Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

,. I .‘ _. f;38 f, E I OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY AUSTIN GENERAL OF TEXAS Bonarab1.o T. X. Trlmble First Aarletant State Superintendent Austin, Texan Dear Sir; plnien roquert of follalYingC quo5tloM: n tw Belton es are anxloua 1 mattez, Paut a ate axl County tax- axpaying mater, nwit a person .~ paid hie 1940 taxes? *5. frr a parrron aoneidud a taxpeylae voter who has onlf render54 hla property tar tOrati0nP "6* Would a peraonvho hns real oz pP5OM1. preperty subjeot to taxeti?n, whlah Bar not been rendereb, be aOn$$dcrred a qualified tatpap%& I teter and eligible .to rote fa m bbad eleatiQn?* Honorable T. Lf. TrImblo, pa@ 48 The mnner of holding a bond eleotlon in an inde- pendant echo01 dlatrlet la govamad by the law regulating general eleotlona. Artid E788, Vernon*8 Annotated Civil Statutea, 34 Tama Juriaprud8no8, 650. At th8 outret wa will aummrlao the quallfioationa Of Toter8 in an itidepandant lohool diatrfat bond alaotian aa daiinad by tha Constitution and tha Statute8 of Tana. We will fbn attmpt to answer oaoh apeoiiio quaatIon In tha ardor in whloh they hare baon aakad. A pW8On oSiUi to vote in a bond elaation in an lndapan4ent aohool dlatr 7 ot muat bar8 raaided in the Stat8 for ollb year, In tha oounty air montha, be OWE tha aga of twenty-one, must hre pld a poll tax prior to FebStury f&at praoeding the alegtion., or be axWept therafrom, muat ba a oitison of the Wnltad State8 aimI muat own tanblo pr0paz-t~ in tin lohool dlatrlat whIoh ha haa duly randared for taxation. A person under twenty-oar pars OS age, idiot8 and lunatiea, pauper8 mpported bg tha county, all parsons oonriotad or a faloql who80 ettiranahip haa not baen restored by pardon, and all aoldlera, aerlnea and leaaen employed In the aamIoe of tha aPmy or navy, are &laqurlIflad. Oonatltution of Texas, Art. 6, 800. 1, Z, Sa; Vernon*8 Annotate4 Cltll Statutaa of Texaa Arta. EQ!U, 8955, E955a (by whloh said aeatlona of tha Oonatitutlon were plaoed in our statutory law)* Oaxupball ta. Wright, 95 3. W. (8U) 140 Taxer Publlo Utlllt~aa Oorporation vs. Holland, lea 9. W. (I?d 1 10&B. In reply to rour rlrat quaatlon you are adtiaod that in our opinion before a peraon Wn Vat@, hia ptOpOrbf muat appSm on the tax roll.8 of the partietiar dlatrlat holding the election. Art. 6, 880. 38 of t&e Conatltutlon of Ten8; Barker ~a. WIleon, 805 9. W. 543; 37 Texas J11rl8pru681~0 @8c* Quaation m&bar two la anawarad tn the nO@tiYa. that a voter be Thara la no rwqulrenvnt a fJtat@ ana muty taxpayer in order to be qwlifl6b t0 tota Ia an IMe- pendant aohool dlatrlot 816otion. saotlon 5a of Artiala 6 Of the cOMtitUt:On 0s T-8 Previde8 that oti qualified eleetora who own taxabrs propertp in the d&W 1at whU* sooh *hotIon f8 bsld, an4 who her8 dulf rsndarad ume for tam- tlon ahall ba qualffiad to '10ba*, Honornble T. LI. Trimbla, page 83 Gueatlon numbor three la anawared in the negative. Sohool DCt~r,eU~~nr,'E~~~'~V~~ $&!4~~&e~~a~~~~ of Balton and la a separate and dlatlnot entity, having ita own governing body. House Ml1 #lOD lrort -8ennth Legleleture amen&a Artlo 8955 of the Revhad 0i vi1 Statutoa of the $tab of Texas, relative to the quallfioatlona to tots, aald law be- oari* efieotlr4 on Woh 5, 1941, and reads, in part, as fol- lowat "Provided that a alty poll tax shell not be required to rot* in any eleotlon in thlr State, emapt in olty elaotlon8.~ CLueatlon number rour la anaw4rad In the nogtlte. There la no r6 ulramnt in the Constltutloa or Statutes of Texan stating that e axes must be actually paid, the only ra- qulremaat being thet a qualified eleotor muat onn taxable prop- erty in the diatriat rrhero auoh lleotlon la held and who has duly reml*red the 8-e for taxation. Boa. Ja, Art. 6 of the Oonatltution OS Texasi Artlole 8965a, Yemon*s Annotated Clrll StatUt48; ampb*ll WI. Wright, lupra. 7?;unetlon numb*r rlro la answered in the affirmatlre. As stated above, the only repulrvmant in ths Statutes and the Constitution of Texas to be quallrl*d to tote in a bond eleotion la that said property must bm in the aohool dlstrlob and aam must be aalr rendered ror taxation. We. 3a, Art. 6 or the Constitution, and Artlcle MISSa, Vernon** Annotated Clvll Stetutoa, cueetlon numbor air Is anarared in the negative. 34~. 3 or Art. 6 or the Constitutlo~ epeeirieaiiy states that said property must be dul rondered for taxation before a voter is sll@ble in e bon 73 eleotion. As to the manbig or ~dulp rend4r46~ tfu oeurt* oi this State, in the 6aaea or Campbell vs. Wrh%ht WI To=* Publie Utllltl4a vs. Holland, 8upra, h*r* bad th4t lf a* Honorable T. K. Trlmble, page #4 property of a oitlzen is on the tax roll aod he lo 11s ble ror the taxes 8sSesS0d he bae “duly fendered the samem lmo- rar as hie right to rot6 under the provlalona Or Article 6, See. 9a of the Texas Constitution, la oonoerned, without regerd to the manner in which the rendition of such property was made. Property may be rendered by them pereonally or through an agent or be aseemed by the tex asaaasoc ii the pro rty cwner has rolled to render the pro rty. We are am oaln a oopy of our oplnlon Numhar O-11 r 8, whloh more r dear&y E[erlnes this term. Truatlng that thle answpyerayour questions, we are Ver)r truly yours ATTORWET OTiZQRAL OF 'i"EXAS COB-a APPROVEUAPR 8, 1941 ATTORNEY GZNSRAL OF TEXAS APPROVED **INION coMYnTca BY @