Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. - OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Harvey Shell, Chairman LegislativeGame and Fish Committee House of Representatives Austin, .Te'xas Dear Sir: policy in matters 0r this LegislativeCommitteeon ever, we presume.,that.the mine for the Commit tion is necessary t sition that peo- nd other St.&es o fish in the The coast people feel that ness is one of the three top ing outside money into this t this law and the enforce- ch is being enforced now under i ' our new Director of the Coestal Division is 5 oausing lots of tourists to stay clear of the Texas Casst. Wow, tinesmuchas there is something like 30,000 non-residentsoldiers drawing a very meager salary, even as low as $21.00 a month, HonorableHarvey Shell, Chairman, Page 2 who are on our Coast for temporary training to Proteot our oountry if and when we should get Snto Ls5'ar, and no provision is made in the present Law exempting anyone, I em re- questing your formal opinion on whether or not these soldiers should pay this #g.OO license to enjoy about the only reoreation that is availableto them.* Article 4032a, Vernon's Annotated Texas Civil Stat- utes, reade as follows: Yieo. 1. No person who Is a non-resl- dent of Texas, or who is en alien, shall fish in the waters of this State without first having procured Prom the Came, Fish and Oyster Commission of Texas, or a Deputy Came Xarden thereof, or from a County Olerk in Texas, or other legally authorized agent, a license to'fiah; and no person who is a resident of this State shall fish with artificiallures of any kind in the waters of this State without first having procured from the Game, Fish and Oyster Commission, or a Deputy thereof, or from a County Clerk in Texas, or other legally authorizedagent, a license to fish. Wee. 2. Any officer, deputy of legally authorizedagent, issuing any license .toliah , under the provisionsof this Act, shall ool- lect from the person to whom the license ia issued the following fees! "(1) If issued to a resident the sum of One Dollar and Ten Centa ($l.lOj,of which amount&e shall retain as his fee Ten (log) Cents, the balance of which amount he shall remit to the Came, Fish end Oyster COSUII~S- sioner on or before the 10th day of the month next suoceedfng that during which said license was issued. "(2) If issued to a non-residentor an alien, the sum of Five Dollars ($S.OO),of which amount he shall retain as iliS fee 737 Honorable Harvey Shell, Chairman,Page 3 Twenty Five (25#),Cents, the balanoe of whloh amount he shall remit to the %me, Fish and Oyster Commlssloneras required under sub- division One (1.)of this section; provided that he may Issue to such nonresidenta license good for only five (5) days, ln- eluding the day of issuance,upon payment by thelicenseeof One Bcllar and Ten Cents ($l.lO),of which amount the offloer so : .,’ isauing said license shall retain as his fee Ten (10) Cents, and the balance of which amount he shall remIt to the Game, Fish and Oyster Commissioneras provided for in subdivisionOne (1) of this seotion. . 'The offioer Issuing such lioense shall keep a complete and correot reoord of each fishing license.issued,'shcwlng the name and plaoe of residenoe of eaoh lioensee and the serial number and date of issuanoe of said license, on suoh form as the Game, Fish end Oyster Commissionermay prescribei.and the stubs of such licenses tindthe record thers- of sha3.1belong to the State of Texas, and shall be filed with said Co@laaioner aa and when 'hemay direct. nThe.lloansesprcvided~forhereIn shall entitle the hclder thereH to fish In the waters desoribed in this Act until end in- cluding August 31st next succeedlng~thedate of issuance thereof, except that the five (5) days license shall,be glsodonly for the five days frcn and inoludingthe day of the is- suanoe thereof; and every license issued under the provisions of this Act shall oontain; the true date of'Issuance thereof, the 'nameof licensee, his age; height, weight, color of hair, color of eyes, county of residence, If a resident of Texas, State or County Of resi- dence, If,a nonresidentof Texas or an alien, and such other informationas the Commissioner may deem advisable to require, and the liceneee shall sign upon said lioense a pledge to obey the laws of Texas as to fishing. HonorableHarvey Shell, Chairman, Page k *Sea. 3. Any person required under the provisions orthis &t to prooure a lloense to fish.who shall fish in, or w&o shall tshe by any means'f~isb,oysters, shrimp or other l%rLinelife in any of the water8 of this State in violation of the provisionsof this Act without first proourlng cuoh license, or who shall fail or refuse, ondemand by any offloer, to show suoh officer his fishing license requiredof him by this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanorand, upon conviotion,shall be fined in any sum not less than Ten ($10.00)Dollars nor :ilorethan One Hundred {jlOQ.OO)Dpllars; provided, the provisions of this sot shall not apply to a resident oitizen of Texas who holds a license for oommeroialfishing under Artiole I+032of the Revised Ciril Statutes of Texas, of 1925, so long as he doss XLI.~oommerolal fishing. "SWO. 4. By the term non-resident,a8 used in this Act; shall be meant any oitizen of the United States of America who is not a citizen of the B%hte of Texas, who has oon- tinuously for fourmonths next preceding the issusnce,ofthe~fishingliownse to him been an actual bona fide resident of the State of Texas. "Sea. 5. All funds obtained from the sale of the licenses provided herein, after the payment of the fees allowed under this Aot, shall be deposited by the Game, Fish and Oyster Commissionwrin a spwolal fund to be known as the Speolal Fish Propagation and Protection Fund; and this fund shall be used for the purpose of building and main- taining fish hatcheries,fairly distributed over the State of Texas and for the propaga- tion, distributionand proteotionof fish in the State of Taxes." The above statute par:sedby the 40th Legislature of Texas olearly applies to all non-residents. 73? HonorableHarvey Shell, Chairman, Page 5 Article 1, Section 28, of our State Constitution, reads as follows: "No po&r of suspendinglaws in this State shall beexeroiswderoept by the Legislature.* You are therefore respeotfullyadvised that it is the opinion of this department that since the Legislature has seen fit to require a lioense of non-residents,no officer or egenoy of the executive or judicialbranohes possesses power to suspend the enforaementof such law. Whether such law should be repealed is e question addressingitself peouliarly and exclusivelyto the Legls- laturw. Very truly yours ATTOJI%EYGENhRALOFTEXAS Wm. J. Fanning Assistant :'(JF:GO,