Honorable Uarren l&Donald
county Attorney
mth county
WlUr, %XblJ
Your ruaent intoa of fht8 dspsyt-
rant on the querti ted ha8 buen ruaelved.
oner8* Court nbde
c cQmp8uy to px%int
lathe dullnquent
, and ocmtW other
o*euel contract, eta.
t oontrbot lms 3.naimot
ty 8uthQPlxud the p?abUOb-
inquest tax suits ln a
onewithwhlahtheghad the
avur to the que8ticm that I want to
them or not thu Cozmulb8lonerr~Court
haa the authority to enter into the eontract as
above outlined, end vhether the ahurlff ha8 the
dioaretion or authority to 9lbae alteflon ssldor-
ders of uale ufth any p8ptw that he lapyViBh Ea.
%PV1C8 of aitatlon bJ publlaatian in betin-
quant tax mate dlffew flym that of aarvioe in
ordinary auita. Artlole 73kQ af Vern~na Ann. Civil
aWtA&xIO Of
t)t&uten, reta out the method by tfhlcrh
Eaaorable Warren MeDoAald, Page 2
Pub~fObtlon5 or notices say be had on m&mm
owners, Aon-cbnidenta, eta., IA d5llAqusAt tax
suits and among ether thlnga says;
"'Uhiah ttotlae shall be signed
by the Clerk and published in saw
AOWSpbptW in said OOUnty AA8 thtt b
veek for three aoAswutlr5 weeks,
"This SrfiiOledoes AOt, bs ArtdOle 2022 Of
the Revin Civil Statutes, provide that the
.$bll be dlraoted to the sheriff or Amy
aaastable of the OouAty, eta., but mersJy states
that 8s~~ shall be published in 80~8 newspaper.
%owaver, the hrillo Ceurt of Oivil Ap-
pebls in $he ease of NUlW-HAlIRHMPURLI8HIlIQ,00.
Vb. HDTCHIHS COUHTI, olearl~ States relative to
Artiole.7342 B.C.& 1925, the r0lhtfingt
"'maI statute giros the 0ouAty
A0 authority to pay a nevspaper ths
f-5 fOl'tb P~~iObtiQA Of the Oft+
tlon in tax sultn oltittguttkimm aod
AOA-tWSid@At wtmrs but provt&s thbt
such fees may be taxed (svldsntly IL5
oostr 3.Athb stat); 5nd th5 c-5-.
510~0f5~ Court is giveA no authority
to psy for the publication of sue&
oltatioA5 out of fItAd of the oounty
derived from my other sourae.*
"waioh la~guago olebrly seems to ertablish
the faot our Co5mission5M' OOurt in Biith County
had no authority to enter into the acmtxwt above
tmt1iAed. However,I would bppreaitsteyour an-
sverlng the qunstian an to Vhother or AOt the
sheriff or the UorarL55fo~m~ Court has t&v adhor-
lty to dlreat MAO shall publish these QitatiOAs."
Artiole 73&,2,VWAOA~S Annotatbd Civil Statutes pro-
vides and sets out the method by vb.iohQl%btloti8of pUbli5btioSi
or notices mey be htd On unkttowttowners or non-cesidsnt Qvnern
goaotile Warren HaDanald, Page 3
snd the st8tute 5peoiSlaally sets out the&n of aiktion
or notlae.
IA the aaw of aeigle, et ux vs. state, 8g si (26)
304, th5 OoW't sbldt
to watt-nsldarts whlah v,em
served upoa the pUlntlSf5 in error 5re 5ppmwnt-
ly those pmvId5d by Artiole 2037, R.S., 19251
urb do ttotaonstitttteserviae in b au&t for tsx55.
A epeolal rethod of servbg non-~e5id5mt5 in tu
suits 15 pp6vI&d by ArtIole 7342, R.8. 1925, and
IS lxolu5ivo. gts&akn v. Bllby, 43 Cox. Cir, Am.
293, 96 SW 50; Neta v. Thompnott,156 SW 1105;
Rourset v* setteg55t, 210 SW 219.'
It vlll be notad thtt ths 46th Legislsturs tn 1939
pa55ea Lknste Bill lo. 206 (Artlole 7328. 1 Vernon's &m&abed
CIYil st5tute5). ma title of'&nmto ml]. 206 nsds 55 followat
‘AA Aot to s~llfy prweedings IA dellnqwnt
tax stits~ pm*Mlag lo? 5irglIfIed Sorm OS pati-
tlon In su&ts for 001laotIan of delInquaAt tax65
anbothrealudpsrsamlproparty,aml roYIdlng
for a 5ImplISled de5opIptIan of bath raaf snd pee
SoAbl mm&Y 5 t to bo Soreolased upon; provid-
fag that sucrb potiT Ion aeed not be verlfibd~ pratid-
IAg for b slnplISI5d sonr OS olktlonJ pravIdIng
tbat the provi51ak5 as thin bat shall be o%mulatlve
OS and %A bdAitioA to bll other rights ukd -di*s
to vbIab taxing ursttsam wv e+tItlad, but rapasl-
lag all 18~5 &n 0onSlIat hemvlth~ sad deol5rIng
bA emergenay. 2
Artiale 7328.1, supa, sets out the term of Jtditi’3A
rad CitbtiOU ta be used in delinquent tax SUlts# hW505C, VO
do not tmli5ve that the oitatioa set forth in ArtIale 7328.1,
supn; 15 the proper oltatlon to use in delinquent tax sutts
vbere u&navn ovaers.m~an-resident avtmr5 bra irvolred but
think tbst ths oltstlon & natiae as presarlbsd by Artlaie
7342, supm, 15 the aomeob oltatlon or aotlee to be wed
in suoh oases.
IA thr, -55 O? 8tbti VS. %kttOVtto!tMt-,103 =
1116, tbe 501s questian presentad g-5 to the 5uSSIaIanay aS
the altatioa 155ued and oerved by publlaatIo& ma aIktIan
XozkorableWarren XcDoabld, Pqp 4
IA questioa In the bbove mantlened 5aw ~55 set out in Sull
5~ddi5eu5556bythe amrtwhIsbbld that the etatlan ~55
surf lolent. The citation just msAt1oAed is IA form uub5taA-
tlally the sasm as Fox% Ito.191, 168, JWSett*s Texas
Fern Bock The Tom of altatlan tx aotlae as set out in
RoSSettls %1x55 Fom Bock 15 dlreothd to the sherl.SS or any
oaastable of said comty sod the rhm-ITS ar aaostable 15
8ommxled to make publloatiim 0S the oitbtlattaAd notIae bJ
pubzishirrgthe 5888 ln 501~ A5WSp6~P publlabad In uti
oounty one tlma b vwk for three wu35eautlvevsokb, eta.
And the absrlff or ooxmtable 15 mquimd to have said olta-
tion or not105 vIth his returzsthsnon shovlag how hs 0x0-
outed the sbms before &he oourt rt thtt nexe mgttlbr team.
%%O bUthc?l+i~ Of tlra Wt36tWfO&3M’ OOUFt U the
goverttingbody of ths aouz&tyto mxlm oantmots bp its behalf
is strlotly limited to thbt oonfapred eitkkmr8xpm or
w Salr or aeoessazy implXaatIert b-f the Oonatltuti 7!2
of the Stbts. Ropar vs. ttll, 2&O SW 289; Baldvia ma%%
cawty, 88 SW 480. The 0a4mlnnfonern’ bottH mlst hbve bttthor-
Ity of lav for Its soatraots, aAd, ifths luthArIty has been
given8 reasomble aatastruatfaavillba gfvento eSPsQtft5
purpase. camI55faAsPs* court Tn. ellM4& 15 mf Qtwl535.
IP ties 0r tat.8so~'eg0fag dwaut, h bm m-
spsotSully advised that it Is the @nIon of thI5 depaHmat
thbt the a0tmtf5alon0r5~aatrt dims not hbvtatha axprwr
or implied buthorlty to urb ths ooatmot above mtUaed.
ItiS ourSurth5ropLAI4mthatth5 shsHSS* aAdAotth5 aat-
mf5510aar51 (sourt,hbr the authority to dfreat wha nhbll
pUb&hh th5 OitbtiOli5 md nOi;osS rurbiC+E& h5F5i.k ‘phs
55m5 0w be ml& In referanob to the orders of 55lo.
Ve aoantrue your Mqusst for bn 0pl~Ion of this
deps.PtmAt a8 perta to altbtlona and AMiIces 5~d ordo*
of sale with mfexwaas -To dellsquent tbx suits agbiant uA-
~AOVA vvniersor Iran-rm%drat c+wziars, and this OBIAIOA applies
only to such.
TrustiAg thbt the sor8gni5g Sullj aAsver5 jour in-
quiry, ve are
Very tmly purr