Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

s51 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN y&uoreble Albert I. Hut-son, Jr., Fege E The s~clfle questions you aek are 8s rOii0w5: r. . l . *1. ?iould the tseosurw nnii depository bank be liable ou their ofYfoie1 bonds in the event they should honor or pay vouchers exeouted by the eohool board to the new s~erlrAendeut under the ters of his aontmct? WE. In ths ev6nt the diooherged ruperintend- ant should prevail in the panding litigation, would the treasurer emd doposltory batuk be, in any way, liable for the paymmt of vouahere properly em- outed by the sohool board to the new superintendent? *3. In tae event you mlsw%r tab two forogolng questlons in the OS tire and the treasurer and d8poeitory bank irtiE rcriuar to pay the afore eafd muohssa, c5n the locel so&m01 board or n5w auper- latsnbent, %lthsr or both, require the treatsurer and depository kak to pay aaid touchers by man)- damua? *4. II the troetwrai and depository burk ilable for the nron#ul refusal to pay rouohors :properly lsuued by the mhool board? I . . .'" The statute that dsterrrinw the aaawar to these questfont is krtiols 2852, Vernoafe Annotated Rawi8ad Clvll $tat.utes or TOXMJ, the arater?& parta or v.hlah mad as rollmet *In my ia&8pmdent fflstrict of mow t&m one hundred fifty (IBO) aaholastloe, whether it be in a olty viaioa has aseuud coutrol or the schools within its ltit.9, or a aorporation for s&ho& purposes only, end vðer ori+niaml 111. der general law or created by spaolal sat, the treasurer of tbs sohool fund shall be that per- aon or corpor.stion who ofitars 6atfiSffNtQry bond end the best bid of interest on the mere&e dally balanoes r0r the prlvllege of act?ng 81 suoh treasurar, Thhe treasurer whan thus eeleotti shall serve for a tern 3f two year5 and until F lionorable klbert J. Butson, Jr., Es&e 3 his aucoeasor shall huve been duly selected and qualified and he shall be required to give bond in an amount equal to the astlmated amOunt of the total receipts coming annually into hi6 hands, when such bond is a rer6On61 bond! provided, that when a bond 15 exeouted by B surety company or $6 a bond other than ct psrsonal bond, such bond ohall b6 In an anxxint equal to ti.% hicheslt ea- timated dally balenae for the current bieanium, to be determined by the governin& Mdy of ouch school district; provided, furtlior that suah ROY- erning body may, in lieu of the bxid herein au- thorleed, aoospt a deposit of approved seouritlee, which sacurlticrs may include bonde of the United States, or of thir .,tcrte,or of any oounty, city, town or independent i;ChoOl dU+triot in the ijtate, or kntfclpation Tax i;arranta and/or Antlolpatiori Tax Kotes legelly lsaued by the governing body of such school distrlot, whioh ah&U bar deposited a8 suob governing body my dlreot, in sn mouitt suf- rlcient to adequately protect t&e rundr of eu& school distriot la the hand6 of the seleoted !ikWl%Ul-W . Vrovlded, however, thtut no pre%iWa on any bmds shsU be peid out of the funds of any said dlstrldt or oorporstion. Said bond shall be pay- able to the president of the board and hfs ma- oesaora in ofiias. oond~i4ionsd_t~~~_th~~~~ or the bond, withv-&f-h the trsasursl’ and the p4, are *the faithtul dlechax4@e QI the trseeurerqe duties and the aayraant of the funds reoe&tred bg him urn the draft @norable Abert J. tiuteon, Jr., laga 4 of tho QrWkident of the sohJo1 board drawn UDB~ order. duly ezteeed. of the board of trusteea", and that *the treasurer ahall s~faly kee;, and fa$thft+ullv diriburse all fund% oo%&ng Into hi8 handa aa~treasursr , and shall faithstilly pay over to his suOof~~~or all balanoes remrlirizg in his hands". It i8 quite appsrmt thut the O&ly 6pMtifiO re- quir%aeat inthe bond for the tressmar and the bank to ful- fill, Involved UDdar the f'aat.8you give, is that whiah re- quires *the payiMnt of the fundm . . . upon the draft of t&e preeidsnt OS the sohool boaxd dreva upon order . . . of the board of tru#teea*. Y:e a88uma that the rouchera lasued to the new ouperintsndent have beon drawn by the praaident of the board upon order ot the trwteeo. The bend doea not require the order of the aahool boerd be a lb* 1 r o l'hderthe term6 of the bond the troamarer -are an am4 reQuireal to eesertaia whether or Uot the vwoher has kea drawn by the president upon ardax'oi the truetaaa. The only requiremanta ether Zs the bond am *the of the ttieuurez*J dutlea, th6t the traa- kwp 6nd rrrft dfebUr66 dl furzdr" $a$tQful.ly p$& to his mooomor all b6l8JW0-B". kooordLn& to tF.e opinion 1st the aase of K.C.Y.&O. Qy..Co. I. Khittln&om 4~ Snoaney, (Ten. Cir, Ap .) 155 8. i1. MW, the ward *~afthtull~” smnm VawthSuJ,l~, D% oe~ly and aepuratelyar Under the faota that ye give, wa oannet say tls%tthe tteaeurer 6114 the bank would not be act&i& 'faith- fully* by pylag the vouaher6 issued to the new auparlntandant. We heve been unable to find any Texas appellate a~rt deaW.on on this partiuular question, but the *ama ree- . 8onsag we have followed h6M was used in the ca6b or age f, Froboaee, (T&IX. Civ. wpp.) 66 5. w". 6456, in whioh the oourt held thet s County Trwmwer, whose rtatutory bond n8s oen- dltloaed that he would "airfsly keap and talthPully Ulsburrre the (oounty) sohool fund aooerdtng to taw" wa@ authorixed to pay warrants issued b$ th% aounty %%ltooi 8up~rinfendenf that were valid on their facre but had Man fllqally lbnblsd by the %up%rint%ndent. k Kentuaky ~886 in point, 00. a feat sttuation siml- 3.8~to this one, la the 0888 ef i%porit Bank of Orwrrboro t. &&err County hurt, 13, Ky. L, 681, 15 5, Pi. OSIO, in which the aourt ssidr *!lB% benk viss not % tru%te%, but a mm-e naked degaaitary, with tha agents or the aounty to super- Yuke its eotion. ',hs fund was % tru& fund, to bo nmrebl% Albert J. liutson, cr., &age 5 applied in a particular way, not by the bank, but by the 86~ent.S Of the County. 'Lhe bank W66 required to know that tts bond or coupon iSSued had been si~$~ecl enC deli-red --in other worda, that it Wa6 tl ~;enuf.ne bond, nodng ; and the mix% frict -ilore that it mi&ht have been au OVeXiSSrie Created no IlSbllity, UnleSS 'bhere was rmia rendcollusion betreen t&e bank an& the committee la en appropri- ation of the runa to $ purpose they knewwas un- authorIzeA. It is Stat@ in th6 o~@-iiou below that the mxmgera of thlca fuad wore men or the hl.gheet order of integrityI and thlS entire trouble ha6 orlg;inatsd iron a mistaken judgment in the @au- struotion of the law under Which they acted, . '. .* For the re660n6 Stated above w think 10 is alearly the duty of the trearsurer 6nd the bmtk to pay the VQUOh6r6 166UOd,to the ileu su&mriutsndeat. lie0 CO CiWQ%l the QSXtOXRMllOb OS 6&laOt +“liban&lQUS &leh the law 611njoins 66 a duty resulting fron an ofllioo or trust”. Z6 Tsf. Jur, 654. Sea slso t&e aaae of Sitswart v. ~ongIo60pendent Sehaol Eistrlot, (T6x. cit. app.) 134 8. W. . our snswor to your f%TSt q,Wltion is *ne*. our ~ntmr to your seaona quastlon 1s *ao*. Our answer to your third question 16 that th6 new SU&mi<6n&6nt 15 entit;lOd to OOapll the treasurer and the bank to pay hi6 vouehere by mmbamU~. In view of our iorrgoiag anaw6r6 we do not think it Is u6065SSry thet we 8wmer your fourth quertlon. ',Youro very truly