Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

COPY Eonorablr maodo A. Will&m8 Chairmanand beatlta Dirootor opbllon Ilo.0-6088 Ior Are the rrntlonedlmlltldualr in th8 88@O~t Ot th@ Liquidating Dlrislon of the ' Board of In8urM00, coEl.a- rionur wIthin th8 m@,caw of Article LlEitlb-17(g)? Your request for an~opinion a8 to whether the in- diTidual8 tr8at.d in the 1ekt.r oi Hr. Wfll 0, %llOX, Liquida- tor, to b. I.080. William8 dr8 in thr 8mplOyment Of thm Llqtidating Diririen or tha Board o? In8uranor 0o1ml88ionerr rithia the nraning of Artlola 68Llb-17 (6), Vernon’8 Ravimd Civil 8t6tUt.8 has been roooiy8d. IOU hare attaohul a oopy of the letter born Er. Knox whioh reads in part a8 follows: *The Liquidating Dlri8ion of the Board of Inrrur- ariO8&mmi88iOn~8 lra8 orsated and 18 aLaitlthU3dPUr- ruent to House Bill 249 of the 40th Legislature, in- oorporoted in the Rerieed Stetutee as Article 5060-C. The writer Is the Liquidator desfgnzted by the Board OS InnsuranoeCommlrolonerrrend la the Receiver OF- pointed by the respective District Courts in oonneo- tion with the recelvershlps desaribed on the attached 113t. The Board of Xnsuranoe Commiaeioners employs all personnel of the Divi8lon, fix08 salaries snd has the right of termination of employment at will. It eprroves the salary expenditures along with other ex>enaes inoident to the reoeiverahlps. bnorablr Olaudr A. lIlllam, Pago 8 -ho fund8 with thloh the omplo~oo8 uo paid lOP U irOE the 88tfit.8of the r@celrrrrhfpr thee 8elv88. Th8 mplo~err work ruio~ly tm all re- 08iTU8hip8 U the OW881Oll 68Md8, NO 80~ let84 UOUTW lOOWlt Of th. tiM 8mt ia 0-08 ? iOn with thi mrk of the refiqootive rr.rlrsrrkl~8 i8 maintained in th8 o?fim but an approximationi8 krpt a8 th. buia O? the prorationoi thr ~Q10~008’ 88lWiU fra the V=iOI.l8 rOO@iV8r8hi>8. i8 ub8M theiirrtaad tlfteoatho?thm%%%‘ Of OOW88 lM ?a tO 2OOOl48 ~0 kog$ im the offi with r.8 08% to the ori& of.'tho fb48 with whloh oaoh 08qPofre ha8 bean pal(. during th8 lib of the rooolvor8hlp. Th. EOtti mr@tiOll Of fund8 OOMO- qlmatly fairly uour8to ropsoronU tho apportloa- moat of tlmo o? laoh in tho mspootivo ~liqoidatioa8," TOlAXr*qUO8t f\rzthor 8tat88 that %hOn Lh. ]caOX, a8 LIquidatori taker otor an la8ur~oo oorpny, ho ofton koopr on Its ayroll outaln 0r it8 amp1opoer who are famlllar with it8 bur % 088 and Who a88i8t him in liquidation proce88. On those eJ+OyeCI8' rage8 he pay8 booial eoourity taxes to the fodoral Bcvrrnmont. In nddltlon he pay8 8oolal seourlty tax On th8 8mOUllt8Oi the W’4@8 Of hi8 Ofii08 for00 uhlah UO ohargoable e.@in8t the putioulu in8IUUOO oompany ln QUO8- tion. Tha 8OrTiO.8 ~rformad by thue old 8m~loyOe8 Oi the oommy a8 wd.l a8 the 8UVioe8 of thr 8Bi&31OyU18 Of th8 llquldatlng ofiloe ere to be oon8ideredsm 10 uo further advi8ed that the llquidatlon divirion a8 oreated by rtatute 18 housed in a dlff8ront offloe from that of the Ineurance Department of the State of Texas; the: the employee8 of the Llquldatlng Divialon ~arrorm no duties in the offioes o? the Insuranoe Comii88ion; that the work o? the perrons ~nplogod in the Liquidating Dlrlalon Is solely that of working on the various lneurance companies that are in llqulde~ion; that these pars,-nsare under the direct eupervlalon and oontrol of Mr. Will 0. Knox, Liquidator; that they are chosen or employed by Mr. Knox subject to the approval of the Board of Insuranoe Comaissioners. Article 5221b, Secdsn 17 (e) read3 :z part a3 follo:vs: Eonorabla Claudm A. Wllllam8, Page 5 *(o) *Lmploylng unit' mean8 any lndlrldual or typo of organization, including any partnership, asrooiation, trust, estate, joint stook oompany, ineuraaor oompany, or corporation, whether domestlo or rorelgn, or the raoalvar trU8t.e in bankruptoy, trU8t80 or IUoOe88Or thorao# or the legal repro- 8ontatiVO O? a daOaa8ad p8rs:n whloh ha8 or aubse- quent to January 1, 1958 had in It8 employ ona or more individual8 performing rorrlcer for it within thil 3tRtO. . ." Sootlon 11 (6) (1) provldrr: "(6) (1) '-lo-nt' eubjeot to the othar rOvi8lOn8 Of this #ub8aotion, mean8 8uvic8,inolud- 8utIoo in intorrtato 00mmo~00, prforrd for wager or under any oontraot of hlro, writton or oral, 8xpr.88 Or im lied prorldod that any 8OrViO.8 par- tormod by M fndlvfdual for waged rhall be deamsd to bo employment rubjoot to thl8 Aot ~11888 and until it 18 8hOWIit0 ttl08di8faOtiOn Of thr &52&88iOIl that ruoh IndlvIdual ha8 been and will continue to bo frar rrom control or direction over the perform- anoe of suoh servlaee both under his contract of 8arv1oe and in fact." 3eotion 17 (g) (6). roads: "(6) The tarm 'aployment' shall not inolude: *(A) 3ervice performed in the employ of this State, or of any polltloal subdivieion thereof, or of any lnstrumentallty of this State or its polltloal aubdlvialons;n The faots related in the letter of the Liquidator ae well as your letter show that there ere two cleases of per.xr?sto Je coxldered i: this or~inlor.: First, there ere t%ose Fersons timt were in ti-:e ex2lol.l;entof the compmy prior to the eppolntment of the Liquidator. These l~dlvlduol; con- tinue their employment for e sufficient period of time to enable the Liquidator to close out the bujl?es3 in thet particular office of the company. They are paid by the Liquidator out of the essets cf fke >or;,~&ny;‘?-e:r:1.5,-e of lionorsbloQlsudr A. WIllIams, Pago 4 employmsnt romlns the same; the only sss0ntlai dirr8rsnoe in thslr employment bring that ths Liquidator is their supervisor rathu than the former ottlou of the oompsny. Thry wsro In employment under thm Tsxu Unmmploymsnt Oorpensatlon hot prior to ths tlms thr Llquldator took oontrol of tho buslnosr. It oamot bo dirputsd that undu our statuts they nould haro boon in smployment If s reooltrr had boon sppolnted by the oourt. 8800~4, thsro arm other In4irI4uals omployo4 in thr Aurtin 0rri08 of the Llquldator.. ws uo inro~oa that the80 persons puforr fhoir ssrrioos In snothor and 4if’formt ottloo an4 bullally from that of tho 8tato Insur~o~~~sslon) that nono of ths ssrrloss perform04 by ths parsons in the liquida- tion 6ItlsIon lrtsln to tho goners1 dutlos of the Boar4 ot ssIonors. Thilr 4utios are oonilamd atriot Insuruloo t3oiaui to thr lIquI4atIons of the rsrious I~ursnos oompsnlos. Ths sals.rlosof sll of thsss parsons sro apportione4 upon time applied and are paid from ths ussts ot the rarlouo lnsuranoo 00mpflI*s. The Btato oi Tsxu pays no put of their sslsry. At ths time ths Liquidator took po8sdsslon of the sssets of the various oompanles under a oourt ardor the equitable tit18 to the assets 414 not pass to ths State of Toxaa but remelnod for ultimate dlstrlbutlon to their oreditors an4 polloyholdors. The Leglslaturo placed the llqul4atlon of tho lnsursnos oomp~Iss in the control of the Board c$ Inruranob &mmls8lonors an4 ths Liquidator, not for the benefit of tho State of Texas but to oonserve the assets of the ruIou8 l8tstsS for the bonofit a? the oreditors an4 polloyholdors. If a reoelver had been appolntod by the oourt to liquidate the assets of the vsrlous oompanies now in the hands of the Liquidator sue!,a receiver Would not have been an exempt employer under the terms of our Aot. Under the statute now in force relative to the liquidation of lnrursnce oompanios, it is the duty of the Dlstriot Court to appoint the statutory Liquidator as receiver of various companies. He is appointed receiver for each ccmiiyany and act3 as reoelver as well as Liquidator. Aa do other reoelvers he muat take the oath to qualify es receiver. We do not believe nor intend to infer that persons in the e,“.yloyment cf the Board of Insurance Cowissioners in the performnnoe of the general duties of their office are In employment under the Unemployment Compensation Act. Clearly, they are not. , , . Eonorablo Olaub A. Wllllsms, Pago 5 Tho Unsmploymrnt Oomponsatlon Law ot Toxas was lnastsd to prorido soourltiyto psrsons tsmporarily out or smploymnt; the lmploysr oompsnIoa wsrs required to oontrlbuto to a fund 00 lnsuro some roller from unsmplomont to thrir smployoos, Th0lompanlss being lfquidats4 by our appoint06 orrioor are prlvatr sorporatlons the assets are those of prlvato lnelvl4uals and the Llqu idator acts for private buslnsss and not for the Btato of Texas. 9.0 Whlto rs:Boland, 5 I. Y sup. (84) 113. Ile hare no doolslons of tho oour%s of Toxas upon this quostlon as tho problom uIses from ths applloatlon of a now17 lnaate4 aohems of ssalsl loglslation; IO do havs a deolslon of tho Stata of.irr York sustalnlng our position. & Bar Klnnoy, 14 I. I. gu (R6) pa 11, tho rourthold tho St&o Iasurruoo Liquidator P’ lablo for the payment of unmsplo~rnt tax08 u n ths puson. doing ths iiquie4tLry work In I!&* 0rri08. Thr 8 queatloa was asrtiflsd to tho Court of A peals of the Stats of New York, an4 la that opinion, founo & 84 Mi R. (M) 494 the oourt ho14 that tho llquldator was not an l xorpt rmpla~or udo~ the unemployment oompensatlon aot. Tho Federal Government has epeolfioally provldod in SS VSCA lE4a that *any receiver, rsfarss, trustee, or other offloor or agent appoints4 by sny 0. 8. Court who Is author- i804 by said oourt to aoneuat any buslnssa or rho oonduots w buslnsss shall, from Md aftrr JWO 18, 1934, be NbJsot to all Stato ani looal tax.8 applloablo to suoh busInoss the same as If suoh bu?lnass was ccnduated by an individual or oorporatlon.w 'In the ease O? Mid-AmerlOa, 31 te4. Sup. 601, the trustee WBS held liable for unemployment taxes based upon wages paid to persons employed for the liquidation of e bankrupt estate. The Le:*islatureof Texas FrGVidOe in Yeotic;n17 (e) OS Article 52Elb that en emrlcFlnG unit should include “insurance cornpan or corporation, whether domejtio or Foreign, or the reaeiver, trustee in benkruptcy, trustee or auooessor thereof ,.:. .* Is the llquld-.torin this Instrnoe rerform- Ing sns-different functions than those of a receiver or trustee? We think net. The Legislature olearly lctended that the yersonq r;sedin the llquidaticz of these estate3 should benefit from the uneF,:loymentcompensation act. Honorable Claude A. Wllllams, Pare 6 The only direct authority on this point is found in tho opinion of tho 3uprams Court of 19.T. in In RI Xlnnsy, 14 N. Y. hp. (24) 11. The Hew York Court states that the psrsons in tho lnsurencr liquidating offloe are Wet smployoos or the Stat0 or an aganoy thorbof for tha purpose Of othu atatutss relating to other employees, e. g. thr Clvll Ser- vloe Law, Soolal Yecurlty Law of tho OnIts States, Federal Xnooao Tax Law from whloh employsea are normally exempt." Ue, thubfors, advise you that all or the psrrons aployod ln tho 1IquldatIon o't t&a various lnsuranoa oompanlas as mentlone4 in your request are in the aployment of the iiquieatlng eivIrlon 0r the Boar4 0r Insurance Commlsslonors wlthln the msanlng of Article 5221b, 17 (g), Vernon's Revised Clrll statutss. Tours very truly ATI!ORXEY GlTNFlRAL CF TDLAS m S/ Norris HoeRen h3si~atRnt APPROVED MY 29, 1941 8/ llrorer Sellers FXRST A93IsTANT ATTOFiNZYOlSNFZAL APFROVED - O?lnlon CoaTJttee Bp BiEl - Chairman 06 -GEL