-E ATToRNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Honorable Harry Knox Chairman, State Board of Control Austin, Texas bar Sir: Opinion NC. O-2RE2 RfJ: Method to be used in making iknds available to San Jacjnto state Park Board for exy;snd- iture in improvement of the park p-roundsas part of'E X,i:, h. project for that purpose. The contract entered into between the State Hoard of Col!trr~l and the San Jacinto IY&XWUI Association concerning the care, custody and control of the San Jacinto Memorial Tower, of date ."pril1.8,1939, construed in cur opinion No. O-951, provides that the bal,anceof the net profits oolleoted by the Association from selling souvenirs, operating a conoession, and operating the elwatcr, after paying the expenses of operating the elevator, paying janitors and watolnnen,expanse of main- tenance and policing of the building, and complying with the general terms of the resolution authorizing the contract in respect to insnranae, shall be used on the grounds of the San Jacinto State Park under the direction of the Board of Control. From your letter of Ceosmber 16, it appears that your Board desires to apprcve the transfer of $4,617.00 of the Association's funds to the San Jacinto State Park Board to be used as part of the sponsor's share in a W. P. A. project for the improvement of the San Jaointo bat- tlegrounds. You ask the opinion of this Department as to the proper method to be used by the Board. You are advised that the approval of the Board of the particular expenditure of funds involved, upon the grounds. should be evidenced by proper resolution spread upon the minutes of the Board. The letter from the San Jacinto WWEXUIIof History Association, of date Eeoember 2, 1940, enclosed tith your request, is returned to you herevrith. Yours very truly .ATTOBNH!GENERAL OF TJ3XAS Approved Jan. 6, 1941 s/Gerald C. Ey so R.W. Fairchild Mann Attorney General of Texas Richard Xi,Fairchild :tpp*opinion committee by RI8 Chairman ASSistant
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion