241 I OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable D. C. cireer State Ffighway Engineer Austin, Texas Bear Sir2 Oplnion,No. C-S%5 Ret Rtglstrrtion of . A February f? 1 t a8 folio A+ . ’ *tnQe8 18 operrt- lng the Randolph ompany, whloh oonriot8 ot a ma betweea nan Atitonio and Randolph F’iel camp Bulllr. In the ee operation8 crate between or through mo verbally adrl ,,e’i&F read that the or E&rough ) He has, therefore, in with prrneng~r lioense anee with advloe, aeooord- ee6 of thl8 otiioe and other o these operation8 HP. Nln&es4 6, the United States and to &n&a$.ph FIuld and Camp BuJ.l!ie 18 oouoerned, but we are not ~oertain acI to the oorreotneer bf their raglstratlon with passenger oar Uoense plates when they make chartered trips. Therefore, pleaee sbrlse u6 whether or not the burr8 used br thle oarnap- in trannportlng person8 ior bfre on ohaatereb trips wherein the trip would be between or through two or mope lnoorporated oltirr they should be rvf%ateret¶ with paseengepr Iloenee plate6 OF with bus plate8. 142 Honorable D. c. Ckeer, pa$e l? Eeetlon iiof hrtiole 6676A-1, Vernon’8 hnuotated Civil 3lmtutee, pr0rIder aI followel O(n) ‘Notor &II' rhall IaoluQs every rehlole exoept there opensted by muroular power or lxolu8Irel~ on 8tatiosary ml18 or traot8, whioh 18 ured In tranrportIng per8onr between or through two or more Inoorporqted altler an&/or towne anti/or vIllago for ooapenea~tlon ..(orhire) whether operated over flxod routes or othonlre; exoept 8UOh of r&id VehiOle8 l8 are operated l$ OlU8iVely within the lIaIt8 of Inoorpomted eltler and/or town8 or ruburban addition8 to ruoh towns.* We are not lnfoned a8 to the p8rtiaplW faotr bonoern- ing the method Of eper%t%OA Of the bUae8 that We U8ed On the chartere4 trIp8 IA qU08tlon. Newever, In the lart rentan of your letter, quoted l b0Te, JOU OOnillUde tht th0 bU8e8 we bOilt& used t0 traarport prrrongo~r for hIx@e. Pil%8beIw true, you are advieed that under the expreB8 term8 Of the 8tatute, quoted above, the burer ured in tr*nrpmtIng pereon for ain on ohartered trlpr whemIn the trip would be between or through two or more inmrporateb altier 8re *Notor h8ed ana 8houl.d be registered vIth bu8 lioOn80 Qlate6. We are l~olo8Ing a oepy of Our Opinion No. O-1430, whioh holds in erfeat that aertain operatlonr buror 0r am operation8 tar hire tithln the meanlng of ArtIole Qlla, Vernon’8 Annotated Civil 5tatut.8. We tXlZ8t that we &VO 8mt:8iWtOri~y lnnnr ea Jo ur que8tIon. Your8 very truly
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion