ah&l1 be eff’eotlveImmediately upon the enaotmtnt of thie provlalon, and such llabll- Ity shall exist In addition to the liability of any separate bond existent on the efftotlve date of thle provielon, or whloh may be given In the future . All ~*UIOreoovertd for lorate euetalned by the fund ehallbe depoelfed therein.* These ttatuttt havlrq been enacted after the enaot- ment of the Btatc depprltory laws Rnd In view of the express language of the leglalaturt that the unemployment fund be gstabllnhed ae a speolal fund, separate and apart from all . Honorable Claude A. Williams, Page 4 public monies or funds of thle State that 1s in itself suffl- oient evidenoe of the Intention of the legislature that the' Treasurer of this State Is authorized to handle these funds a8 dlreoted by the oommleslon and not In aocordanot with the general laws of the State upon the deposit of State funds. After the Informal meeting attended by representa- tives of the Soolal Security Board; representatives of the Texas Employment Comptnratlon Commlsslon, members of the Treasurer'8 offloe and a member of the Attorney C+eneral's offloe, the Supreme Court of Texas deoided and rendered Its opinion In the oate of Friedman v. Amerloan Surety Company of N&w York, 161 S. W. (2d) 670. At page 580 of this opln- Ion the court said: *The money hart Involved Is not the property of ths state In any oapaolty, but Is a trust fund to be held out of the State Treasury, but In the hands of the State Treasurer as Trustee, for the benefit of a olaes of employees whose employers pay It In by virtue of a tax levied, the tax being In the nature of an exolse tax." The Supreme Cowt thus raid that these funds were to be held out of the treatury. It evidently understood fully the tffeot of that language for It also said that the Treasurer was only'tht Trustee of the monies. In the FrIedman oate the court followed Its opinion in the oaet of Manlon v. Lockhart, 114 S. W. (2d) 217. There the oourt held that the funds were trust fund6 to be held by the Treasurer as ourtodlan. The epeoiflo dtslgnatlon of the unemployment funds by the ltgitlature and the admonition as to the tetablIehment of a separate fund to be held apart from all pub110 monies of this etate olearly differentiates these monies from the general and speolal funds of the state. The letter of Mr. llltohellattaohed to your request directs our attention to Section 303 (a) of the Soolal Seourlty Aot. We see no reason to consider the appllcatlon Of this Honorable Claude A. Willlams, Page 5 etatute for we have no Information that the Texas Unemploy- ment Co~ptneatlon Commleslon has fAlled to comply with Ite requirement. We notlot that Seotlon Q(b) ae enacted by the 47th Regular Strzlon of the Lkglelature oontalns the ?ollow+ng languaget 'All moneys in this fund ehall be depoalt- td, admlnlztered and disbursed, In the same man- ner and under the ,eame oondltlons and requirements at la provided by Law for other sptolal fundr In the State Treaeury.* This language wae not In the Aot until thin aatndment beaame effeotlve April 24, 1941. We do not believe that 'Itwae the 'Intentionof the Leglelature to alter the oharaoter of the unemployment funds at thle time by thle language. On the ken- trary, we believe that It wae Intended to advise the Treaeurtr .to uze the zame zafeguarda In prottotlng these funds ae Ie used with state funds. In view of the other language uetd In cat- ting up this fund It dose not appear to uz that there waz an Intention that the unemployment,monIee be oommlngled with epeolal or general ?unds.o? the State. 'Ae examination of the deolelon In the Friedman oaze and of the pe*tlntnt statutee Imprtssea upon UE the aonoluelon \ thz> the State Trtaeurtr Ie authorized and dIreote$ to tztabllrh -bank aom for unemployment oempWiha- \ tlon fundr. We realize the extra burden this will plaeo upon ~-_-j the Txqtqr, but It Is one IHpoeed by the Leglslaturo. Yours. vtrr truly APPROVED AU@ 16; 1941 ATTORNEY GXNr;BALOF TEXAE (Signed) Gerald C. Mann ATTORNEY '3EiNEBAL OT TEXAS By (Signed] Yorrle Hodges Norris Hodges MiIIreJ Aseletant 4)WOVED OPINION COYMITTEL By BWB Chairman OK ORL
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion