OFFICE OF THE AmORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN DepartsItwLt or A&riaulture kuafin ( Texas Gentlaaerl: Thh will oakubml Bareaber I1zi, 1040, ~qrrea mut -abtiaug the popes PlllnlJwood or *t&T10a8le the aauant noOO8sa : -’ .599 -> p0gwfiment or Agrioultoxe, Pago S that roar root wood ahould be IK);Paraoured but wood out In lengths or two fret, olxtoon inehea or ono foot bo maaewd by throwing euoh wood irro&ularly into a truok bod or box oontalnlag lM1 aubia toot, oon#idoringthe amount or wood nooomrary to till gii trrr whon thrown irregularlyinto 8arm to . "A 00x-dor r00r r00t wood raaed and ~011 ra& oord or wood oan bo out into one ?oot longthm, itwill probabl not maeuro more than 80 to 90 oubia :" ?oot whan cask et Md roll atowod. If tho on. 00x4. 0r row r00t wood ranked and ~011 8t0woa ir cut into two root longthr and throm irregularly into l trPOk bod or box oontainlw lee oubio foot, it will probably ?I11 tho truok hod or box hoapinq roll, while i? tho lmo 0014 o? wood 1~ out into ODe tOOti longthr and thrown irrogularl~into a truok bob or box oontalningU8 oublo Soot, it will laak BOVOrrbloubio root or ?lll~ same. St 18 thorn- ton oloar to 606 that tho lon#h of wood and tho waf it la plaood in a pi10 aaker a lot o? diifor- MOO ln the amount or wood whloh a spa00 o? lS!Woub- lo r00t will oontaiU..* Artiolo 5954 or Vernon*6 Annotated civil Btatutoa, a8 amndob, roads in part as iollowor "Whonoveranr aommodity 10 sold by the oord it rhall moan lee,oubia ioat, or tho OOntont8 o? a epaoo eight foot long, ?our ?oet wide and four toot hi&. . . ." It would bo diffioult indood to emwer hour quea- tion oategorioally. It la hi@ly improbable that any rUl0 o? thumb say now be #et forth that will &do your depart- wnt in all 0r the many raot ilftuatlona it may ba ?aoed with. . 6tH.l Ar rtated in Broke v. State, 63 tex. Ur. B. 56, 204 8.W. 4301 *A 00x-dof wood Ia 'a rrasuxrmmt OS wood oontdniag 122 oublo feet.' 9 070. 977. IC 16 othervire 6rpresma a8 a pile 0r WOoaeight feet long, roar feet high, and r00r rota wia0, whioh vould atie, of eouraa, le8 oubl0 foot. II . The law a000 not roqulro that In order ~o’attoextaln that a quentlt) of wood l,f a oar6 it #hall ba piled eight foot long,: ~,?ourfeet high, and iour ieet rid., but my other mamrermt or pile that ooatalnr a full cord *ill be all that wae neoerrnry and woul6 be ru??iolent.@ It followe and you are adtired that tho only lo il la a mr emmt @TOU 0P br tho rtatater for the ac+t6mitkatlon whethelrany uonnt 0r 8 00-0ait oon~titotora 0024 is vhether or not that oouodity WII1 fill the oontontr 0r a rpaoo oontalniag 128 ~ublo foot. Xarofar as wood OF lag other oamodit7 1~8oaorrned the law I.8rlleat a8 ts the length %nto whioh It rhoula be out to detemlno uhethor or not there is a oord. Wor doea tho law Foqutro that rs;l pmtlmlax method b0 omployea, mob as plliag tbr matsrlal in cltaokaeight feet long, lour fret wide, and roux r60t high. hy mearurement or 8ean1 (ror example, a wagon 80x1~ lug be employed if that in&xummitallt~ will m6&6m P rrrli00~ 0r the 00mn0aitr. Regardleslrof the lengths o? wood, when #old by the oord, the law will require that the rtaakr or pilea be ~011 ranked an8 well stoweU, atherwioe, It oould not be 8earur6U. I?, ror example, the partksr oontraat
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion