Ronorablo ckrorgeH. Sheppsrd
Comptrollerof Public Aooounts
Au8tiR, Texas
Bear Slrt opilllon Ho. o-)082
Ro: Dispositiono
=val you klndl
adrlao me ii thr Bta
be requirea to amp08
into the State
nrrants in th
book8 and reoord8 a6
may been neoeaaary. The
11 oause eaoh ondlt union
on06 yearlf, auoh 6xu&m-
~om6 oompetsntpertmn or
the Banking Go~aniaslones,
"p 'par ornt of the
paid to sald Ranking Oom~esiaaer by the raspeat-
ire uniona exambed BB provi&sd by this Aot as
oompansstionfor his or their asrvioar aad as re-
lrnburseme@zfor travel expensea and other lXp SnWS
lnourrsd; (Z)'by one or YIIOPO
oroblt union armniwm,
who shall be appointeU by the Ranking QommieniotMr
~c+norsble George zi. Sheppard, Paga 2
and shell receive a salary or not oxoeedlng T&ee
XUndred Eollara ($300) par month. and ahsll be
ralmbursed for trsval expense8 in the axanof Four
Dollars ($4) per dey, plus ooat or traneportatlon,
ouah araminara to retain their salary and sxp~nsea,
as above provided out of he8 oolleotad br them
as heraiMftsr provldadi (3) or by the Deputy Oom-
miaalonor, Doaartmental Examiner, 8ny bank lxamlnor,
aasIetsat bank examlnor, building and loan aupsr-
rlaor or bulld%ng.and loan esaminar, who ahall r6-
solve and retain tha fee8 oollaoted by them aa
hersinafter provided, 8UCh fOO8 80 UOliaOtad t0
be oradlted on the sslarg o! tho pcraon oolleoting
the satw, so that auoh peroon ah.11 in no swat
raoelve oompensation in lxoaas of his salary 88
provldsQ by law.
**IWO credit union examined shall pay an
TE on fea fired by ths Baokln Con&s8IOnar
not to &osod 'Zwen8y-fireDollar8 ($25) ppu daF
gor person engaged upon auoh exaainatlon.
"*Ai& fees, BB above pravldad, shall be p~I6
by the aredit union to tha paraon or paraona
tha axaninatlon, ati euoh yaraon~ shall make a
monthly soaount to the Banking Comdsaloner of the
roe8 10 oommtsd during the preoeding month, roe8
in 4x400* 0r l;hoao ret8in.d by the sxsrainsr 98
above pro~ldrd shall ba paid to the Banking Corn--
mlseloner end by him depoaltad with the Stat8
Fraaeurer to ba held in a sgecrlalSund and uaad
t;;ath;w9urpoae of enforolng tha.provlalons of
*'After September 1, 1943, the number of the
employaesd the aelerlas OS esch nhall be a8
fiFi;,';nthe biennial De.?arbmmtal Approprlatkon
n . . . . II
The Aat olcarly provldaa that the Ssas to ba paid
ah811 be oolleated by tha oxaminar and retained by him Sor
hi8 own UBQ and benefit, ma hia ooiapsmeatlonfor sanioau
mderea and to aerroy his expanaea. A8 othor 0m0eta opar-
sting on the fea ayataai,the sxamimr oolleets thaaa face for
Bonoreblo Oeorga B. Shsgpard,Pa&o,
hla own personal we and benetit, not for the ~88 and benefit
of the State. The alcsuntto be retalned by the examiner ia
l&dted, and the eroeaa met be paid to the Banking Commissioner
and by him depoalted with the State Treesurer to be hold in
a apooial fund and used ror onforelng the protlalona of the
o&it union law. The exooaa teaa, therefore,met be paid
into the Treasury to the orosXlt or thin rpaolal f'umlprorldod,
and 618buraed on warrant8 aa other Ststo moxto~~ but the too8
to be retained by the examiner are not regulrod to be pal6 In-
$0 the Troaaury nnd dlsburaod on warranta.
Tour8 very truly
G: l;LLu-n/