388 ., OFFICE OFTHEA'lTORNRY GENERAL OFTRXAS AUSTIN 389 iirtiols1$26, VBXAOSI’S Annotated Civil Statutes, mad6 as followst “Clai3s against a oounty shall be regls- tared in three olasses,as follows: "1. All jury aorly aad sorip Lsouad for fesdhg j urora. -2. All noxip isnuod under the provisions of the mad law or for work 4one on roads and bridges. -3. ill ths (;ansrchl i.ndebfssdneas of the county, incluatngfae4ing and guarding, prisonera, and paupers' ol.aipLs." . ArGiolo 1628, Vernon.8 Aauotated Civil Stntutsa, pmv1d.s in part that: Vhe funds roaeivod by the oounty treaa- uxer shall be alasssd as ahall follows, and be appropriated,raspeotively,to the gaymnt of all alains rrglsteredin the first, eeoond and third olasessr ". . . u2. All money reasivod under any of the provi6ioas of ~tharoad and bridge hw, inoludingt&a penalties rsaovsrs4 from rail- roada for failinS to repair orossirye,.%nd all finas and forfalturas* ". . *n sOOtion 2 of Article MS8 ~~~WJIJ all money maa- tioAe4 therain iA Qimi tW0 Of bri;iOh 14S6. TharafOra, in view of the foregoing statutes, pOU era TeBgsUtfUllY a4vieed that it is titsopinion of this dopati?Matthat N,,,Ai,yobtained for a fine in a felony OOnVfstiOa should be paid to the county Treasurm and plaasd in t9a road and bridge 0x14. 390 Mm. %lllis OtBeal, Page S Trusti~ thet thueforegoingfully an8weru your inquiry,we 6x3 Yours very truly AWtGO APPROVEDm 12, 1941 ATTORNE!f GEbTERAL OF TEXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion