‘. F ” OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorablo M$ar A. ibddti county Attsmey Uneral lfells, Texas Dear SirI Es have the ?ollouin~'taote ity ot aner&l o 8 de4ignatad da- mohls* rraar Iho .- : . I) operations but .. (I oartltiaato trot8 on it hm the right to load and unload ~wwangrrs. 412 mtreete o? mid City and ltr aurburba. “3- .wThs-Cfty BUI) Cotnpany has filed au appll- oatlon nith the Comloaloners Court of thlr County, tar a per&t to oparat9 ov9r the pub110 roada lsadlng to map :‘ialterorr03 the city 0r iiinsral iJal.10,1i1 aooordanoe with the provisions or Artlola 6548 0r the RevviaeaCivil Statutes~ and la ooAtendln& that the Rail Road Coma~lssion o? Texas, haa no jurlsalotloA to grant a osrtli- Ioate ot oc~snle~oa md nweesity to the m&y Camp Bur~LiAr, ?or the mason that Artlole 911a sp9olall.y lxoepte ?mra the jurlsdlotion o? the Rail 901 Comlnrion operation o? bus Unos in l.noorpor 9 tea town8 and oitisu and their eurburba. It being iurthsr asserted that Cup kaltma 18 Fa ?&et a mrburb of the City o? UlAeral wells. *Xt is iurther OoAteAded that the Rail Road Cosrsli60ioA Of Texas belAg WithcUt juri8diOtiOA to grant a permit or osrtliloate to the Army Gazzp Bue Lines or Cesnp 38lterr Bus Line, and the car- poration not hating a ?Puiohlse to operate in the City of Z?insral Plalls, its operation8 are lllegql and in violation OS the peaal laws o? this State. "XA order that you sriy have a piature of the true phyaioal Iacts, we are attaohing a amp or plat retlooting the eituation oi leap *alters, rarlouu badness houses, uItkmpri8eu and resideAoer with reisrenos to Iiighway 80-A and the City Limlt8 of the City or tinera iVoll@, Teua. -In lddltlon to the iaota r9Toal9d by the at- taohod mop or plat, tha ?ollowlng anoontrovarted faots are asserted a8 shoring that Camp Walter-s ,'!onornbleyd’dearA. Xaadox, Page 3 end the area between Camp '%altere and the city lImIta o? the City of, ‘Sinera Xelle, is in raot a luburb o? aal4 City. *(a) The City e? IcIneral %olllr owna and maintains a water wofka aystex and sells and dls- tributea rater to ouetomere Within and without the corporate limits 0s said City! aa is under oontraat with the.Federal Go;OlrrnmeAtto supply all weter needed iA the operetlon and BUIiAtelLeBOe or caap wtere. "(b) The City o? WEineral Kalle oane Lake Ylneral ~:olls lying e&at and beyond Camp Valtora, and OWAEhAd aaintains a water line whloh paraer through Camp Yaltars a ndldjaoent to X&may 80-A. "(a) The corporate 1iaIt.r of the City of Mlinwal zells bats been lXtsAa&d 80 aa to lnoludo Lake Uinerel ivells &Ad the pipe line leading ?rom the lake into the City. "(d) The City of gInera1 We110 furniahsa and supplies water to Mary 0s the plaoes 0s bualne68, reeldsnoes and enterprl8ea aUJaoent to Rlghway 80-A, whioh are boated between Camp kfaltera and the City limlta o? aald City, at the same ratea promulgated an6 oharged ouatomero within the oorporate 1imIts of the City. *(e) Camp Falters, aAd ths buslnssa houses, reAfdeAO6B and other enterprirea adjaoeAt to EIgh- ray 80-A. and betweuA Camp Zaltera and the city U&its o? the City or Mineral R's118 are supplied telephone lerrioe through the oentral offloe of the Southwestern Bell Talephone Compmy. “(i) Oamp Walters; and the baolnear howea, realdenara and other enterpriaea looated a&djaoant to Highway 80-A and botweoa Caap Walters and the oity maits or the city o? xlneral well*, are 8up- plied with eleotrlo ourrent by the Terao Paru & U&G Company, through Its transformer atatlon looated wlthln the City llalta O? the City oi Lineral irelle, and the eeme rates are ohargad ._ 414 &onorsbla ‘2dgu A. addor, Pago & for suah rmvloe as ue pramtal~ted and ahargeQ to gnhabitants ylthln the oorpomte linits. ‘(6) The Erases River Gus Company furalehas nnd ruppllea arturnl gam to @mp Falters, and to the buafnars houses, remldenaer and other enter- prlaea adfaaent to Iti@.clway 80-A, and between Callip ::altcrs and the oorporate limits of the City of :%neral 'slln, and ohar~n the cm0 rate zmde to similar oustosers wlthlc tht aorporatw limits of tte city. “(h) The City of ‘&wral Della owns the land upon which Cazp Dallas (3mm ozx th:,attached mpj, is located, and furnishoe said oamp with water. said oamp is also furnished ~4th eleotrio ourrent by the Texas Power s: Ll@ht Company. “(1) Old Oamp mltern, the Natioaal Guard Caap of t!m 56th 5alvufy Brigade, lies between new samp Ealtere and tSs City, and la furnished and supplied wlth mter by the City, and is rupplia% with aleotrlo and telephone rerrloe in the rraae LpBsner as =1&wSam:, ~~~altsrs. "(1) The City of tinoral Wells lsased from the aunbrs ther,eor horde 10,000 to 12,000 aare or land, and then rublet to the Pedual QoYamaant the 8th upen whloh 6-p Walter8 1s aitaated, and the City of YrlnsralWell8 10 paying some j12,000.00 per annum ior raid levees in qzoerr of what lt lm rsoelrlng front the Federal Coounmeat for a sub- lcaee. *(k) The City or tinoral 'icolls. has OYQT l period of years uadertaken to extant3 ,to all btul- near houser, reriaenes~ anA othar enterprise8 lo- ented l djaoent to l3l@w19 60-A amI within the area now alleged to be a surburb of 8ald CSty, a water semloe, film Its pipe lfce extending fro4 L&e iEl.neml Polls into the City. WConslderln~ the rOrGE0in6faote we would appmclete your answer to t5e fol$owlng queetlonc~ 415 uonorable 'il@r A. Maddox, Page 5 “(1) Does the Rail Reed Costmlaalon of Tezaa, have Jurladlotlon to pent a oertlfloate of neoesslty and oonrenlenoe over I!lghway 80-A firm Xlneral "ells to Ca:ir,halter87 "(2) Under the toreaolng facts la Camp Yalters and the uea lying between Ce,ap !?alters and the corporate llnlte of the City of i!insrsl .' el~le, a surburb or s&A City, a8 a mttor of' law? Coea the City 3us Company by v:rtue "(3) of its ~ranohise frorl the City of .:ineral ;:‘9lls, have the right to operate over iiiehwa9 80-A to Samp Yialtnral O(4) Doe8 the Comiaaionera Cixrt or Palo F%nto County, Texas, by virtue or hrtiole 65l.8 of the Rerlaed Civil 3tetutse hare jurisdlotlon and anthorlty to i;ra~ltthe a~pliuetlon oi the City Bus Coqxmy for a perrdt to operate lta buses over M&wE~ &O-h, and other Public Roads to Camp WalteraT" Aa noted in your letter the Rsilroad Cotisslon grantsd a oertltlcato of convtmleme and nooeealty to the Army Camp BUG Line, presumably aftsr a hearing and having reached the oonoluslon that it had JurlaAlotlon. Art1018 : .,.. 9lla, Vernon*8 Annotated Ci+ll Statutee, plaoes motor bus oompnlea under the regulation of the Railroad Conaaisslon. A reading of Seotion 1 (0) shore that such a oarrlar la not aubjeot to repllatlon if It oparataa wholly within the llnlta of a oitg MA lte suburba. On the othar hand if any of lta operation 1~ outside the limits a? a oity or its suburb8 it ie within the JurlaAiotlon ai the Com- mlsalo~ and subject to regulation. Eenae, the anewem to your l.nquirSoa depend upon the question aa to whether or not the territory bOtWeeA the Caslp and the alty liwits of Funeral Xells la R suburb of such City. Yhile a aonaiAer- able part of the faots whioh you aubznlt t-3nA8 On ohm that it 1s such a suburb, it ln apparent that the Railroad Com- mlaalon thought eirfmOAtly after hearlw the evlAenoe on the canp 9118 Line a*pllOation. 43.6 ,?onorabls FAgaarA. mador, Page 6 Whether the road8 traversed In going fros the City of --gInera Xel.1~ to CeuspWaltera 11s rlthln the - suburbs oi the City is 3 questfon of tsat. Kenoe, we regret.our inability to answer your quest?one. .:e en- oloss a aopy.of.our opinion 30. O-2737, wbiob la somewhat aore elaborative ai OUT position.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion