Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

You h*n *tt*ohod to your letter e form copy OS euoh aaatraots and it rp:?rarstheroirom th*t the eontraat ia ror a ~484~~ ts*ahor to sorvb for a p*rtlaulax period ot tina, that he,will at.arli timer &ring said por%oQ ba rub- jaot to 4*u. by the Supnlntoodeat of Sohoo18, who rhould leaign hle d64ios in tha *vent biraamvioes ahoald ba mod.& Ttm salary irrfixed.and is payable isonthly. A8 w uzAderst8nQ, $36 onij que8tlon troubling you with roforanao to the oontnot ia whether a oontraot oen be ~ado legally for I reoervo teacher, Huwrablo Jeha R. But% Jr., Pa60 3 t&t4 18, Qa. who 3.84cD8*P1, only uimn orllrd upim to do m. OUP ualrwc bo yotlo iiT84 quo*tloR 411 Peqrehmd thia ntob- lomelolm. Aa t6 aar o%hu quwtlwe rtilohmight be reitmd w rhail aacliumo the oaatrea4 to be valid. It gWs ritheuS aaging that Ohm0 uo oooaUon8 la v&ionteaebua r lllo h o o lo are noawrutly ebuat troa ahelr regulu dutf~~, Worn illmws or 4th.r 4411408, 4u4h abewow aometlm b&&k&of oon8Nbnble dura4lon. The $m84wa ha*- fag th4 pew&~.40 4m~loy th4 r4@ulaP $444hos In the fire4 propor 8w ior and mea oim4raotr, *rw4m Waohuo~ awhy k l4 uo ( L la 4 0 le g a lly. Emy a pe~icm holding euoh a reecho t*aohw*8 aen- 4mo$ m4 b*ltwmlng owb tb4lea es am rdqtalrd of him w&u 4he b8roi8of 4he oonbhot b4 4oa*fd*roda tarotterulthla $he~ waning of-, bso csnrtlng 4lm Te80hor Ritirsmoa8 njrotae, king Astiolm 2922~li.Yuma*o Annotatoa Cl~ll Shabutsm? WOtiaprR l(3)e3(l),f(2), 3(S),ca.), &(a), 4(f), aat6(9) ol’ aa&4Aa4, nab 4(4),, *a*dbra 1. (3) Voo4hu~ rdrsllseam a pot- loa oap&*yo& on a trilltiao, rqulu 8al8ry ba818 by boudr 6i’~omma eohool diotrlobo, heardo of ladim~aMont mbool &106riote,oolurtysshoel houdm, BetlrmamatiJ at lh8uke8, Bete Boar6 et Xduaa- tiea ena ENate Depertxsent of Eduaatloa, boerd8 of pagan48 af o&lags aad wltuslti~o, ad any other legally somtltut4d board or egenoy of en eduae- tlfmol lne414u4ionor arganhation wpportcrd arbolly r4l)rby the mate. ti all oeaee o? doubt the Et rna*nt 8#rd of rruscew, twnlnefww w&a, ehell dater&n whathu 6 ptmron is a teroher aI deflw~ In ukls Aab. A iwaoher shall mom B person m,%d@Ffinrs wntw'to o~$aDfx~d publie edueatlon in ~wofo+UmaI aOd burlsee mIninlotratlnaand euper- *irloa and in laobmiotlorr, In publto eobaol.8as d*firud in Wmeo4foa (2) ef tblo Ss4thn," %%a. 3. ,Thaemmh4rohlpot eela Ratbownt System ski.1 be owrpes*d es followat "(11 AU paraaw who em toaohrs ou the date u Oq whioh the Fmtimmmat System io oetablteImd r 8hall be44~4 umb4~4 a8 et that d4t4 e4 a 4onditWi of their omplt?pRent tullaaowithin A parbd of DiDO- 4y (901 d8yo situ Sop%ambor1, 1937, 44~ such bomha~ shall flla with the S%ota Board of Tm8tew ,,. om a fam pnserikd by au&s Beard, m notiow of hi4 llaoticn~nob to bb -1 In 4ba w&wabif) af the %y&oim A&' 8~duly meat&a4 rrlvar oi aU prismat opaotive~ benaflW rblah would othemcie~ iawo :sr * on: aoootlat of hit pcptio1pattonin the wa- "(2) %4glaDiner*ptamtmr 1, 1938, Mb timra- 8rWr say ,kaoher traoblng far the ZW8t tiah In %xa* shall beaorrra mdmbes ot t&m Ratir4k4at %y#aakw a ooadltlQaof air~omrpl6~at. ** l . "(5) b-0 VfhQhu talt&htiI3ah0 Stat0 Qf kxos ID oaomkia~ ldth tb trmm at thirpaot, but wbb 18 not ia nnioa d\pin$ the yau tn whloh the Aoa boooarrafYaatiro rWl1, Who k04mes a t484?44r within two (21 rwP9 of the data 4~ wbieh thla Aat koome8 bftootiv4,and if h4 oonti8u.8 m wah few a porfod oi tire (5) oonemutlv~ ymre, b 4 lbltl8d to rewivm oP0Ult on4 nsultlng belle- flta Sar p~Ur-tnl+f~r u $wwidob ?a’ in %his Aob” ., "804. b. *(I) On&or au& ruloe end regulntioneas ths %%a%~ %f~rd O? TRubOao shell adopt each person who riao a teaoher, a5 %0fiaad in this &OS, at any 4lmo during tho y?u fmwdi~t0ly preoedlngthe retabllehaurnt of the ~fetrm, and who b44csma A mmmbu durlag the Ur8t pu of op0retlon of the R4tir4244ot 9y8t0m, orrrboi8 amembu et the be&I- aiag ore*+ who01 fear 1937-1938, shell rile a H040rab14 fQh8 8. Rudd, Jr., Pago 5 deWled a&deema6 of4llT048b0r80~zo0,484 teaohu, nnauaa by hlxaprior to thr a4t4 of 48Wbli8hROM of WIO Ra$i?aa~mt?ystea for whloh k4 alaim orMit.- "(2) phr,ElIataRoud ot Trust448 sh8ll fix ana d*timn3no by 4ppropriatOrul44 and ngul4tloar ha m&l 4uTlor in 4ay par I4 eqairaloat to ouo mar at a.X'T%w, but ia as 4480 4hallaon th8n oae 7ur or somxo~ b4 orraitabi4 r0r 411 ~WV~W ia on. SshQQl yaar.’ *(,, Subjoa0 to 8h4 4boV4 F48triOtio44 4x1& to sliala0th.t ml*4 4aa ngrl~tioor 44 tks st4tO me6 br 'h~1149404 844~ 4d0pt, * 5-34~ f344d 0t 'fmal$W8'8hallv~rie 4~3 ad&at, arr(I- as QE40- tb4 filixq oi rooh rtata~nts tioablo;af'tar of au~iae, 6ha 80rviOo *banin sl4lmd. ‘*(4) rtpoa adjustment aad v4rliioatioa of th4 4t4k,muAt4 or serT:se, th* %a%. Board or l%lt4t~*:#all Leau4 pri- to* o4rtlflo4844 eOtti~@'Oa weoh asnbor tba laa&h of T0x44 4uTtoo'ranu4zoa prlqz to tha aat et Ok6 .*ta& Uahaa# ot thm Rotlnae~t Sptbm, tith whiob ha I& oi+ditra on alo ?%iais or hi4 stat4a44t ei SUTf m. Ea long 44 qambOr8Mp 40ntiml44,4 ~~wu-T;o~ 0miri04a0 d8a 5 :f;; zd oeao~urlr4rer F4tdrom4atpup044 s#rvlM, provided, hOwOver, Umt my m4mb4r =4y, withinon. (1)Jar tramthaart4 of 144u4aa. or kctditloatiloa o? 8ueh 04rtiflo4t0,r0nqu44t tke iW&o Bear& OS Tru8tOosto 40dlfj or 00rrOot hi4 QSiOF-84FViO4QSFtiffMt4. %han m8ab6trrhfpemao8. suoh ~rka-4&vlo0 outsiflaa8s4hrU baoeaaomid. Should tka UT ployao~agalnkoara 4 emaber, a u o h l p u r a n ahall Ontor 8IiOsy4tre a4 i 4OsbOr not 4atltlOdto ~lOr-SaETi~ OMdit 4XOODt 44 QroridOdi4 COO- t&u$!J, 8ubMotion (j), Q4r8Qwb (b) of th18 :~+*a*6. Stat4 lkwd 0P Trust644. _.. ,m(7} S&bjaot to the llmltatiom of this Aot, th* State Board at Tru4bos 4hal1, from the to tfna, srtablfsb rtrlesaad n&ul8tion8 for 4li%l- bility o? xmabuahip and for the lddnlstr8tion ” :, J r -, 445 YPOW vhn% ww hove mid, it followe that In our opLaion.tho Bow-d oauld rule ee 8uwt.d ln your aaooi16 rnd focrr0bQuoetlQa*. Pow thltd qu8etfm oolmot bo enewu*4 mtdmr io a lly e enaewm~ ml t ver y eia o th looordlag to the eetent ett&e lo ttmlly putortoa $ Tek for e inetaaoo the holder of l reoerve toaoher’e oc&ot who lotuallp tiught tha vbole ym?P.~ Ae 8 anttw OS law, he would be a tmobor tar thnt pu,~ip ,rotls4 octd a you’s orrtlitablo eenioo, enU lf lb hqpened to ba 193647, it would onablo kfa to leteblieh priar mioe, *a6 the 84ud -oould not paerrl rule .whiahvould War it. 011the otbu hurd, lu~~oeo the poreon lmldlng l;beooatno% did noS rondoa-l *In&a day*8 aotual tinlo~ and She atrotum~neoe 8bouU inbloate t&at aa a wet- liarat mot 1t .-6 Rot 0@3tOW&tlOt~d thea ha should. IIt our oplalon l rul? oaulU be aada whloh rouU 6m~p hla statueee 0 keoher tar &Xl puxpo8ar dtaring thab year. Soawtmrm, af a reaeaaeble pUoe, kt#cn these lrtna@e tb Board MT d-w 100 llam. %a Ub not belier0 the Bawd he0 loet its pov6re efur*e8fd 00 So 6h8es various teeohue'by reeeoa of the toot I.