Honorable Tom F. Oolesmn, Jr
County Attorney
Angelfna County
LtUklni Texaai
reoent d*tr
Rule olty, tot.6
or the purpore or
The propoeltlon
I in th0 r0iioring
4 per oent per amnm and ts levy a tax mif-
fiOftBAt to py the interwt on said bon48
and create a AlAking fund 8tifbieAt 60 a!*-
dami them at nmturltg, for th* purpose of
oonntruoti% #tXWt iIll&WOVOAiOAtA iA 4Ad iOr
aala alty, am authorire& by the Conatltutien
aad law of the Mate of Tetar.'
&AOr4bls Tom F. ColttWn, fr., #e
*Slnoe the election for and the sale of the
bonda, thb Stat4 Highway Department of the Stste
of Texas b4s approaohed the City with a proporl-
tiOA ror the rt-routiag or 0. 9. Eighw4y Rmber
59 through the olty llmitr for the purpose of
relltrlng 4 oongtsted tntflo oondltion wbioh
txl8ts within the oltr limits. One of the re-
quiremsnte of the Highw4y ~p4rtmr~t 18 that ths
City furnieh all necessary right-or-war. The
route 8eltotsd by the El&m4~ Dtp4rtmeAt and
agree6 upon by the Cltl take8 in lxlmtlry rtrertr
whioh will bsrt to be widen86 and 4180 trator8e8
territory over wNoh no public or prlratr stremt
her ever been op4A4d or dedloeted. Sin08 the
Cit,ybae AO 8rallablr 8,pmial or general fonda,
other than the prooeeQ8 of the above nentloned
bond s4le, whloh it den lxpeAd for property
damsgo 1~ ooAAeotlon with the ride~l~g of ex-
Latlng etreeta and the 4oqulsltlon of new rlght-
or-rrajover territory where there doer not AOW
exi8t my ltretO8, it oont4mptittb the we of
a portion al ths proote48 or the above referred
to rtrert lmprovtm4At bontlrfor thls purpore.
*The question ha8 ari8eA a8 to whether th8
WidCdA@$ Or 8Xi8tiAg Strt8ts 4Ab tbt soqUt8it~OA
ai new right-OS-War 08~1be lA4lUdtd Within the
term 'Str8rt Iznprooemtnt*88 the 8eem war u84d in
the ordiAanot oalllng the eltotlon and in the ho-
floe thereof. IA this t0IUitbOtiOA,th8 aitg aOUJi-
oil Or the city Of LUfkiA S!dt A0 +Wpr888At4tiOA8
to the toter8 prior to the eleotlon 88 to what
streets would be improved.or ops~eb, 48 we8 the
east with the aouotg in the a480 o? Fletohtr T'.
ti. 811 nAd in the Oblb8Of Bl4olcY.
Bly, 88 8. lis.
StrsnSth, Wc6 S.W. 79."
Wa 888 fram tlm facrtrrtattd in your letter thst the
City of Lufkln at this time ha8 proosed8 of a 2100,000 bead
148ue arslleble to be uoed ror the purpose or wooA8truotlAg
8treet lmprorel4ent8iA and ror 84id oltf. It 8Qem8 that
~Aoreble Tom 1. Ooltwn, ST., p. %s
no tpeolflo str8ets were desifgckahted in the 8laatloA order
or notlae 0r aleotioA, and if the City C~S~SSIOA did not
PSS 4A LUdSX dtSl@l4tin(! SptOifiO Str84tS PXiOX to bh8
8~OtiOA, tbA it 18 iA #Nil: diSOP4tiOA t0 dtSi@tt8 th8
8treet8 where the lmprotement8 will be made. Blaok t.
Strength, E46 S.W. 79; Fletohar t. ELy, 63 S.W. (&I) 819.
The next qUO@tiOA erl@lng la wImthcr or not tb8 widen-
ilylOf SXiStiw StX88tS 4Ad the 88qUiSitiOA Or AeW right-Of-
w4yS oan be lnoluded wlthln th8 term *street improvemat* as
the 8tmt w48 used in the ordiJmsattoalling the lieo tlo tati
iA the Aotioe thereof.
ft is d,84WAtur that the fUAa@ duived frb3mthe 88x8
or boAd8 Emy not be dl+erted rrom the purp0*** 8pealfleA in
the proporftlon mbglitted to the t1c8t0r8. dr4A888 Oou~tt (I*
Colemw-Fulton Parttwo Company, 191 8.W. S6S; Reetlnmn f.
Slngletuy’l I.88.11. (Ed) 1503 BI&A* t* &den, g59 9.W. 804.
It iOiiOW8 thot where 8 dtgarturo iron the pzopo8ltiaa
lppeerin~ on the ballot paper is 8~lopA th4 only quest$on
IS Whether th t lXp8nditUE8 4OUt~&bt86 18 within OP without
th. prOpO@itiOA UPAA it8 tfu8 OOASt~OtiOA 02, UAd4X Our Q4t-
tieulu Stt Oi ibet WhrtbrX or not the wi48nlly Ot eXiStiA&
8treet8 bed the 44qnjsitlOA oi new +ighbOf-my@ rouTd b8 1~
olA8nt8l ll ~4oe884ry to the aoA8truotion 0r street l.mproto-
Dents. Ad4lUS'I.ml@& 8hd 8. w. 88%
~O~Sit1OAS to *hi@ End, it h48 bmA he16
by the Oourt Cbrt a brlAge ooartmoted. 0-r a rlvu at a leoe
lnterreotln~~4 olty *treat is 4 *street Smprormontw Wit h!A
the meenl.n~of a lew authorlaliq tihoormtlon 0r a bon&e4 debt
for SUOh iUprOTe~At6. Berlin Iron-BrlA% Oampmy v. Gltr ot
san Antonio, 50 8.w. 408, 54 Tax. Jurl8, 44E. See also bran888
oounty I. Colam4n-Fulton P48tUZW COmQRny 4&l AA4ms t. Mullbn,
The AttfWA4y haeral~s obfio~ ha8 held in aA OpiniOA
aittrnn by tilt Xonorable saott @4iA48, r0rau A88l8tent Al-
torney @4X4l, th4t road bod noney 81aJ be used in the toA-
StNlotiOA of tb4 prop4r drain8 @Ad ditah88 nkl8Amuoh br8 ep-
propriet4ly end lnoldantally aour*otod with th4 eoA8tm4tioA
See Oltr oi Be4umoAt, et ml. t. Prlddle,
.* 65 9. 8. (BA) 454.
Honorable Tom F. Oolemu, Yc., pa f4
This &qaXtJMAt b8 hala that "'aSU-tT 18 AtO8888XJr
in the eoquieltlon of a right-or-way" (Opinion Number O-969);
8180 tb4t *right-or-way 4gtAtS m4y be paid from the bond rti
(Oplnlsn Number O-1579) ; that wboml money may b8 urea ror
fenoing land eopuir~ for right-of-uep where bonds were voted
tor the purpo8e of puroharlns right-of-was for the we or the
St&t gi@Wey Deprtwnt iA building 8tit8 deSigMt8d hlgh-
w4ySa (o&d3iOA hmber o-w30) .
By 4A bA&OgJ Of rtt@OAiAg Wt bOileVe tMt rid8ning ai
StX48t4 8Ad SOqUiri~ right-Of-WAYS 829 AtO888A?y iAOid8AtS to
*tr**t lmpr0rtmnt*.
Therefore, it 16 OUT OpiAiOA th8t ii the Oity OOtAdS-
dOA fiAd8 thbt it 18 A808884Xy to vIAen oUt4iA 8xiStiA(l
StS88tS a#& 8OqUite 08W right-of-vAy8 for the pw A88 of mk-
lag atnet iSQTOV8Y48lltSIn ttn city 0r LUfkiA, 88PA bena moaof
may be lwplly trA8dfor this p~rpo88~