OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable a. Siiintion~ county Auds.tor You* request tar 0 aaremly oonaidersd by this your raqwet @a iollcxzar *A 00unty orri ' ealary syateiu,iale on his oounty ofiicers have been oompan- ee January 1, 1936, when the of- oi AZtiols 39128, Vernonva Annotated , reada as followd,r 11 oounties or thie State ooatain- ing e population of leas than one hundred and ainaty thousa'iid (190,000) inhabitanta acaosd- ing to the lcet 2reoediq Pedorel Ceneue where- -. in the oounty or praolnat officers are oompsn- sated on a salary basis under the provialons or thlr hot, there shall be oretiteda Pnd to be Honorable C. SInmona, page 2 knOm”t~ the *orriorr8* snhrg Ipund0r Oouuty, Texas.* jiuahfund shall be kept aep- aratm and apart froa ~11 other oounty tinda~, and shall be held and diebureed for the pur- ~088 or piying the e~Iarie8 0r 0rri09r8 an4 the salaries or deputleta,araletanta and olerks or orrtoers who ass drawing a salary tram said rti under the ~rovi~~lonaor thl8 kot. and to pay the authorl%ed ex~enee~ 0r~udp 0irl0ed SuOh fund shall be deposited j.nthe Oounty &.- pository and &all be yroteoted to the aaam ez- tent aa other Oountp fu~&r.~ (Undersooring ourr) It will be noted that the authorized ex n e otfioe in salary oouutlee are ts be paid from th&%fr~ salary rund. Section 5 or Art1010 3912e, Vernonts Annotated Texas Civil Statutes, reada as tollowar mission was due to negleot on the part or the or- ri0er oharged with the reeponsiblllty 0r colleotiag mane, the amount of such fee or oozmniaoionshall be deduoted fromtha salary 0r suoh 0rri00r. Berore any suoh deduotlon, ie made, the Co@.ieaioners* Court shall furnish euoh ofrloer with an itemized atatenent ot the unoolleoted tees with which hla acoouut la to,be oharged, and shall notify such orrloer af the time and place for a hearing on mime, to determine whether suoh Oifioer was guilty or negligence, which time for hearing shall be at least ten days eubeequent to the date 02 notloe. Unless en orrlcer is ohargad by law with the m- eponslbllltp or oolleotlng fees, the Conmiesfoners Court,shall not in any event make any deduotions from the authorized salary of auoh officer." (Underaooring ours) EIonorableC. Simmons, page 3 Seotion (b) of Article 3899, Vernon's Annotated Texas Civil Statutes, reade a8 rollons; "(b) Each offfoer named in thir tit, where he reoeivee a salary a8 oompecsatlonfor hia eer- vlae8. shall be empowered and permf.ttedto pur- ohaee and bare oharged to hi8 oounty all reasonable expenses neoesaary la the proper and Legal aonduet or hi8 0rri08, premiuma on orrlcials~ bonds, pre- mium on fire, burglary, thert, robbery lneuranee proteoting pub110 rum38 and in01udi1~ the co& Or r Treasurer, only RB .... Ye resldenoe may, upon the wrltten and-sworn application of the Shariif stating the naeaaeity there- for purchase equipment tar a bureau of crlmlnal ldentl- rloation, such ae oamera8, ilnger print ,OaxUe, inks, ohemioalr, miorosoopea, radio end laboratory equipment, filing oarda, filing oablnete, taer'gae and other equlp- ment in keeping with the eyeten In u8e bF the.Department or Publio safety of this State, or the Unit.6 State8 Pe- partment or Justlae and/or Bureau Qf Criminal Identifloe- Mon. *&oh purohaeer shall bs made by eaoh officer, when allowed. only by raclulsitl gni&;;n..r w;v;u;~ by the County Auditor, lf any. t Y missioners' Court. Xaoh officer ehall, at the olose of eaoh month of filetenure of office. make an itemized and sworn report of all approved exxxnses Inourred by him and oherged to hi6 oounty, accomDanying such renort with involoee oovarlog ouch purchases and raquisitiona Issued by him in support of shah report. If euoh SX- Honorable C. Si-mmon~,page 4 pox&es be inourred in conneotlon wlth any par- thxl.larWAae, swh report #ha13 name euoh case. Such report, lnroioea and requiettlona ‘shallbe oubjeot to the audit oi the Oounty Auditor, ff nny, otherwioo by the Oozamkeaionerr*Court, and ifsIt eppearslthat my item ww not lnourrlrdby suoh offleer, or,that suoh itea wae not a neaea- sary or legal 6xpe~e of ewh'oiiiaa, or purahaa- " ed upon proper requialtlon, euoh itam shall be by aaid County Auditor or oourt rejeoted, in whiob aaae the payment of euah item may be ad- judioated in any court ot oompetent jurisdiotion. All such approved &alms and aooounts shall be paid rroa the orri0Ora* Salory Pund unlOsaOthWWise provided herein. +fhe Commisaionsrs' Court or ths amnty af the Sheriff’s residence may, upon the written and .morn applioation of suah offioer, atatlng the neeesalty theraZor, allow one or more automobiloa to be used by the 3herirf in the dieoharge of official bueinees, whlah, if purohased by the county shall be bought in the manner preaorlbed by law for the purchase ot supplies and paid ior out of the General l%nd of the oounty an& they shall be reported and paid in the acme rtannera6 herein provided for other expeneee. Where the automobile or automobllee are owned by the Sheriff or hie Deputies, they shall be allowed four (40) oonte ror eaoh rail0traveled in the disoharge of oftfolal busineaa, which num shall aover all expenses or the ma1ntenanoe, depreciation and operation of euoh automobile. 8uoh mileage shall be reported and pafd ia the @ame manner preeorfbed for other allowable ex- pensea under the proviafone of this eection. No automobile ehall be allowed for any Deputy Sheriff ex- oept thoas regularly employod in outside work. It shall be the duty of the County Auditor, ii’any, otherwise the Oom&seionere* Court, to cheek the speedometer reading or eaoh or s&id automobilee, Owned by the OOUntY once each month and to keep a pub110 reoord thereofi n0 automobile owned by the oounty shall be used for any private purpos6. As amended Aote 1933, 43rd Leg- P* 734, ah. 220, seotion 41 Aots 1935, 44th Leg., P= 718, oh. 311, a8otlOn 1; zts 1935, 44th Leg., 2nd C. S., p* 1762, ch. 465, seotion 11; -iots1937, 45th Leg., PO 1340, oh. 498, section 1.” (‘Jnderscorfw3 ours) Honorable a. Simmons, page 5 Articlee 3896, 3897 and 3898, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statute*, reab a8 roliour~t "Art. 3896. To keep aooountm “Each dlstriot, county and preoinot orrioer shall keep a correet atsteaept of all fees earned by him and all suma coming into hia hand6 as de- posits for eoete, together with all trust funds plaoed in the reglatry or the court, tees or office and coiumiaaionrin a book or in book6 to be provided him for that purpoae in rhioh the ofricer, at the time when such degoalta are made or euoh fees and oodsoione are earned and when any or all of such f’undsshall taome into hiiahands, shall enter the same1 and It shall he the duty of the oounty audi- tor in oounties having a oounty euditor to annually examine the booka and accounts of ewh otfioers and to report his flndinga to the next suooeeding grand jury or distriat court. In oountleo having no oounty auditor, ft shall be the duty of the Commissioners’ Court to make the examination or said books and ae- couuts or have the earnsmade and to make report to the grand jury as herelaabove provided.* ‘Art. 3897. Sworn otatement *Each dilrtrict,oounty and preolnct officer, at the close of each fiecal year (December 3lat) aball make to the dietrict oourt of the county in whioh he resides a sworn etiateweat in trlplioate ton forma de- eigned and approved by the State rudltor) a copy of which statement shell be rorwarded to the Stnte Xudi- tor by the olerk of the dietriot oourt of eaid county within thirty (30) day8 alter the same har been filed in his orrloe, and one copy to be riled with the county auditor, it any; otberwiae said oopy shall be filed with the OoauaiaeionersVCourt. Said report shall show the amount of all rees, commlaelone and oompeneatione what- ever earned by eaid orficer during the fleoal year; and eeoondly, ehall show the amOuntof fees, Oor;lmisSiona and oompeneatlone collected by him during the fiscal iionorableC. SimmoM, page 6 peari thirdly, raid report shall contain an itemized state::aantor all fees, oommiaoions and oonpsnsations earned durl~ the fiscal year whloh were not oolleoted, Logethex with the name or the party owing said tees, tolm~ltr~i~n~ana ocmpefk3ationr. 6aid report &all be riled not’ later than February let rolloting the cloeo 0r the ri5083~ year and for eaoh dey arter said date that eela report resmins not riled, said orrioer shall be liabla to e pebalty of T@enty Blvs ($25.00) Dollars, whioh may be recovered by the oountp ln a cult brought for such purpc8ts, and in addition said officer shall be subjeot to roaoval rr0m ottice.* “Art. 3898. Fiscal year *The rlacnl pear, within the meanlrigor this S;ot, shall begin on January let or oaah year; end eaoh dia- tritt, county and preolnot offioer shall rile his re- port and make the rinal settlecent required in this BO t not lat,er than ‘February 1st of eaah yeer; p-oviiitd. however. that uffioers raceivina an annual salary as gowansatlon for their 6ervicss &all, by the al&se of teoh month, pay Into the Cffloers’ Salary Fund or funds. all fees. oommissions snd compensation collected by him during said month. ‘&‘henevrr mch of~loer strvs8 ior a fraot?::nalpart of the tlscd yenr, he shall nevertheless rile his report and mikefinal settlembnt for suoh part of the year aa he serves and shall be entitled to such pfoportSo%ate part of his compensation as the time for his service bears to the entire year.*( :Jn;ln?erscxlng ours t It will be noted that Article ?898, (luprct, requires that officers operating under the Officera* Salary Law must pay into the officers1 saIery fund all fees, oonmissions and oompensa- tlon oolleoted by tham duriw said month. The recent case of Ploreon et al, v. Galveston County, 131 S.,?I. (26) 27,deals with se&ion {a) of Article 3899, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Satutus, end holds that a justioe of the peace honorable C. Slmmne, pegs 7 (operating un9er the fes system) was not entitled to re- oover oertain items o? expense oleimsd for poetags, traveling expenses end meaaenger servl,oe,during oertein years in of- fice; where the justice 414 not render monthly statements of euoh expenses es require4 by statute, but merely tile4 annual reports estimating the axpeneea In lump sum amounts. While this oese lnrolved section (a) of Artlols 3899, Vernon’s Annotate4 Civil Statutes, relative to fee offfoers, we wish to point out the following highly signlrloant language use4 by the Court in said opinion: “The manlrsat purpose oi this statute was to provide a means of aeoertaining the oorreotnees of expense items eeoh month as they are incurred. The aotual expense paid or inourred oonatitute the neesure of the ofriolel’s right to recoupment. The monthly itemization ia for the protection of the oounty by afiordlng a %ae~nsoS ascertaining the f-at end amount of much olaimed item of expense end whe- / ther it was properly ohargeable (18 suoh. 1t is manireat lrom the annual report8 end confirmed by the evidenos that these expenses wer4 nerelg estima- J $04 and a lump sum given each year. The statute ~%oufd be of no value if its salutary provisions could De evaded in this manner. .:I8hold the item properly disallowed by the ooinaJ8aionerst oourt, an4 ,thetrial court18 Judgment correct in denying x’eao~erythessfor.” It is manliest that in selary counties the rule and reason Sor filing monthly expense acoounts is perhaps even more strict than In fee oounties. It is oontemplated by the statu-1” tea that the neoeesitp for such eXp8nditUPMshall be in so rar es possible pre-determined by the oom.laslonerel oourt for the ensuing month before,the expenditures are made; suoh ex- penditures and purchases, shell be n?adeby esch ofricer, where allowed, .only by requisition in the manner PPOvided by the . Honorable 0. Simmonr, page 8 .. ,. county auditor, if any, otherwise by tte oon;misrionerrrt court. The offloer la require4 at the olole of eaoh month of his tonurw of officre,to m&a an ltetiac4 nnd (RIOJXI re- port of all 0sproreQ exmnse8 inourrsd by him an4 ohargeb to his oounty, acoompany~ng suoh rspost with intaioea aovsring suah puxohaaee and rrquiultions is8ue4 in rupport ot 8uoh report. All approve4 olalmm an4 aooounts are paid Srod tb orrloscs* aalery tund. All feem, oompttnsation an4 oommis- eiona must be depoaitea by the offioer in the Olrloers’ Sal- ary Bun4 at the olore of each month. Tha orriasr has no authority to expend fees, oompensationa am4 oommiauloar oolleoted by him for expense8 of oifioe, aa suoh aollsotlona must be plaoed IA the Oltioera' Bolarg iTun4. Any and all ex- penses of olfict~in Salary,oountiea must be made in oompli- anoe with Artdole 3899 (bj, 6uprs. It is tha opinionscf this department that your question should be answered in the aegetioe, and it is so anewsreb. Youre very truly Wm. J. Fanning Aeslrtent