. .- Mr. V. C. Marshall, Administrator State Soil Conserva tlon Board 6th Floor Professional Bullcling Temple, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. i-3395 Re: Right of State or oounty officer peld on salary basis to serve as supervisor in a Soil oonservatlon district and receive pey for such srrvloen. 1 Your letter of April 8, 1941, ‘requests the opinion of this department upon the following questionr Would an off’ioer of the State or of a oounty, who is drawing a salary from the State dr fpbm’the county on a monthly baals, be eligible to Z%OelVe p&y iihder the provi- slona of the State So11 Conservatldn L&w fdr services ren- dered es a supervisor In e soil oonservatlon dlatrlct? Artlole XVI Seotlon 40, of th& State Constitution, es amended November 6, 1932, read@ es follower “NO person #hall hold or exerolse, at the seme time, mars than on@ Civil Offlae of emolu- ment, rxorpt that of Jurrtloe of Peaoe, County Commisrloner, Notary Pub110 and Postmaster, Of- fioer of the National Guard, the Netlonal @m?d Reserve, and the Offloere Relervr Corps of the United States and enlisted men of’ the Natlonal clusrd, the National Ctuard Reserve, and the Organ- lred Reserves of thr United State8; and retired ofilorrs of the United States Army, Navy, and Marlns oorp6, and ratlred warrant offioers, and retired enlisted men of the United States Army, Navy, and Marlne Corps, unless otherwise Upeoislly provided herein. Provided, that nothing In this Constitution ahell be oonetrued to prohibit an offloer or enlisted man of the Netlonsl Ouard, and the National G)uerd Reserve, or an offloer In the Offloers Reserve Corps of the United - . Mr. V. C. Marshall, Administrator, page 2, (O-3395) Statea, or an enlisted man In the Organiaed Reser- ves of the United States; or retired officers of the United States Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, and retired warrant offloers, and re- tired enllsted men of the United States Army, Navy, and Msrine Corps, from holding in con- juntlon with such office any otherofflce or posltlon of honor, trust or profit, under this State or the United States, or from voting at any Election; General, Special or Primary, in this State when otherwise qualified.” Under this Article of the Constitution, any of the offloes named In the exceptions mey be held In conjunc- tion with any other offloe, whether auah other office Is named in the exceptions or not. Qaal v:Townsend, 77 Tex. 464, 14 S. W. 365. If neither of the two offloea of emolu- ment are within the exoeptlons expressed In Article XVI, Se&Ion 40, the two offloea may not be held almultaneously yg one person. Odem v. Slnton Independent Sohool District om. App.), 234 5. W. 1090; Pl?uitt v; Qlen‘Roae Inde endent Sohool Dlatrlot No. 1 126 Tax; 45 84 S. W (26) lOO! Torno v. Hoohatetler fClv. APQ,) ii21 9. w.‘623; East&d County v. Haael, (Civ. App.), 2& S.~W. 518. Where the two offioea oannot be held by the same person, eooeptance and quellfloatlon for the aeoond offlca operatea Ipso faoto aa e resignation of the former offloe. Peultt v. Glen Roae In- dependent Sohool Dletriot No. 1, supre. Under Artiole XVI, Seation 40, of the Constitution, if a aupervlaor in the soil aonaervatlon dlatrlot holds “of.. f 106 of emolument”, auoh peraon oannot at the ~aame time hold or exerolae 8 State or oounty offiae of emolument unless the other State or oounty offloe of emolument La one whioh la named in the exoeptlon provided to Artlole XVI, Seotlon 40, of the Constitution, Slnoe, under auoh olroumatenoea, the aame peraon oould not hold or exeraiae both offloea, It neo- eaaarily follows thrt he oould not reoelve the oompenaation attaohing to both. To determine the apglloablllty of Article XVI, Seatton 40, to your queatiOn0, therefore, It beoomea neoeaaary to Oonaider whether a auperviaor in a a011 oonaer- vrtlon dlatriot holda an “offloe of em01ument”. The orlterla for determining whether a publio employment la a public offloe of a 01~11 nature are well stated In the oaae of the State of Montena, ex rel. Julius Barney v. R. N. Hawklna, Seoretary of State, 257 Pac. 411, 53 A. L. R. 583: Mr. V. C. Marshall, Administrator, Page ji (O-3395) '"After an exhaustive examination of'the authorities we hold that five elements are in- dlspensible in spy position of public employ- ment, in order to make it a public office of a civil nature: (1) It must be create,dby the Constitution or by the legislature or created by a municipality or other body through author- ity conferred by the legislature; (2) It must possess a delegation of a portionof the sover- eign power of government, to be exercised for the benefit of the public; (3) The powers con- ferred, and the duties to be discharged, must be defined, directly or impliedly, by the le - islature or through legislative authority; (fi) The duties must be performed Independently and without control of a superior power, other than the law, unless they be those of an inferior or subordinate office, created or authorized by the legislature, and by it placed under&e genera1 control of a superior officer or body; (5) It must have some permanency and continuity, and not be only temporary or occasional."' See also the a,uthoritiescited in our opinions Nos. o-518; and O-490, copies of each of which are enclosed herewith. An examination of the provisions of the Soil Con- servation Act, (Arts 1939, 46th Legislature, page 7) and particularly Sections 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, of that Act, convinces us that the supervisors of a soil conservation district hold civil offices of emolument. By the Act, such districts are constituted governmental subdivisions of this State and pub- lic bodies corporate and politic; governing body of the dis- trict is made to consist of five supervisors; a method by which such supervisors are selected is described in detail; the term of office of each supervisor is prescribed by the Act and the Act provides that each supervisor shall hold his office until his successor has been elected and has qualified; the Act provides that each supervisor may re- ceive compensation for service on a per diem basis and the necessary expenses incurred for services other than those performed within the district; the supervisors are given authority to employ such officers, agents and employees, Mr. v. C. Marshall, Administrator, Page 4, (O-3395) permanent and temporary, as they may require, and to deter- mine their qualiilcatlons, duties, and compensation and to delegate to such agents or employees as they may employ and select, such powers and duties as they may deem proper; and the powers and duties public in character, to be exercised by the supervisors 88 the governing body of the district, are specifically provided in great detail by the Act. It thus appears that eaoh of the criteria essential to the ex- istence of a public office as set forth in the Woontanacase above referred to, exists with respect to the supervisors of the soil conservation districts. Since we have determined that the supervisor of a soil conservation district holds a public office, within the meaning ol Article XVI, Section 40, and since itis manif'estthat such office is civil rather than military in character, theily question remaining to be declded~to de- termine the applicability of Article XVI, Section 40, to such office, is whether such civil office is one of emolument. The term "emolumentn means a pecuniary proftt, gain or advantage. 34 Texas Jurisprudence, page 349. The supervisors of the soil conservation districts are entitled, under the provision of the State Soil Conservation Ac,t, to receive compensation !'forservioe not to exceed Pour Dollars ($4.00) for each day he shall be In actual attendance upon the duties of the office wtthin the district, not to exceed twenty (20) da s in any one calendar year, and not to exceed Four Dollars (i 4.00) a day and the necessary expenses ln- curred for services other than within the distrlct;~.except by approval OS the State Board." It is our opinion that the compensation or remuneration provided by law for super- visors Is clearly a pecuniary prof'it,gain or advantage, and that such civil office is therefore an office of emolu- ment, within the meaning of Article XVI, Section 40, of our Constitution. We trust that the foregoing will answer your question. Very truly yours ATTORWEY GENERAL,OF TEXAS /s/ R. W. Fair6hild BY R. W. Fairchild APPROVED APR. 23, 1% Assiatant /a/ Grover Sellers FIRST ASSISTANT APPROVED ATTORNEY GENERAL OPINION COMMITTEE By B.W.B. RWFrLMrELB Chairman
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion