Hon. T. J. Crowe Secretary Opinion O-3045 Texas St$te Boar4 of Medical Re: Authority of accounting Examlnmrs officers of this State to is- Mercantile Building sue warrant for salary to an Dallas, Texas Investigator for the Texas State Board of Medical Exami- ners who holds a commission Dear Sir: as Special State Ranger. We have your letter of January 15, 1941 wherein you ask the opinion of this department upon the ques c ion whether an Investigator for the Texas State Board of Medical Examlmrs may hold a commission as a Special Texas Ranger at the same time, and continue to draw his salary as investigator. Section 33 of Article 16 of the Constitution provides in part as foll@war “The accounting officers of this State shall neither draw nor pay a warrant upon the Treasury in favor of any person, for sslary or compensa- tion as agent, officer or appolntee, who holds at the same time any ether office or posltlon, of honor trust or profit, under this State or the United States except as prescribed In this Con- stitution. ** 3 ” Section 33 contains certain exceptions, none of which are materj,al to the subject of your inquiry. Skepecial Texas Rangers are appointed by the Public Safety Commission under the authority of Vernon’s Civil Statutes, Arti- cle 4413 (ll), Section 5, which seatlon reads as follows: “Special Rangers: The Commission shall have au- thority to appoint suah number of Special Rangers as may be deemed advisable, not to exceed three hundred in number; such Rangers shall not have any connection with any Ranger Company or Highway Motor Patrol, but they shall at aJ.1 times be subject to the orders of the Commission and Governor for spe- cial duty to the same extent as the other law enforc- ing officers provided for in this Act; such Speciti Hon. T. J. Crowe, page 2 (o-3045) Rangers, however, shall not have the authority to enforce any laws except those designed to protect life and property, and such Rangers are especially denied the authority to enforce any laws regulating the use of the State Highways by motor trucks and motor busses and other motor ve- hicles. Such Rangers shall not receive any com- pensation from this State for their seraices, and before the issuance of the Commission each such Ranger shall enter into a good and sufficient bond executed by a s,urety company authorized .to do business in Texas In the sum of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars, approved by the Director indem- nifying all persons’ against damages accru 1ng as a re suit of any illegal or unlawful acts on the part of such Special Ranger. All Special Ranger Com- missions shall expire on January 1st of the odd year after appointment, and the Director can re- voke any Special Ranger Commission at any time ‘for cause, and such officer shall be designated iti the Commission as Special Ranger ***If We do not find It necessary to decide the question whether a speoial Ranger in this State holds an “office” under this State., Whatever may be the decision upon that point, it is nev- ertheless clear that a Special Ranger does hold a “position of honor and trust” under this State, and Section 33 of Article 16 therefore prohiblts the aticounting officers of this State from drawing or paying a warrant upon the Treasury in favor. of any person for salary or compensation as ,,investigator ,for your Board, while such person holds at the same time the position of honor and trust, of Speaial Texas Ranger. ” That the efficiency of your investigators may be increased by having them possess the authority of peace -officers is a mat- tar which should be addressed to the consideration of the Legis- lature,, which may, if it so desires, by law inve,st the office or position of investigator for the Texas St ate Board of Medical Ex- aminers with the authority of a peace officer. “APPROVEDJAN 30,'1941 Yours very truly /s/ Grover Sel~lers ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS FIRST ASSISTANTATTORNEY By /s/ R. W. Fairchild GENWAL Richard W. Fairchild, Assistant APPROVED:C@&NI~~~~~TEE BY: , RWF:EP:wb
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion