OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable R.N. Damt, Pege 2 twenty-fivethounand (Pj,OOO) inizabltantaa County Judge, Distrlat or Crdmlnrl Diatrlat Attorney, Sheriff, County Clerk, County Attorney, Dlatrict Clerk, Tu Collector,Tax &saeaaor, or the Aaaeaaor And Collector of Taxes, Tventy-sevenDuudred and Fifty Dollars (*2750) each; Juatlae of the ?eaoe and Conatable,Fifteen Xundred Dollera ($1500) each; provided, however, that in all oountlea vlth a taa- able valuation for aounty purpoaea of not leas than Fifty-one Mllllon, OM Hundrad Thourand Dellarm ($51,100,000)nor mre thm Fifty-one Mlllon, Four Bandred Thouend Dollan (451,400,000),and in all aountlea vlth a taxable valuation for county our- poaea of not leas than Tventy-awen Klllioa, Xfne Dundred and PISty Thousux! Dollaza (+27,9“0,000) nor mom then Twenty-sevenlUllLon, pli lhutdred and sixty Thourend Dcllara (427,960,003, eooord- lag to the tex rolls aa prepared by the Tax Aaaeaa- ov-Colleatorof the reapeotlve oountlea for the ourrent year 1938, the aounty Corriaaionera Courta ia such couutlea ahall have the povor to set and eatabllah annually the maxImum umuntoi the feea aolleoted by the Juatloea of tha Peace and Conata- blea vhlah shall be retained by auah offlcreFaaa o ~a a tlo n fo rth e ir lervlaea~ provided, however, that tha maximsa amount 80 aet and eatabllahedby the oounty Coaulaalonera courta *a tIm eaountto be retalnad by luah&flaera lhalllnno event lxoeed Three Thouaand, six hundred dollaoa ($3,600) par annum, end provided further, thet the ooapenaa- tlon for auoh officera (~8provided for herain shall be due and payable the flrat of eaah aonth, and the pm rata coapenoatlonor See8 to be retained for eny quarter of the fiscal year ahall in ac event exoaed IilneEundrad Dollar8 (4900) and auoh X4lna Rundred Dollars ($900) ahall be paid only out of fee8 collectedby such officer8 during the qusPter to vhich such Tine Ihmtred Dollars ($900) 1-t ap- pllea, end in the event the county Comml8aZonen Courts OS such counties ahall set ahd establish the ataxlmumamount cf fees to be retained by auoh offi- cem nt en amount less then Three Thousand, 2%~ Rundred Dollarr ($5,600) then the aams provlslono, oonditions,and llmltationaas net out above rball Xonorablo H.A. Dmat, Page 3 be rpplloable and ahsll be applied to any and all au& leaner ry be provided by the aowty C~aalonera Courts of auah ooun- ties.’ Aooordlng to the 1930 Federal Census, Fort Bend County had a puletlon of Tvanty-nine Thousand, Seven RunQmd and Eighteen r29,718) ixbbitaata, and thm 1940 FeQerel Census ahova the population of maid oounty to be Thi*ty-tvo Thousand, lllneHundred and Thirty-five (32,935) lahabltmta. We are In- fomed that the taxable valuation for aount purposes of uid wunty for the year 1938 was approximetely 827,951,200.00, be- ing mom than $27,%0.00 end leas tbu~ #27,96$).00 aa aentloned in the above qwted statute. With referenoe to population and the taxable valua- 0~08 Fort Bend County oomea vithln Seotion 7% ?&s:;wmpd Thla statuteprov3iieeine~ee'EXm~ the oowty cramais~fonera~ courta In much counties shall have the paver to set end eatabllo,h annwlly the maximum amount of . fees aollectedby the justices of the peaae and constables which &all be jwtalned by suah oPfiaera as compensotlonfor their servtces;prcvided, hovnver, that the asxti umcunt so met end eatebllahedby the aounty crarriealonera' oourta am the emount to be retained by auoh officers ehnll in no event exosed $3,600.00 pelrannm, and provided further that the em- penaetlon or such officere k8 provided in maid atatutm ahall be due nnd payable tlbe~~llr.ntOS each mcnth md the pro rota oolrponscstlonor fees tc be mtaixm2 for any quarter of the flaoal year hall in no event exaeed $900.00 and awh $900.00 ahall be paId only out of Seem colleothd for auoh orficera during the quarter to wlrlchsuch $900.00 liait appllea. Am above stated, the statute rpec~floallyprovldew that euoh &OO.OO eha3.lbe paid only out of fees oolleated by auoh offl- oera during tha querter to vhleh mixah@OO.OO llmlt lppllea, thereforeprohibiting tlm retainlng OS few or oompenutlon eamed in one quarter over and above the aaid $!?OO.O for any querter other than the quarter In which maid fees were aolleat- ed. Therefore,your question ia respectfullyanavereQ in the negative. It la to be underatood~thatthis depax%nent la not Honorable H.I. l&rat, Page 4 passing upon the oonatltutlarmlityof the above mntloned atetute in thla opinion. Trusting thet the foreegolng fully enave~a your in- quiry, ve are Very truly yours ATTORREYGRNBRAL OFTsJms Ardell WillLua Aaalatent
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion