Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

._. ssa OFFICE OF.THE A-ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Uoriorable24.01 Flawem saorataryof State Bustin, Texss ., Dear hfr.lf?.WQI’S, , 4.,&&ion 14 of tha Con&t- tall.wli retqw3a to the Gioverxior with his,object- s, (..%sll&ays em9ptcd), art&r it g&~.+.um%een presented to him vbila the i ’ legislatorsf5 in session, becomes a lawr 5 Wers ti bill is filed a-it&the Secretary Op 9tat.etier 8iicholrausiBbn0a8(tiat is, Con- stituticn,krtiole 4, Ss@im 14) ad the bill contains an emargonc;rclauas a proved by the r!3y,izCri?3 2/s -rateaooa tha 'oil f beam?8 OffoOt- 3.~0,(a) on the date it 1s Piled in~ths of?pice of the Liaoretaryof St&a) or (b) on the expirs- tion of 10 days (Sun&ays excepted)after the X. 0. Flowers - page 2 lionorabla bill is presented to the Wvernor? *As an cxanple, please 888 volume 1 of tho Act& of tlie46th Legislaturepage QQ where Chapter t3,11.5. 604 contains au emer- goncy clause and carries un page 102 t&e f’ol- 1owlng lnfomation: *Filed witheut the C0vernors* signature,ILay3, 1931. Effective ImY 9, 1931.' *BrSefZy, how was it determined that this net beoam9 effootive hay 0, 1930 und0r tho oir- rumstanoee?* That portion of Section 14, Article IV, of the Constitutionpertinert to your inquiry is as followsg 'If any bill oball not be returned by the GoveHUm with-hi5 objection&i within ten days (Sunday5 OxCepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the sam 5h5ll be a law in lihe manner a5 if be had sign- ud it, unSess the Legislatum, by its aif- jourmeet, prevent Its return, in which case it 5hallbe a Saw, unZese he ahall file the eme vith his objections,In the , offloe of the 3acretary of State and p;Lve notice thereof by pYbli0 pFoclamationwith- in twenty days aftar suoh adjournment,5 In th0 nnttor 0f esorcising the veto power, the Oovernor is excroisinga legislativefunction, and not an otecativo~funotion. Fulmora Y. Lane, MO S. \i'. 405, loR2. From this it follows the approval of the Governor, or his failure to disapprove in the manner prorLrh& by the Con- stitutlon-- hia official action -- is an e55ential part of the lsL;islct~vefunction to enact a law. Section 39, hrtlclo III, of tllaConstitutionds- c1arcet "No lau lassed by the Lqislature, cxcoittthe general approlfiiation Aot, aonorablaL;.0. Flowers - page 3 ihan Annl ;rjrgency acltwet hais the approval or ihlltioverncr,or t&w3 must be shown the Cailure of tLl2L-;;VertOrto r.?turntr. ,e same within the t&me required $3;th Constitutionwith hfe objectlonethereto before t113 snm3 becom0s effootivs aa finichd legi.&?latfon. Xlon an enorgancy sot has boon ayprovod by the ;overnor,or VilCll ho h&8 net aoted fn Guch a :rrJxlth rOSi9CtGO t,habill in hio ban&~ a~ tC ;trOVT!Et it6 ‘&COTS- in,;effective,the 0merSonoy wt does become e?footive, $ut of course its eff,xt*vo date is k?rornand after fts ~XLssafip . $g &vz sef?n ",ilxr; 2 wrt r2 the essential pas- xi;;0of an net in the action of the tiwmnor fn the way proscribedby the Constituticn. In the case you put f.tfolloae from uhat wo have k&ii that tkc es2rge~nc.yact becow effeative on the expira- ) tiou of ten ctc;l's (Sunt%y& exct?Ftec?) after the bill had been prrescctadto the tiovorncr. I mrth2r tc your midemil rcIJlyPnl; Inquiry as to *how it cus c:ctormine&that thio Act (mZ, 6, II. Be BoBI Bcte 46th Log. reg. ser-s.);t.cca;;lo cffectlve bay 9, 1939, .Wnlcrthe clrcumstencns,~wd cannot unswor, exoept upon tIiafam,Lliarruleof presl,uhptfon of oPfJ.cialrsgularity. 3. is,Bo. 8oQ yas pws& by the I:nueeApril 13, $939, by f vote of 119 yeas, no naya: by tR3 Senate April 24, 1930, Sy a vote of 29 yeas, no nays. It bears the ondoroement e * Pileii~ without the tiovernor*aaiqnature bay 3, 1939, effeot- 5 Lv3 my 9, 103s. The r&ateupon abiob the bill wae present- 3cIto the liovernori.6not s&own. Lresu.m‘,tl.aely, the ten iays (c~clucling Sundays) nllo~eci. by the oovernor under the Constitutionto Ilo& and cnnsiaor the ex@rc%i on ti2?.CUPC, by E, 1930, in which wont tbc act would become ePfoctivs aC;rOEI ard.after its paseap,ev, vbich would buve been Jlny 9, 1939. '5 ,_ vary truly yours Ocio Speer Assistnnt J