D8ar Sk1
xn your 1ott.r or oat
our oplnioa ln rorponu to tb
0 uroramat
ir udo by thr
Rio Yaluo on WI
taken, if he f0
8~ r0r (UL
1 titatutor, read8 a8 rob
non, firm or oorpara-
It8 property in thir
corporlibioa or. ‘ouch po;ertg is 88ti8ried that it
is oorreo?i&.dnd ;;rspc:l;’ valued aooordbc to the
rrcsona’ole oesh arkat veluc of euc!~ proprty on
thormarks’% at the tiz:s of its rendition, he 8hall
li8t the 8BZt8 ecoordlq&; but, if tho a8888mr
18 ldi8fi.d
ttr oth0t ldU0 ia hiOW th. rO88OW
able oalh markat valw oi ruch property, ho rhrll
ctt On00 p&IO8 OA Said r8nditiOA OQpO8it8 elIOh
. -l42
91000 Or prOpart 80 WIderOd M UiOUllt 8qUa1
tothe rwmonablo 088h market vaho of 8U6h
property at the time 0r it8 r8ndltlon. and ii
8UOh pIVprt5 8hall be foUnd t0 have Ii0nmrkrt
Yiluo br 8Uah Offloor, thm at ruoh lUIDe8 raid
orrlomr @hall doon the roti or lntrlnrlo raluo
Of tho prOportri a6 ii the prr8on llatlng
ruoh property or th8 owner th8roor i.8nat Batis-
fir4 with the v-luo glnood on the proprrty by
tho t%8#088Or,hr 6hafi 80 notify thr arre88Or,
@ad if deolrlng 10 to do odke oath beforo thr
l88e880f that tha T8durition 80 iiX6d by raid
orrioor on 8614 pro;wrty 18 rro888lv6~ ouch
ol'floor to furnish such rendition, to&other ulth
hi8 VfdUatiOL ttor802 W.4 the OCtthOf 6Uoh aI'-
aon, rlnu or orrioor or any oorporatlon 1s 6ny
rwh oath hae been -de, to tho O-88 1onar8'
OOUFt Of the OOUiItyin nhioh 84d r@ndltlOnUa8
aedr, whioh OOUrt ahhallheor 8YICan00 and de-
t8mino tho true valuo of ouoh proyrrty on
f~u8.w Fir8t, 19 (her8 eiV8 year for vthioh
l88ou8unt 18 mad~8 18 hcroln provided; 8uch
offioer or court 6hau t.~ke IEtO 00~8lds~utiOn
what 8614 property ooul4 have beon 8016 for
My ti8lS Within 81X LXUlth8 n.Xt bofon th8
ilrrt day of January of' the 58ar for whloh thm
proport ia r8nd8rOd.’
OOnOsrn8 th8 MtMia(: Of the Wmb8 'at
onoo’ a8 u8e6 in 8tatuto.
tho ObOYb The tens bar b8.n botore
tho oowtr froquontly in tho oon8truction Of oontraotr. See
tiordr & Phrarsr Permanant Ldltlon, Vol. 4, pp. 682-6881
5 0. J. l439. ft rhould cot be talen j3i It.0 rtrlotest literal
sense, when to do 8o prould roC'cIre Lr;,OsSible itl8ttUlt~8OU8
aotlon. J. 0. sdt,b 5: Wallace Co. v. Lwar, 46 A. 623,
11. J.; d'or4 Y. FrIeti, 20 3. L;. 930 ii. Va. fn my 06ats
it hcs been held to r8;2Ize xctizn dthin 8ucn rea8O:;able
ti;;C iis shell be Fe;-Arod, UEider Eli tti6 ClIO'LCteinCeS, for
doi:: the po rtlcuim thLac: ,” ..ori,s t. i2h=eees, sqrs, 2. 688,
aat oaaee taere ciLsd. It is so.zietl-;es Sal& to reqilI--c
creLter celerity of aztlon thaJ lr. ordincr:ly co.qreheLded
by a reoooretle tlae. 5 c. J. 143Y, SootnOte 52. 12 il.rcinAa
H~ardwoodLumbar Co. v. Jiwhes, lU, a. iC. 283, Va., it 188 h8ld
t,od82OtO *a proApt 6n4 imrdI6t6' 8hIpEwXLt. &A Gl,abnOy iuill-
ln: Co. v. dement, 230 5. VI. lG32, t!;o ten uimi used In a
oontraot ~88 told to bo nnbiyous, rubjoet to garti to8tlmony
l, t0 it8 Ll4Uril&. It we0 therr 8a1d that '8uCh Orbarr her8
l far mars rortrlctod aouilng than the term ~ronoon8bit~ the).”
th0 ODWt tit08 flOW8Or V. Atkkr8Oa,~j s, ‘N. 75, ?Eo. &S.
TzWJBth8 Opinion in fh8 u&o~oUri 4880 WO QUOtO a8 fOliOW8:
'Our m~MlU8iOn.iS that ths tam *nt ono8*,
'forthwith, or ray rImliar tcra whon uua in a
amtraot for the purohars of 60048, to 4e8l;pato
tho tine when the Coodr are to bo shippd ha8 a
inOr reStriOt8d IW~II~~ thsn the t4lB roa8onablo
tlnm. if0 40 not t.tik it S?lOu1dbe hold to mean
8 tiA0 Simrilt~OOU8 With tb0 8X4OUtiOn Of tho
oontraot, ZO2 that W0U.l.d Oft8n 38 Lll;Os8Ibl8; but
it Co88 mean, 1A the absenoe 0: anyttinc to qunllfy
it, t&t all roason8bio hart0 OOA818teAt rith fair
bU8bO88 lOtiTity rhOa b8 U8.4 in filLiI& the
OrdOT ~6 a.kine the 8hipmAfr . . ."
IA tho 8ltuatlon rhloh you bqulre about iA8tMt43IiOOU8
notion Odd hudiy b4 oontuaptrtad. 10 Ui3ny inStSAOO8 th8
W l88888Or *iii AOt b0 pZ-OpCirOd t0 fix th0 V&S Of a PI408
0s property the zmnont It 18 re,?derrd. He my hav8 a vary
eooi? malap. lor bellovl~ that tho poprtjr owner 18 under-
valuing th8 property, but Boa iXlV8StiE0tiOiT or Inwiry L?uqb8
noosmsary boforo he will be satieii8d to 80% down the vrkiua.
dLDO8 &tiOiO 7?.13, il8Vi8Od civil kitatUt48, ;IrOnOUZiO88 GAO
faiiUr0 Of th0 tU a880880r t0 OOit#J With the OOAO4mOd
provlalon b t48lr0a8~00 8nd ma)sor it ground for hi8 railoral,
Zf8iAirO8tiy th0 WOFdS "at OnO4" cannot be ~J$VSA8USh a cmaanin~
88 t0 SC&O 008IpibAOO OA the ji%Zt Of th0 ~8808OOr hQO~8iblO.
On tho other hand, ~8 think reardnablo harte 18 roqaired. Tad
tL32 within WICC the a688G8or WY ;mri'am this rufdi0:; i+;
coAoelvably very rlI;htly under dI:fersnt clroustuncee. 1:
the a88868Or 18 prepared tilfiX ti8 ValUe Fit th.9 tiE4 t.38
readdition ir sad@ he 8:.sU1& t;iOA i;Ok6 the i:OtLtiuII. xr ~0i.,
In acoordoncs xlth tzo above 8~. :,‘estima, he ten do 80 Inter.
ht, he :x&t bec;r hi izis!d t&t klnier 30 circwzt~mceb CC he
delay t,is action 80 as to prc;;Jice t:he ri .;t 0;‘ tiic t CXi~L;‘ er
tJ m&e ub QJntrOVert& Zffidzvit ad hiiie ‘kb SUC deiivcr-
ed to t’,e 00x-~. sl~riers’ co*xt 3: ‘Jze ?.‘iBLl si’.ti.& 3:. pi
3ourd or equalization.
TOurn vet. truly