OFFICE OF THE AY7’ORNEY GENERAL OF ‘TEXAS AUSTIN rianorrrble Stanley KulsvI.36: County AttcWn8y JM?:tt County c u9ro , mxas Defw six-1 opmar uo. 0-3!i67 Ret Wonld the gmWng of 1u1 easaleent, as otnltmated vitb the sale of land, by 8 C~S@iOlMBP t0 th8 OO\pltJ ior, atate ht$hlmy purposes ooastitnte a OFIJ&~M offense? Ye\u. reqnest ?or aa oplaim at this densrat trppcn the above stated qtmat%aa haa boea waelvad. If6 quote from your lettw 48 f&.larr Honorable Stwley Kulavik, Page 4 Ia the ease of Bland vu. state, 38 s. u. 29, zti VB~ held that a oounty offlalal may be removed from office fw of'fla~ alroanduot, thou& he baa not been oc.uvioted on sn indictment fop the offense alleged as gmueds for ranoval. Zp tieV Of the io~e~oin 8UthOF’it%O8 and the above ststed faOts YOu -9 r88mttul f 7 rdtised t&t it i8 the oplnldaorthi8 de~trartthrt~sbove~tl~trens- rotlbn violrter Article 373, vernoats Annotated Penal Code, md thrt 8ald b6nSWtica %8 void. It la our f'urthes opla- ion that the soneg paid to the said oaanni8sloneo vw Ule@l- ly paid to him and that it lm Ur duty urder &t&ale a340, 8Upn, t0 PtAy OV’W t0 hi8 ~OOUZkty til such mCUiOy ille@ily roaeivedbyhLn* with I'OfUl'Wk438 t0 ,tk8 19@ pPOO8dW8 t0 b8 fb~bW- ed,afterthe ar8eamntdtmd ha8 beanre~eord#dandpoidfcw, 38 8 atter to be determlnad by the eoloLc88ione~8* court. This depee8tent cPanot mske rugfpstions vith rsierenoe to the 8W. 'i'l'Wt~ttitth0 fOPOgOing~~8ZUWOl'8 JrollP $IA- @wP, ire - YOUl'8 very truly AT!P0mx!f oE!lmu OP TlaAS m Asdell Willl8ms As8%8tsUt
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion