Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE ,OF THE ATTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable M. I".Kleke @m.~ty Attorney &Be County f3lddlxlg8, Texas en reoeivea and oardully coneld6reQI we request ar rol- lomlI' Law had been salary fxml .L on being advised that I” !I:,. nal, I a0 advised The Gentwl.sriaaer~e not app& the aoimunt. The or then sued ths~Com&seioasr~8 t in form of aertionarl to n of the Cornmiselonar*e CourB. devolved around the oonatitu- a Statute and the Comnieaionerts aourt did not care to hurt the offleerts dxmd- ing, he aonaented to bringing this euit agalnat the county, to have the matter adjudleatsd. "In a trial In the Diatrlot Court, I, ae County Attorney, representedthe county, TM DiBtriCt held thCitthe UOlZTi,&S,3iOneX"6 court court haQ improperly rejected one or two small.eritems a6 exprrnee0r offiae, but held that it ha~properlp acted on the rmttsr of the $4,000.00 salary. (I am attaching a copy of the judgment.) Vha Officer gave notice of appeal, but later paid into the.oounty treasury approximately~l,OOO.OO, representingthe rmney which WAS due the County titer the oourt held the Special Law raising him salery unoonstitutional. Wndsr the oiroumatance~, am I en- titled to the 10% provided for in Article the 1925 RdvlesllCivil statutee of @5i3i3,p"r e "In your opi,nionNo. O-665 you seem to Indloato that I am. In your Optnion o-24lO ,JWUho18 that it ie necessary that mit must be brought& In the lnatant cabe a suit riasbrought, although, under the ciroumstances, by agreement, it 'RIBinetituteQby the Offi- cer. Xt is my o&nion that in the fors- :going aituatlon the requirementof Art. 339 which eLatea 'Bs ahall institute suah pro- ossdingn as eye nsoassary to ao*l the performance of auoh dutiee - et *9s met by a suit, althcugh not filed by me." Under the holding of our,opinionBo. Q-8410 (Con- ference Oplnlon No. O-3105) whiah ovmrul.es,thatportion of opinion No. O-665 or thia department applicable to the questionherein, it is our opinion that your quaation should be anmered in the negative and It ia I)oanswered. we enclose herewith a copy of opinion ho. O-e410 for your inrormation, Xe wish to point out, however, that it 88 not the duty of the county attorney to defend the suit%againat,i '._~ :L: * 4’78 f&i Condm8ionare~ Court and that tha Com+mion8~~~ Court roulU have authority to pay h5.ma raa8oaabls fee tar the &&mee of salb suit. See the ea8a of City ZiationalBank v, PrositlioCounty, I?69. W. 777, which hold that it im not the legal duty or the aounty attorney to xeprwsnt the county In euifa affeofing Lte infereet and the oaee OS Jenee V. Veltman, 171 9. W. a91, rhieh holds that~Comim- rionerrt Court8 have authority to employ county attorney8 to reprment the county in pending,euitr, very txu19 yours AT'iUWXYWSNXRALOX TXA5 PIRST ACSiSTANT ATTORNEY GEKERAL .-