Honorable R. A. Courtney County Auditor Angelina county Lufkin, Texas Dear Sir: opinion lo. O-3134 Re: Collection of delin(ment taxes of abolished independent school district by successor comon school distriat. We are in receipt of your letter of February 4, 1941, which reads in part as follows: "For a number of years the Huntington Independent School District, a duly organized and existing independent school district, has been in existence and conducting school facilities in a designated portion of Angelina County. Som time during 1939, this indepaadent district was, by an election duly called and held, transformed from an independent district to a comaon district and is now operating through the County as a unit of the County schools. "All during the time of the existence of the independent district, it levied, assessed and collected taxes on the real estate vithin its boundaries, and there is now a large sum of money due it in the form of delinquent taxes which were levied and assessed during its existence as an inde- pendent school district. 'The question which I desire you to answer is: ' Should the said delinquent taxes which were levied and assessed by said district in its independent status be collected through the proper court proceedings in its name, independently of the County,or, should the County attorney collect said taxes through a suit in the name and on behalf of the County and State?'" Tha method of transforming this independent district into a conmron school district does not appear in your letter of request and we therefore assume that such action was taken pursuant to statutory authority and that all proceedings were regular. It does not appear whether the Huntington Independent School District had any outstanding bonds or other indebtedness at the time of its dissolution or the nature of the delinquent taxes in question. Honorable R. A. Courtney, Page # 2 (O-3134) Article 2767a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes provides that when an independeM school district is abolished and has outstanding bonds or other indebtedness the county board of school trustees shall control and dispose of the property of such district and shall have power to levy and collect taxes, bring and defend litigation, and do other things necessary for the purpose of paying such bonds or other indebtedness. Article 2767~~ Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes reads in part as follovs: .. . . . . "When all of the territory embraced within the boundaries of any abolished independent school district, having previously had legal existence, and having outstanding bonds or other indebtedness, enforcible either at law, or in equity, shall thereafter be contained or included within the limits of any other school district, all taxes against the property of such abolished independent school district at the time at which it is included or contained within such other school district, shall remain in full force and effect and shall be levied and collected by such.other school district and the proper officers thereof until said entire indebtedness. is full> paid. I,. . . . "Such other school district may assume such bonds or other indebtedness at an election held for that purpose, at which a majority of the qualified property tax paying voters of such other district, shall vote in favor thereof; in which event, all of the property within such other district, not exempt under the law, shall be subject to taxation for the payment of such bonds or other indebtedness. And the proEr officers of such other district, shall levy upon.such property in said district, a tax adequate for .the payment of said bonds and other indebtedness, over such a period of time as may be necessary for that purpose. Such election shall be held in the manner provided for holding an election for voting bonds, or for voting a special tax, as the case may be, within such other school district." Your letter does not d&close whether the common school district has assumed the indebtedness, if any, of its predecessor, the independent school district. Article 2767e, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, reads as follows: Honorable R. A. Courtney, Page #3 (O-3134) 'When all or part of the territory embraced within an abolished independent school district, having at the time of such abolishment, no outstanding indebtedness, shall be included or contained within the limits of such other school district, all uncollected taxes on the property so included or contained for the years up to and including the last day of January of the year immediately following that in which such territory is included or contained, within such other school district, shall be levied and collected by such other school district at the rate in force at the tima of such abolishment and in the same manner as such abolished independent school district might or could have done had no abolishment been had." All of the foregoing statutes were enacted as a part of Section 1, Chapter 294, Acts 1927, Fortieth Legislature,,page 144, and when construed together it is apparent that Article 2767a has reference to the collection of taxes and disposing of the property of abolished independent sckool districts, where the territory is not included within the boundaries of another district; and Articles 27670 and 2767e control where the territory embraced within the abolished independent district shall be included or contained within the limits of another school district after the abolition, as is the case presented in your letter of request. Under the provisions of the foregoing statutes the independent district which has been abolished would no longer function and the liquidation of its indebtedness and a collection of the taxes theretofore levied and assessed by it would be subject to collection by the county board of school trustees or its successor embracing the same territory. It is our opinion that the taxes in question should be collected as other common school district taxes by the successor common school distict, and should therefore be collected in a suit by the county attorney for the benefit of the common school district, along with other taxes due the State and county. Yours very truly, APPROVED FER. 19, 1941 ATTORNEI GENERALOFTEXAS s/ Gerald C. Mann ATTORRRI CEXRRALOF TEXAS s/Cecil C. Cammack APPROVED OPINION COMMITTEE BY B. W. B. BY CHAIRMAN Cecil C. Camamck Assistant CCC:db/ ldv
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion