95 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorablo Luther C. Johnrton Qountr Attorney AlaorBoa county Falortlnr, Taar Dear Sir+‘-- iroionerr* oon~uao- lo, to lp - ii0 0r ti00f e5gloy a ngular file oiricer to State regrlsting or vahlolir ~LdSbldlOlt a54 Artlol*l~ '8 Annotated Civil Statutrcl, sr8 Court o? uah oountf, ction with the @,rriif, aa than two (8) regular depot i 88, vto (8) rbditional drputlrm ror r to db balb regular deputies, ounty trarrio ofiioerr to on- y(;larn of thl8 State rogulet- 80 or tht rub% bijPlrrafr br notor rehiol88. Sal& dsputier rhall br, ‘MWiOr@t pnotloablo, aotorogole rfdsrr, 8ml 8hrll b8 Th6y 8hal1 give bon6 rab t&k. Oath of oiflb as Other deputier, ThaY SW be dismirmd eoa arrvlor on rrgucrrt or th@ Shor- 1st wjenrvrr approved by thm C~Bdon~rg i 1 Iionorablb Luther C. John&on, pag8 L OOott, Of by said Court On it8 OUQ ititibtit8, rhumver their lenlorr am no longor wodod or ha+8 not br8a ratlrfaotory. The oomnl88lon- US hUTt rhall tix t:;8ir OOEip8liMtiOZi prior to their 8.bOtiOn, and Say prorid. at th8 lXp8n8, . Th@ WY Of Sbid dO~Uth8 8hdll irot br 1nOludOd in the 8cttlOment8 0t the Sharltt Inlo o o untl4for the ferr or offlae. For the PurQW5C, of thf8 law, the Con5i8rloner8 Court8 oi oouotier whole iWId8 from the rotor reglotra- tion tear provided heroin aumauntto Thl,rtf Thou8and Dollara (#SC 000) or ov8r, MI ~88 R io lt~oeOdi4 fiV0 (6f POT OWtt Of raid fWid8t Utd IlOt t0 0X080& 8OV8a and one-half (9&) per obnt Ot aoh fund8 in OOUBtiO8 rocrlrlng a h88rr amoMt from ruoh rrgiatratlon. Said dOpUtir8 8hall at au time8 000 OTat8 with the olioe drpartmnt oi @aoh oPty or town tit J a th* eountr, in the enioroonmnt of raid tTJfi0 law8 therain &rid in all Oth@r part8 of the County, and 8ha11right have thr 8am an& duty to arrmt violator8 of all law8 a8 other Deputy Sh@rlff@ hf~ve.~ (Underroorlng. Ow8) Artlola 6699a read8 a8 ronon: "Deputler 8hall bo peld a 8tiarr out of thr %*BOTd 8ouaty fund no tto lxo~od oa* hua- dlW6 lBd tittt (t.lf#) dollar8 POT BiOBth, the raluy to ba fixsd br the 000PLi88iOnOr8’ oourt, u14 in lddltlotheroto n the oommirrionerr’ oourt ia herobf luthorlaod to,Tgrorldr at the lxQoa80 of thr oounty 8uoh nOO888Ur \111iiO&?Ii8, eap8 and badgrr, 8uOh badgO t0 be Dot 1088 than two inoh. by thro. inoh. in d%iWWion8, and other neorrrar~ lqulpniont, to iBOlude a notor- eyole and it8 msint~abnor, a8 i8 arOMMW iOr thm to birohmgo their dutle8, ThO 8tiRrl.8 paid to said doputler aotlng as 8uoh bl@W offioer rhall be pal6 d~irsot to raid d*pUth8 br tha oonml~elonorm’ oourt, and 8uoh mlarie8 8htil be independent or any ralarr or ior paid I: . 9 ;- Eonor6blm Luther C. Johnrtoa, pago 5 to the rhrrlf? and all O? hl8 dOpUtl@8 not 80 lotlng a8 highwar orrloerr, and the rherlir rhall not be required to aooouat ior the ral- ui@S provldcd iOr herrin aa ?0@8 of oitloo or a8 SalarY to thr 8hOTii? of hi8 other demtlar. &oh 46titier UI are wovldrd for herelne8haU 'be appointad by the oommlrelonmrr~~oourt md 6s dovutlrrd by oithu the rhari?? or any oonstabla of tha oounty in whloh thou are appointrdi and no other ofriaers ohall make arrelts ln thlr bate for vlolatioa of law8 rvlatlns to high- way8 now in rffeot in thlr State. Such doputlrs a8 ~rovldrd ? h i fill t all tlma when in tho prr?o~fIatitr~?at~eIfr dttlcr wear e ?ull unlioriwlth 8 osp rnd badge, the bsd@ to bb di8Fhpd on the outride OS the uniiorm in a OOnlpiOUOU8 QhCO. Such O??lcerr 8kiall r6.zaln I in Md UpoIl th6 highrar, 6ad 6t 6l.l t&l68 pa- trol the 8am while in the per?onriimor of their dutlO8, oaly 1~6~1~ the hl@mmy tc) purru6 64 otisndrr who& ruch orrloer8 were unable to ap- prehend upon the highwar ltwl?. Fo arrest by any muoh oftloer rhall be binding or valid up on the porron apprehended it the o??loar mkiag suoh arrest waa la hiding or it h6 ret a trap to apprrhsad pU8OIi8 traveling upon thr hfkh- 100 ?eO8 OF OhU(r88 WhqteVU shell b8 3 ror the sorvloa 0r ruoh O??iO6r8 Frovidsd for huola, nor Mmll my ime for the arrobts madr by ruoh OrriO4r8 br ohrged and taxed a8 008tr or pal4 to 8wh 0rfi00m in any oaao in whioh ruoh otiiorrr rhall nnlcr en arrort. Suoh oftioerr Sh!bll per?om 611 their dutl.8 and make arrest8 for vlolrtloa of MI law o? thir State appertaining to the ooatrol and re8ule tloa o? vrhlole8 operating in and up~n~~~~~l~!h- way, rtrret, or 6116y Of this Stat.. trlot lngla6tr in wl:osO dlrtrlot the oountJ in which 8uoh offioero operats shdll advi80 with 8ueh offlour a8 to the la ?Or O~~B Ot fthe VaT- four state law8 ~utalalag to oontrol and regu lrtlon or tratflo upon thr hl6haa~8 and in 0666 8uoh OfiiOU8 rhall aot pertona thrjr but108 in e&orolng muoh laW8, th@ di8tTiot eadka8* ml f F i Aonorablr Luther C. Johnrtoa, peg4 4 ooaplaln to thr oommleeionere~ oourt, and upon the fIl%ng of euoh oomvlalnt In writing duly elgned by the dietrlot lng lneer the , oommIee;onere’ oourt @hall lummone before them for a hearing the officer or offloere to oomplaIned of, e.na If euoh hearing derelope that euoh officer or offioere are not per- forming their dutiee at required of them, then luoh offlosr or offiorre the11 lmnodlately be dle- oharged from all of th4Ir dutlee and powrre et heroin provided for, end other offloere lhall forthwlth br lppolntad. Should any portion or trotion of thle art1014 be held Invclld or unoon- etltutional, euoh holding ehall not aff4ot the velldity or oonetItutIonellty of any other por- tion of thle ertlole, and 8.11 other portlone not held invalid or unoonetltutlonal ehall remain in full foror and effeot.’ (Undereoorlng ours) drtlolee 6699 and 6699a (Aote 1925, p. 2021 of Vernon’e Annotated Olvll Strtutee, oonetrued together teem to Indloate that the oommlttlOn@rt' oourt may act in OonJunotlon with either the eherlff of the county or P oonetable in appolntlng oounty trafflo offIorre. Let us exaslnr thr 1eglelatIve hletorp of thee8 artlolee and aetermlne vhbther or not thla It a proper oonetruotlon to be given them. ArtIole 6699 of the Revised Civil Btatuteb of Texae, 1926 flret beoame the law In thle Stat0 la 1919 by an lot of the 56th LegIelatur4 (Aott 1919, oh; X2?, p. 228). Thle rot oon- ferrrd on the oommleeIoner~’ court the right ‘to employ one or more SpeoIal Deputy SherIfle* to be eateIgned to work under the dIreotIon of the lherlff of the County.’ Thhr purpoee vat to lIneure the adequate rnforoement of the Srafflo Law8 of thle Stat., end rep4oIell~ the lare re latlng the uee of motor ve- hlolee and motoroyolee on the pub Ylo hlghwaje, . . . and alto the Act8 regulating the uee of the publio hlghwaye br motor vrhlolee. . .’ Sea. 1, Ch. 127, Aote 1919. Srotlon 3 of the Aot provided that, *The number of tald offIoere and the length of their lenIoe ehall be determined by the CommleeIonere~ Court, rotlng In OonJunotlon rlth the Bherlff of the County, ml ther ehall be required to give bond and take osth of offioe at other Deputlee. They may be dIemIeeed from ler r lo eon requeet of the Sheriff, whensver ap- .- 91 Honorable Luther C. Johnston, page 6 proved by the CoewIe~lonere~ Court, or by the Com- mIeeIoneret Court upon their own lnltlatlve, when- ever their etrvIoce are no longer net&e&, or hpve not been ertiefactory. . . .’ Rote that the act in lte entirety dealt with decrutr ehcrlff~ end dose not mention oonetsblee or deputy oonetablee. Sea. 4 of the Aot (and thle 3s Inportent) provided on17 for the mneetiog and gaulnmr& of euoh deputq sheriffs In the following language! ‘Tht ooopeneetlon of e&Id deputlee shell be flxtd by the CommIeeIonere~ Court prior to their eeleotIon, nnd In edElt!on thereto raid Commleeion- lce~ Court shall be authoriced to provide, et the expense c? the County, necereer~ equipment for tale offloere to enable them to dleoherge their dutIee. The per of mid deputies ehfill not be lnoludea in the eettlemsnte of the Sheriff in eocountlng for the ices of offloe, but shell be Independent thereof.a In 1925 the L+glelature oodlfIed Chapter 127 In its en- tirety at Artlole 6699. Thle ertlole ee et the time of oodlfloa- tlnn eppearr on pegs8 1 ma 2 of thle oplnlon, with the trotp tlon of the portion undtreoortd, whloh u&e provided bv an anend- mtnt oi’ 1947. . Then eeet eceelon of the Le .lele.ture that codlfled Chep- ter 127 of tht Aote of 1919 ea Artlo I e:~6699,-enaoted Artlole 6699a. Thle Aot wee ohrpter 52, p. 202, of the hots cf 1925. It beoatee effeotlve 90 days after adJourmenb (Yeroh 19, 1925) or June 16th. Until th*t dete Chapttr 127 elone vet the law. From that hate untll Beptenbw let, 1925, the effeotlve date of the Retlead Clrjl Btstutee, Chspter 127 and Chapter 56 (Art. 6599s) were both thr l&w lx o epinsofart It the letter reoeeled the for- mer. Under Chanter 104 of tht Aote of 1925, the eu~ervieor of the oodIfloe.tIon”wee req,uIred to lneert therein note of the SQth Ltglelature (1986) whioh modlfitd my artlole, ohapttr or title of the oode, but which were not express amendn4nte or re- lnnotmente thereof. Consequently, Artlole 66991 rat atrely In- serted In the oodlfIoatIon after Art. 6699, llthough the Act purports to emend Chsnter 127 of the Aote of the 36th Ltglelature, J Honorable Luther C. Johnston, oege 6 vhloh broom8 Artlole 5699. According to lte o&ptIon hrtlclt 659Qa (Ch. 58, Act@, 1925) vat *An eot amcndlng Ch. 127 of the 9entral Lava of the Regular BeeeIon of the Thirty-sixth Legleleture, r’olatlng to blahvaz pff IctrQ. ’ (Smpbosle eddta) It will be remembered that the only hlgbvay offloere ret forth In Ch. 127, however, were eoeolrl d~e3uty sherlffe oppolnted by the ooomIeeIonere~ court in oonjunotlnn with the lherlff. The oaptlon loeolfied the purposes of the amendment et to at to require the veering of unlforeke and ktdiei; and req?lIrlng euoh offIoere to patrol the publio highways in the performanoe of their dutlee; flxlng and providing for the payment of lalarlee of euoh offloors, . . .’ In other words, the oaptlon of this enactment (I%. 58, Aote 1925) gave notice simply that the purpose of the aot was to provide unlforme, preecrlbe duties end flx oompeneatlon of the offloere deelgnated In the act amended, Ch. 127, Aote 1919. The body of the aot, bowever,, amended not Chepttr 127 in lte entirety but only eeotlon 4 thereof (vhloh we recall related Q& to oom- peneatlon of epeolol deputy eherlffe.) In eddition to providing for uniforms, duties and oom- penration, the body of the sot added the following matter, no men- tion of ‘vtrloh It wade In the onptlon; #Suoh deputlee at are provided for herein shall be ~epppaIntea by tht ooaaleeIonere’ oourt end br dep- utized by either the lb er lff oount In vhiob they are app t.da4a 1 ft it our opinion that this prrtloular prorIeIon prorid- Ing for the eppolntment of deputy oonetcblee at well aa deputy sheriffs It foreign to Chapter 127 of the rote of 1919 and notloe of this new eubJeot not having been given or expreeeed in the oaptlon of Chanter 58 of the rote of 1925, tht tame 13 void and of no foroe and effeot under Seotlon 35 of Artlole 5 of the Constitution of Texee, ororldlng In part: IO: Honoreblo Luther C. Johnston, pago 7 ‘No bill, . . . shell contain more then one eubJ4ot vhioh shell be lx p r eeeed In Its title. But if an7 eubJeot shell be lmbrroetl In an aot, vhloh shall not be exprtet4d In the title, euoh l4t shell be void on17 et to to eiuoh thereof, at shall not be to expreeeed.D Under this etotlon of our Constitution It her born held that the oeptlon mutt give notloe of the nature of the amendment (Katz 1. State, 122 Cr. R. 231, 54 8. W. (2d) lSO), In Re: Amerloen Rio Orande Land & Irrigation Co., D. C., 21 F. Sup?. 492, nodlf led, C.C.A., 103 F, t&l 1 509, oer. den. 60 6. Ct. 88, SO8 U.S. 5731, r.nd where the oeption of en a- mendetorl act lpeolfIee a partloular field of the amendment end states that~tht sot la to make oerteln ohengee In a prior etrtute, the amendment It llmlted to the making of the epeol- flo ohenge deelgnatcd and @ny l ddltlonal, oontrar? or dlfftr- ent emendment it pr4oludea. Lendrum v. Centennlrrl Rural glgh Sohool Dletrlot #2, (C.C.A.) X54 8.Y. (2d) 55% This oonetruotlon la In accord&no@ with previous opInIone of this department. In opinion lo. O-2444 we held that et to oounty tref- flo offIorre appointed under Artlole 6699b, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes, the Eherlff end not the CommIeelonere~ Court hat the right to dlreot, in drtall, their duties. . In opinion No. O-1282 we held that euoh offloere are In feot drputy lherIffe, le~lng~ Wuoh offloere are In faot deputIee, working under the dlreotlon of the eherIff. Hoverer’, luoh offIo4re ere a roeolel oleee of deputies, knovn at oounty trefflo offloere , end prior to the amendment of Art. 6699 by the 45th Legleleture their dutler were oonflned eolel~ to enforoensnt of the highwar lava of thle state end to this field their authority vat mm4a. Slnoe the amendment by the 45th Legle- lature, Art. 6699, eupra, the Legleleture hat been CL fit to broaden their field of operation by glrlng ‘-- i raid deputlee or oounty traffic officers the right and duty to errset vlolatore of 411 leve.* Ronorablr Luther C. Johnrton, pags 8 Conrcqurntly, it 18 the opinion OS thla department and you are adrirrd that the county trlilio offioor8 provided for in L tiolr 6699 and 66QQa of Vornon'8 Annotated Civil 8t8tUt88, 8hOUld be aPpOht8d by the OOUd88iOlWr8 OOUrt of a oounty, acting in oonjunotion with the rh8rlff of that oounty, and not noting In OonJunetion vith 8 oonrtable. D SAN 30, 1941 Very truly XOUCI, FIRST ATTORNEYGEXERAL JDSIJS i ;
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion