OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN f ~010 ZVZ of thb Qoa8tftutfoa dbo&wu ahnil hold or a&lre ES bhr th8a oab olril Of$iOb of bmd‘ta- TVthat of ;TuBt10. of Pbaoo, Qoantr Honorabie hank B. Lloyd, pig. 2 .~ The or.rIoa or cloudy aoml8sIoner being speolally wroeptad In thI8'SeotIontha oaaa stated by you does not oome +lthin the prohlbltlontharaoi. Thera 18, howaver, another prohibitionagainst duel, .orriae holUIngpredIoeted upan the inoompatIbIlItpor the re- ~speotireoffloem, whathsr suoh orrio oqaa wIthIn the axpro p,roh.tbItiqpS$~&aw dr nbt; Who prohIbItIonot suoh dual orrio. holdIng w~th'~bi~ot'to~ino~~tIble offioaa is grounded upon the 8oundr8t'publI8policy and 18 w6l.lentablishadIn the daol- 8Ion8 of thi8 Z&at& See Blenoourtf. Parker, 27 T&x. 558s IStateT. Btiakaahorr~ 66 Tax. 45.t Thomas f. Absmathy Oounty Ltno Indo enbutt 6ahool DiettrIat, 290 8. ~W.,l52;8tato Y. Martin, 51 8. w. s 28) 8s 808 aho our OpInlon Wo: Q-2640.whoraInwo abrirrod'upbn tha.authorItWOf 8uoh'doaIlrIOnilthat tha 9tl$es8 of Justloo OS the Peaoo andCountp CORDOI~SIOB~~ wera tneompatible InthI8, that the OonrmiasiOne+s~ Court Ia required by law to ap- proro the.aooduntaor JustIoe8 'oftha.Peaoo r0r roe8 in orblndt aotions. A oe@eful madIng or .thotiok oradioatlonlaw,~(E.B. lfo.77,. Qh. 53, PIrat &llad~See~on, &lab Lag181atur8k;oolr-.oon- ~iinoo8 us that the dutIb8 or the LIventook Sanitary Cotissbn mombsra and ot.tho member8 c$ tho Corina18sIoner8t Court ara in- oompatlbleIn thI8, that by Seation 5 of that Aot (anb llaawhera therein) the LIre8took ShnItsrJr~OmmIseIon' Is given broadspow018 with respoot to the exsrolse of which there Is Imposed upon the OommI8sioner8'Court of any oounty afreotod thereby the duty OS oomplylng and oooperatlngto the extant of oo.nstru~tIng or sup- plyIng,allneoeasary faoIlltIe8 for the purpose of dipping oattlo, horses, mules, jaok8 and jonnat under the 8upervIeIonof the Inspeotorsor the Lite8took Sanitary OonnuIssfon, euoh iaaflitiier to be furnished at the oxpenw or the County. The law thus praaorlbingtha re8paotive dutIe8 of. members of the Sanitary CommIs8ionand the County OommIsaloner8- the ona being prImam and paramount,the other being seoondary and 8ubordInete~nneoesearIly oreatee an Inoompatlbilitythat . . ..-. , 720 Boaorablo Prank 8. Lloyd, pago 3 would forbid one por8on holding and lxoroIai.n(& both OmOO8 at tho 8=. tiS8. fntr the80 OOlZ8fdOMtiOll8 ib fOuW8 that yourinquIry 8hould bo amwere in the drimdir0. row8 very bruly,
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion