Honorable Homer (Earrison,Jr. Director, Department of Public Safety CempMabry Austin, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. O-2878 Attention8 J. B. Draper, Chief Certificate of Title Division Re: Issuance of Certificate of Title under facts set forth. We acknowledge receipt of your letter of October 31, 1940, in which you request the opinion of this Department upon the following fact situations "IAt cwns an automobile and has a Certificate of Title issued by the Department of Public Safety. 'El purchases this motor vehicle frcm ‘A* and does not require 'A' to deliver to him the assigned title and does not file an application for title in his ('B') name. 'B' sells the ca.r to 'C' and 'C' does not require 'B' to deliver to him an assigned Cer- tificate of~Title. Non 'C' is endeavoring to obtain a Certificate of Title in his name and 'A's' whereabouts are unknown and 'B' is unable to locate 'A' in order to get him to assign the Certificate of Title tc 'B' so that 'B* may make further assignment to 'Ct." It is clear that each of the transactions set cut in the fact situation above quoted are in violation of Article 1436-1 Vernon's Anno- tated Penal Code of Texas which is the Certificate of Title Act. Seo- tion 53 of this Act provides that: "All sales made in violation of this Act shall be void and no title shall pass until the provisions of this Act have been ccmplied with." Under these circumstances it is the duty of the Deparhnent of public Safety to refuse issuance of a Csritificateof Title under the au- thority of Section 38, the pertinent provision of which reads as follows: "(a) That the application contains any false or fraudulent statement, or that the applicant has failed to furnish required information requested by the Department, or that the applicant is not entitled to the issuance of a certificate of title under this Act." Section 39 of the Act sets cut the procedure for appeal from an adverse decision of the Department and provides that in the event the Department's ruling is sustained that a certificate of title for the par- ticular motor vehicle involved will be issued only upon suchreasonable rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Department. Section 55 Hon. Homer Garrison, Jr., page 2 (O-2878) of the Act gives the Department authority to promulgate such reasonable rules and regulations a8 may be necessary in carrying cut the orderly operation of the Act. It is stated in your letter that you desire an opinion "as to what should be required of the present owner in this and similar oases in order that ha may be issued 8 certificate of title." We presume that by the term "present owner" you refer to the person designated "C" in your quoted faot situation. Under Section 53 above quoted, title has never passed from "A". "C", therefore, is not ths present owner of the vehicle and is not entitled to a certificate of title. Under Section 38, it is the duty of the Department to refuse issuance of the certificate until such time as provisions of the Act have been complied with, or until such time as it clearly appears to the satisfaction of the Department that "C" is entitled to the issu- ance of a certifiaate. It is suggested that in lieu of ocmplianoe with the provisions of Article 1436-1, a court order vesting title in "C" might be accepted by the Department as evidence of title. It is difficult if not impossi- ble, however, to render any opinion upon this fact situation other than the deoision that the certificate of title should riotbe issued to "C" under the facts set forth. ff "C" is dissatisfied withths ruling of the Department, he may appeal under Section 39. Then if the final decision is against the ruling of the Department, the oertificate of title shall be issued. If it is sustaining the a&ion of the Department, the Depart- ment may then prescribe reasonable rules and regulations for its issuance. It is the opinion of this Department that the Department of Public Safety should refuse issuanoe of a certificate of title to "C" in the faat situation quoted until it becomes apparent that he is entitled to its issuance by reason of having complied with the provisions of the certificate of title a&. Opinions Na. O-2693 and IBO.O-2100 are upon similar fact ait- uations, and's copy of each is enclosed herewith. Yours very truly APPROVED DEC 6, 1940 /s/ R.W. Fairchild ATTORNEYGEWRALOFTEW Xc&g ATTORNEY GEWLRAL OF TEXAS By /s/ Ross Carlton Ross Carltcn Assistant RC:ew:egw Approved Opinion Committee ByBWB Chairman
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion