OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN -O.MNW -- ‘, ..., : /, the Oourt *bull be fllrlt.with the Clerk of tb* ObUDtY Oowt, and tuise leria&Only.,in aaaor4ane,tharentbh, ad 00 oxpmadlture ot 4ho fun&o of the eow&y dell thenefter be rawloexoopt in 8trioU oo@iaaoe rifh the bud&et a8 adopted by the Geurt* sre*pt that eiaer@enoy lp mdltw~o in, ewe of grave publieaeMo- city, to raeatunuouel ~8 Wowown ooadltiooouhioh oould xwt, by reeooneblydil&$eat thou&t and attention, here bran inoluded Ia t&b oii&uel budget, a6r troa Olmb ba t;ha be wthcrizail by the GOutt l8 aa#sdarn# to the orl@nel buQ.t. In 41X o a o wahero luoh emoadl- ment to tha orlglnelbuodwt IO me&e a oo’y ti the,or- der of the Oourt anwnbfng the boa&d ohelP be ,filad ni5h the Olerk et tb4 Cbuaty &W%, eod ltteoheb t0 bhe bu6b g6t ori@all~ e40p~*db* 4 held in otatOpioSeaQ-1088,dtteme~ Qmierel*emmel &pOXfi for iss* pare ma+ that &tW 5he OeoDt h&et $00 been~ tiaelfy ip:xod br‘tbo oenair~iomro’ qaar), 1cL o4atdoo,len8r8* oourt would aot be aothorirrdto w&end the or%glnelbmilbyt, unleoo the lxpenaltureose& out in thm asmnderat to th+ boa@3 were ame?- ( ten0 lx p o a dltu an4 x e o.eeaooCe~~ were beee*oit*$~ % ;;a lb-rrve pub130 ttaaue~t~ te sioet rlotime1 t end wiroFooHn.rell&i'$olao wh%oh em14 not, by xeeoonoblp dQlt@wstthou&t end attendlo$t, Jwto tw.0;fnolud.4ln tbo aJl&arl bu$uetb %'a assume hrra yotm letter Qhrt tha bua@5 bar net beon esrmdedLn eoeardattee nit& the prorisiobo of the ertlol~ rirot lbeve quoted. Presurst~that oneb ocmslrsionrtio author 1~04 te expend, fn %afiyfngon the work Itnhis pmaitm6, the amount ellotodand eet up in the orQina% budgcrt for eumh pus- p000* his nuthority 6-e not oxtsn4 to lite6Oaetfag etp enQitu P e 0 b s,o nb ltzohmacmnto 00 fixed anlbee QUXOMM t6 I?&l?MabaeAt melapsed u&or the pxoriofons of the btadgoat ler. go~or&blfl L Y. Ounalngb4B, pa,m 3 ft IS tbrarefore the opinion of thi8 depsrtannt fbgt the oounty eo-rzlr.sfmars we net authc0%93il t3 laour bfiig far the t3xpenaiture ot sounty iusfU~ in Deaexber of 1~40 lx BXO~DSR 0: the 1040 &apt 3r sranAat3nCn mide tbwsto ,, .,)r the ooamlstiioaer*r eouxh YO~:rJsvery tmlly
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion