Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

901 y on Cotober 7, 1933, ut which thr it held a lloumo sf%g February 88, 1934. The Xeroularrwas llauucd in Tnxaa on ~sbraur~ 97, 19S4, anb, upon illinc;Its flr6t return, lnoluded theroln readansfro-2:;a?30r ;:atlmal 224 recclvarshlgto howa- P(cr 31, 1994, and oontinurrdto pay texu on the premium8 oollectad an Hatlonal.Life pollclee until it% lser&x with i:aahlrrgton!~stlrmsl. For the year 1939 tba Washington Metlonal paid the followin& tarss on pb v Iurn8aailcatee 0n rmi0nd Lire pallolma: OE Life w.34a.19 ($93,QS?1.09 psnhrw oolleote4) QI kocidsnt sod 5baHllth 44,ss (%l,mmo prtiuao 9olleoteQ) t Board or Inmuranoo C0sdsslon4r4, !aee 3 Slnoe anrhingtan %tlonal has taken 0~41'Heroialesc through a marker, it appareatly tekea over the ~osltlon form erly ocouplad by &mule+. The Washin&tm Ellitloneluas li- c~mea in Texas OE ikecklibf)r 10, 1983, and he4 be45 continuotwiy l:oensed bore since thet time. .~zlals 4769, ~srnu~*a mnotat4Q Glvll .Statuter, rea&e, in pnrt, 4s follmmr vkdsh iire inaur4aoa atmg3nny nat srtwnlzo6 urdcy the 14r or thlr St4t6, transaotlngbual- ness in this State, mhell mnuall~, on CT befox* th6 lot day of %aroti,aako a report tc the,Cam- mlorloner,rblfshreport 4brll be aworn to by elthsr tb# pealdent or rim president and ssere- tary ur treasurer or suoh oompeny, ti"hfab ah~'l ohowthe gmss xnoun% or prunluns oolleotedduring the yew ending on Deaombcr Slat, yreaed?r~, &c-n oltlaena of thi.4Otate upon p0liolea of inewanoo. l?aohruoh oanpimj shall pay ruonuallye t4x squal to four and sixty-fivehusdredtb8 (4.68) pr ooat OS suoh grsss prsmlum ro8elpt6.R utlele 4799, vsrnoa's mmtated Statutes, Clrll. r4ml8, 5s rolism: *Eeeh llfs ln4uranos osmpss~ n0t or(tmized under the Isme 02 t&is %ato, hereafter granted a certlrloateor authority tc trsnaeot buelwss in this $34 e shal b4 iWu& ti,&we ass4 ted mob oert 11f o&to BEiito tmneaot aush busin% 8 hsreuadsr subjaot to the oo~lt;l0nsamI raguire- moats tht, after it shall oe8ss to trcrns*otmm buenwa ti this 3tato urdsr a e4rtiriaate or BU- thorlty, esd so ion5 ar it shrill~oontinue tr,4oli 146 wn4w41 pr4mlulw frwi oitloeEuc$ this S;lrto, it b0 sub 4ct to the papfbat or':tbb aa56 0ii8u OCOU~titiWit4X i tl ~FOFCWti%B t6 it5 ws prtiuai6 burlng ianryear, from citlzeno or thr s 8t4t0, as is or nsy b4 i!q+osodby 1s~ on..sWh Co@p5%s4~ trans40tingmu busicem within th$.srttote,under certificate6or outhorltp sting such ynar. ale rate of riuchtax t0 be 40 paid by runyau00 00lpr pany sh&l ra4~ereroW4 thr rate iffpos4dby this ohapter upon LaSurOE44 t%tmp3clrotr4noaetiagbuni- ness :n thlr iState. aoh awh oonpw ehall maks the ma4 repo~t.8of ltr ra54 preiai~ racslpts for 44ch auoh y44r 4nb w-f thin th4 saw period aa Eoard or I8kmlrenc* comis@i0nex8*,Fug* 4 ia or way be requind af ruuh em m1.e bold1i-q oortlficatemof aUttbarttysad 8h 9 1 at 411 time bc rubject to exsdnatian by the Cornatssdoner af Insuruae+eox aomm one relrotad by hjm for that puryose, ln the ssrse my end tr) the 36m6 extant aa is or my be mquired of sompsniea trmnsaOtls# new budnesa under aerttficatoo or authority in tbir Stute, the expenmas of euab exo.tination to be paid by the OQP any ex~ined. Tba rwipeotive dutiefior the CemJ ssioaar in eertifylng to the amount of suab taxes sntlet the 3tats Trslrsurer and .kttarnay Goneral l;n th0l.r collootlon aball M the aame (18 are or may bs pcoaaribrsd respecting taxes due frcraaomqwinies authorlzcsd tr:. tranraot new baslnrrs nithln ttzl~ 3ttato.* sutlele 47’174, Ywmon*r Jmaotate6 Civil i;tatutc#, reds a8 fsllarnr *hay saqmny w&ich &ml1 fall to renew its oortirloats of uutborlty or continue to write new baslnmia in thi8 dtatr, shall nwrrtbels6s, bare ths right to mint&k a&mate in Taxa8 for tOa pw?- pose of oollmtiry: renewal pmlunr aa outm&.ing lmrinO66 written by it aruler asrtlficste of au- thority, .a313 alse for thk urpO*O 0t plsklng In- vwtment~ ls prrmlded by t $i 4 Bbtptar.” We a r einfo r medth stth r realizer, lftor enter ing into tb 8greoment with tiaraal* and twdng over all 6f the businesr snd property al lSatlOIMl Life t0 8WttilW, b&l brm dischargedby the court 15 whirh se26 rmce~tw8hip -1 mw. ~i+aalready mentioned, Waablngton Wational baa taken om? th0 lbroular. There ir no .doubt that !%eshln$$on NatiOnul hrr 1 al title to alI of tho National,Life bruJne88. Sarbln&@?8Set 7 onal Texas. It ir our opinion thrrt the ViaShiafgtarr fimtlemA, mbetbm lt be aetinc; au agent OS fa@ ito@lf, 16 OXOFQI~W~ a prlrihgs In Vexma v&t& obligatea it to pay the premlirp 904 tax on pra?ziws oolleoted on Bbtlonal Life polfaler in tbla StAaQ. Yours very truly &TTCZtWEY GiCfKRiiL Of TLGG BY%- ATTORNEY GENERA= &a sheptaw rsrirtant