- - Honorable S. L. West County Auditor Van Zandt County Canton, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion Number Q-2860 Re: Can the Commissioners' Court do the proposed work without the aid of WPA? Your request for an opinion on the following question has been received by thi8 office and we quote from your letter as follows: "I am enclosing transcript of bond Issue for Road Dlstrlct #7, Van Zandt County, Texas. The State Permanent School Fund now holds these bonds, and no amount of the proceed,8ha8 been spent ex- cept $1,000 for cost of proceedings. "It was origlnallg planned to do this work with the aid of the Work Projects Administration. The Commissioners' Court having 8tUdled the situation believes that under present regulations it would be to the best Interest of the taxpayers of Road District #7, to do the proposed work without the aid of the Work Projects Administration. "Can the Commissioners' Court do the proposed work lawfully without the aid of WPA? We would Era;;;eaTpreciate your opinion at the very earll- . We note from the bond transcript 8Ubmitted with this request that the proposition voted on by the qualified voters of said Road Dq.strtct#7, and contained in the order of eleC- tion and the notice of election, reads as follows: "Whether or not the bonds of said road district shall be issued in the amount of One Hundred Thou- sand ($100,000) Dollars, bearing interest at the rate of not to exceed four (4s) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and meturing at such-times as may be flxed by the Commissioners' Court, serial- Honorable S. L. West, page #2 O-2860 ly or otherwise in not to-', exceed twenty-five (25) years from the date thereof, for the purpose-'ofthe cbnstrmction, maintenance and operation of macadam- ized, graveled or paved roads and turnpikes; or In a'idthereof;throughout~ Road District Ro. 7, of Van Zandt'County, Texas,.'andwhether or 'not taxes shall ‘be’levied on all taxable property Fn Road District No. 7 sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds and to provide a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said bond8 at their maturity." We do not find anything ln the electlon order and notice of election in the transcript submittedto this depart- ment that Would prevent the Commissioners' Court from Bpend- tng the proceeds of said Fssue of bonds for the purpose of the construction, maintenance and operation of macademlzed, graveled or paved roads and turnpikes, or in aid thereof, In Rbad District 87 of Van Zandt County, Texas, without the aid of the WPA. However, we,call your attention to the fact that lf the Commissioners' Court passed any official order prior to the electionstating that said bonds would not be issued or-~ that the proceeds thereof would not be used unless a PWA grant was secured, then said money cannot be used without said grant. The authorities seem to hold that the approval by the electors of the proposed bond issue wFth whatever terms and conditions thatthe governing body imposes thereon previous to the elec- tion, creates a status analogous to a contractual relation. In construing an order passed by the Commissioners' Court prior to a county-wide bondelection the Supreme Court of Texas, in the case of Black, et al., v. Strength, et al., 246 S. W. 79, said: "The order would not have been made save with a view to its being relied on by the voters. With the bond issue authorized by votes cast In reliance on the order, as mUBt be assumed, It could not be arbitrarily ignored or repudiated without involving the perpetration of fraud or Its equivalent on the voters. "Under these circumstances, the order was, In effect, a contract with the people, ant good faith required that the contract be kept. Any rule would tend to undermine publtc confidence in the acts of public offlcers.~ See also Golden Gate Bridge and Hlghway~ DistrXct vs. Fllmer, 21 Pac. (2d) 112; Perry vs. Los Angeles, 203 Pac. 992 Honorable S. L. West, page #3 O-2860 It is our opinion that the bond money may be lawfully used without the aid of WPA, unless the commissioners' Court passed an order prior to the election stating that 8aid money Would not be UBed unless a FWA grant was secured. Very truly yours ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS By s/Claud 0. Boothman Claud 0. Boothinan Assistant COB-S-WC APPROm NOV '4, 1940 s/Gerald C. Maiin Attorney General of Texas Approved Opinion Committee By s/BWB Chairman