,. ,.,.-. ~.:*:. < - _.. _ OFFIkE OF THE ATCORNE,:. :GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorcrble George H. :;heppard Comptroller of Publfa ncaounte &~stln, Texao Deerslrr ution and talc- ot in lnstall- 1940, you request alai5 ror taxes tractor (an at- der krtiales thorltod to 7345b, Vernon'.3 Civil StAtutcs, lrrr~,31yGor5rns l!m pro- ooCurz ta bo folio-m8 1~ tax toreclo~~~ra proc~~~cdlc~s. .<. 8 rind nothing in any of such statutes wnlch &us::'e:;tsthat e dollnquont tclxattorney ia OlOth8d with the power to bind the State to agreecents to so post.pone col~tation. iYe do not believe that the power to nentoroe or assist in Honorable George II.Shegpeird,Page e the enroroezfmt of the oolleatioa* of suoh delinquent tax- iit;;;lb aarry with it any such wwer by necessary lmpll- Aad, the erexise thereof would in a sense disturb the cok3=plated operatloa of Artloles 7336 antl7345b. In our oplnloa the aontraoting attorney may not bind the State to any auob agreements. Yours very truly ATTOmlXY QENERAL OF TEXAS C18Ul R, L8Wi.9 Aselstant ..
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion