Board of Blreotorr
Tsrar Oollego of Art* a IIulwtr+w
AttontionI notmrt 0. Lomardt
lmre look up the sot ohmg-
thlr rohool in 1929 UlA the
mud Of DiMOtOM ud d-
8 a8v membwm 8hould take OS-
fn 1929 the 41rt kglrl8ture ahal& the n8m8 and
organltatlon of the 8outh Texu @tat* Tmoherr Oollege. A&r
;1929,hht bgi8latUF8, R8@lbl' Ikrritm, p. 627, Ohapter 286.
The rohool Va8 renamed, Th8 %XB8 0011.68 OS h-t8 urd fndW-
Board Ot WMOtOP8, -0 2
tioa to the but108 of hi8 afflae. B8ah aen-
ber’of the Board 8u take the ooadltutloa-
8d oath of offloe.. %he 8ald BoU'd of dire~toF8
8hol1 =08t iOr ~th0 fti8t ttU &ftOr the p&88-
~II@of thi8 rot st the t-0 8ad plaoe de8%@8t-
ed by th e Oo vo r no r , l8 8009 after their appolat-
IOat U pO88iblO. .They 8h8ll orgullse by
eleotlag l P M 8ldea t oi'88ld bouvLoi dlreo-
W:,:" 8& other otti0.M U they arrJde-
. They dull 8dOOt a m8ldeat ror the
001106e U 8OOa U 088lb;, ztz: Orgsal-
UtlOn of the 88ld Lard
. 8hill.3.~ hi8.t.~ Or Orf%ti,.dU h&i S-W ..
md de,%~'hiD dutier. The Worldeat of the
Oollege -1 b8 th8 lxeautlve oittoer t0~
th. bosrd oi diMOtOP8 sad 8hll Vork uadw
tholr dlreatloar. Bo 8~.reo08mnd the
plm orgsalmtlon, sad the appointrunt or
e@oyeer of 8tid Colb60 and &all h&T. th.
ooo&mratloltof 88ld b0Ud of diMOtOr8 &ad
rhall b8 rorpoorlblo to uld bawd for the
8flOr 28UW6
ti UO~tM d 8000.81 Of 8tid lOl-
!ege.= (Underroorlng 01~8)
aeotion 5 readr, in part:
Board of Dlraatorr, page ;j
"Uhqlag the Jtuaqement of the South
'PO=8 8trtO ~U8hO~8 cO~860. At the bO&l-
ning Of the 8tlhOO1Y.u. &kRttIdQ fil'8ti?~
-tOP the &I888860Of thi8 bill. the OontrOl and
maM3ement of the South Texa8 State Teaoherr
mlege rhall be diverted out o? the Board of
Regent8 of the Tour State TOaOhOr8 College
and iuvertod in the bomd of Dlrratorr of tie
Tera8 do’ZlOg0 Of h’t8 Slkd IndU8triO8 88 WO-
aiklnl8ter the
to the law
of d8°UId the proTirloa8 of the ht. . . .I
(Underroorlng ourr)
The Aot, effeotlre nlnetr day8 after sdjoummont,
beoaaw lav au June 12, 1929.
On July 7, 1941, aOremmr OQaniel appolnted throo
nev member8 to the Board. Tour quertion 18, wh4n do there
nev member8 take o?floe? 8nd vixendo their torm8 expire?
A8 ve raid in opinion lie.O-2805;
"It hn8 long been th8 ad+100 Of thi8 Of-
floe that vhero the bglrlature ?ixe8 the
length or a term o? 0rfi00, but do08 not pro-
rcrlbe the date for the begiauiag or the end-
/- ln.gof the torn, the bo of the term
date8 fPOl8th8 -tit8Of ~Ow~=t.
: .Repol'tiad o$lalolu or the Att
1914-16,?ago 7361 Rof ort and T0ll8
Cp Of tii0
Attornq Oonoral, 192 -26, rage 344~ Report
and Opinions of the Attorney General, 19x-
32, ?%gO8 364 slid3703 n8pOrt md opinion8 Of
the Attome Oenerel, 1932-35, ?ager 328, 568,
506; Royrton v. Orlffln,42 40x. 5661 22
R.C.L. 550.m
And ln 56 Corpur Jurlr at page 966, it 18 provided:
“The generealrule 18 that, vhero no tlm0
18 fixed by the Con8tltution or rtatutes, the
term boginr, in the o&re of eleotl+e oifloerr,
on the day of eleotlon, and, in the oa8e of
Board of Blreot~oM, pag. 4
appolntlro o??loer8 on the date of appolat-
Beat. lkrtit.18 OBir Vh.F. the COMtittltiOa
or 8tatUtO frill t0 prororlbe WhUi the teF8
of offloo 8hrll begin thrt it begla8 0a oleo-
tlon o r lppolatkeat.’
The reoordr of the Ueoretary of 8txte reveal the
flrrt alae umber8 vere appointed by tie Ooreraor for the
followlag term8 ~qly 3, 1929 (8ee latter dated fir 3, lg29,
?ror Gtyeranrbm WaoaJ to Boaoreble J8ae Y. JW8llm, 2eare-
tq of mati):
noberg, R .1.
worthu~gu8 8..
8toaer Nr8. W. R. L.
Fore, &am
Boone, -8. 6ordoa
Olll, laaar
::::: xlllam, 0. Y.
SpOOIkt8,Itr8:L. J.
La8d*r, Ed. a.
It Vlti b8 aotod that ti
O? th. aigbd it!&. rir-
.b er
o fi
?imBo ud
vu0 lppolateb 011Bar 3 1929, ar prior,to
the e??ebtlredate of the A&t i Jlpiu3R,.hg. ~aba8eqlieat~,'. '.
ve mar not app%~ the general awl0 that ~Irheathe tlu of be-
6iallb6 OC eZtdia#18 not 8tat.d a t.m -8 irOB th0 &4tO Of
the fiF8t anOintMat.
I? th. &618l&\PO in UWta m$@ u HO. 893
muiiferted it8 intent it 18 our dutt to ?OlfOV that inton-
tioa. The general rule that tom8 Vlll Pus 8t ooa8eout~ve
latervalr from the date of the fb8t appointmUd 18 applloablo
OtiJ VhSn the &6i8htUM hU aOt 8JBOO%?kOdOth8FdlO.
Air 8tdbd in &Om 1. JtdlO&, 86 Ark. 555, m
II. Y. 9901
"The tOX'UbO6in8 aOt ZWOO88U1lr OX&th.
date of appointment, iut ?rosrthe tiu fiud
br the lumakerr for it to be&la.'
Board of Dirootorr, p86e 5
The oa8e held that under the olratnrtanoer the term
of the trurtee8 of Ilrkarrclar
gtate Charitable b8titutioar be-
gan on the effootlve date of an Aot oreatlng a aev board of
In our oa8e there are three pO88ibilitiO81 ,The
term8 of Dlreotorr of the Toxu College o? Art8 1 Indurtrlol
may run from
the date of the til'8tap-
polnti12tJNa~ 3 -
(2) June 12 - the effeotire dnte of the
aot of 1929; or
(3) ISeptember1.
8eotlon 5, previously quoted, prorider IA.& the ooa-
trol and mmagemeat of the old South Texu &ate Tea&err Col-
lege rhall pa88 from the Board of Regents of the Turr gtate
Teacher8 College to the net Board at the begladng of the
8Ohooi year, 8eptembor 1 after the parrago of ~thebill.
&'tOr OarO?Ul ooaridorrtion it 18 our Opinion, and
you are 80
advlred, that the latent of the kgirlatrrre Emi-
'fe8ted.l.ngootion 5 of the &t creating the TeXar Oollbge of
kt8 & &dU8tl'ie8 18 that tw tOl'R8Of the OC&iIIAl ti8 mm-
.berq.began on t+p$enber 1, 19@3, an4 ea4,ed,aooor$$g to the
'leiigthOf t&fir appOb&tiat8 in 8Ub8OqUOnt JOhPr on th0 318t ” .
day of AugUrt,
The. tom8 of all vho.hav8 and vlll ruoaeed them llko-
vlre vi11 begin on September 1 of the fear and end - 6 p-8
later - on Augurt 318t. ft 18 illOgiOa1 to a88WO that the
term8 of the Mreotor8 rhould begin at a tine prior to the date
on vhloh the7 may legally a88ume the dutler of their offloe.
It 18 therefore our opipion 6ad you are rOopOOt-
fully advl8ed that the term8 of the aev member8appointed w
the Oovernor to the Board of MreOtOr8 of the Fe=8 College
Board of Dlreotora, page 6
of &t8 & IInh8trler will bogla on #optemb8r~tt rrrdthAt u
t0 @ll dtMOtOMhi~8 tOndrutili& this mu, &#Wt fl8t u
be the explrrtloa date of tholr termof offloe.
: ., ‘- ... ,. . . ._.
. . . ‘.
. : _:. >.