388 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 38: tiOE.iW.rea ‘nado,pa$@ e agents, or othmwiae, for the aonstruotion ar re- paiT OS my bridge, TOaC, 6treet, alloy or h.OUaC, or any other work undertaken by such oounty, . . , shall bsooplainterestad in any bid or proposalfor surh woxlcor in the puraharo or rale of ax+hiog ma&o for or an aoaount 0r ouah 3ouJlty . . . or who ahall ooztraot r0r or rsoeiv~ any money or property, or the repreeentatlv6 of 6ith6r, or any amlummt or ad- vantage whataoevu in aouaidaration 0r ouoh bid, pmpoaal, aontraat, purohaso or 6616, hs ah6U ba fi;zrt:z 1066 than fifty nor sOr6 than biro hundred R . I56tifoatiy,th6 ;legl6latur6,in anartiag the at%., int8adad thawby to protoot QOunti66, oltios and town6 tram ~fl6ia3 peoul6tion. 3Juoh peau- htion was the etil nought to be aupprlraaod)and the ntatute strike@ at the veq root of the evil, by lnaking it an oftwas* for any ortiou of a county, city ox town to ba0oma interested peauniarlly In aattuo #hfmin apoh ~orpomhti~na tkm paounlarily m0r0680a. Tbs purpoos c$ aueh statute is to prerant oiYlola1 *rings* troa being fomeU an4 ag(nratedho pray apan the treaauxioaof aountloa, altflrsand tom61 to prowmE ,theorrioua or aplchborpomtions from’ualng t&s&r oSfioiaL kn0~164ga-4 influanae t0 thOiT individual peounlmy adrantags ln the flnanolal tranr- aoti0r.u0r such. The object6 of ths atatute w&M be but paztlally ~attainsd51 6ush offioaro ara to bo per- mitted to deal with their aor$oratlona in the rak and purohuo OS propaFty. . . In the Rigby aaao a uounty aommisaioner waa uonvioted ot selling a pair oi mu146 to the 00kiAtY. It ia our oplnian tibet -the objaots of the atatute would be but prtiallp attained” ii a county coma&erionsr could ~6611 his personal ssrvloas rather then his ohattela. iYeaa~ peraelre M r(uLao6whr a WuntY oom- tisaionu should ba pemitted to 6011 hi6 Labor or prof666fou61 service to hia county, aurd yet ba denied tho privllegr of aolling goode, ware8 and aerOhaAai684~ In the oaae of Coroutt v. Clay County, (Tax, Give Appoc 1934) 76 6. $. (aa) 899, suit was brought by a foram OountT 390 Ron. Palree WM, Q&$e 5 o o a sle*iolner Clas ua la st County to reoover 0595 alloge to be duo hla for the uee aS I truok cnne4 by hlr an4 we4 Sor the LIEdit Gr the 8OUnty*h&la he 1118s a 0OWSty~d8dOnOr Ot thst CGLuAtg.Both the trfsl oourt cur4the Court OS Civil &9- pssla Qenisd reoovery. Ye guot.4 et %engtihIron the opinion or JuzstlceLeello: “In 954 prrt OS the prt1t105 the rp@el&nt alloge that the tnaok warnueoA Sor thr baetit OS the oount]rwltb the kmwle&e aad aoqul*rcrmror OS the other member8OS thw oeurt. In l ?ousdng paragraphhe J&L(er t&et rinse the oourt qgrorb to the Justice or the &r&e in so far 8a the value or the wrvloer LB oanoenMl tha oln&m thrrebr beowao *aa rooctunt #tatod. Ittin&8lp - pew8 th a th0 t appellant wa8 attempting to rwwer a 5 lth*r a nimp l$ o*dr up r e*rmntWOtr T h *r o ~owldbr no irpli&AQommbt:for oontnot# &xe not lir4 la eontreventioa OS tha~lauurd~.pubUo i"piw* Yor tbe lme re8soa there wa8 no, uprem PO ’ 8oatamt. -A... 391 lntereated ik any oontr8ot ror the puroheae or 8ny dmt 0r order in the tmasumr 0r luoh ocunty . . . or or;yot&er dabt, claim em demand, aball be fine4 not lem than ten nor more Gn*tsor;ty timer thr naount of the order. . .* Drum ttcr,Soregoing, it is obviooe tbef the agpaltiant'caleSs, (LBaisolo~e4 by hi8 plosd- .,. LnfJ lo l@&lrt tte law a&4 pub110 polloy. Any oh~m on the part OS euoh pub110 orfloial thet redo upon any uharrotor OS oontraot batuson him- 081s ard the owzty tiiak he has morn to 8tme, IS ObnGXiOU4l to Sounb publlio POliOy aA ou@t 5ewt to b 6lnr o r o ed. :i%ether ba~la oS liability n8 arrerted by the pibiY&tirrr %aeh oleine, or purprte4 OoLtraota, are 4orxaentu9m raid en* uaeriSorc4abla. %xJc;eadeQ the prlaolple~or law involvedis u5500bamr~JI~ In aQ<lorito the authorl~lrr above oiOa4 -ioh ramant t&s ju&mrit of t&c trial uourt, the ,i ;:!.g Scllotirg &4d?tlonel authorltlrr are cited~ Enlppa vr Stertart iron \Yorka(Tex. Clt.,,Ap&) 46 b. YI.52.2;X3,C. Kesd, Ix'r, 0. 5~4 &faith, 40 Ter. 899; ME;by v. 3Eote l!VTcs.‘App. Ilb, I9 $9 X. 940; SOU COUtl jUUg*, Ve lrOrbUOk at al. ('Ees.cit. E 9.) l84 9. Q. slq Lo err' couot~yv. Bdrrardo,E06 Ey* 85, f66 8. li'. 819s keXa$n et al. t. XiillerCoaty 180 Ark. BpB, 85 8..w'.(ltd)664; %tate ax soi . Citimsa'Or fowreneeburg ve Pefkinaw, 159 Temaq 446, 1.)5. ma) a.* Ir'. In a letter oylnlcn to the county attorney OS YOUI& County thlr Qeprrtdnt he16 on July 18, lOSO, that oount oosmir~ionerr Oannot be paid an? o&m ooropulmation by ths'oeun i7 tor their 6cmices 4xoapt thet proriard b7 law for their ~enio~r SB oounta ooPisllesioner8avon tbou&i performingumo OS th* butler or a rod aqwnlnt&utr In view or the ebote suthtwltiee, en4 the rerronlng in support of the oeeea UlewasaeAend oiOe4 n agree with tho opinion readore by you oc April 15 ld ~~4 srddroaaret! to your aounty fudge, 009~ OS which yea! Surn~rhe4 ue: Itie our .-
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion