OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ~c.yIIol *-IFI sommu ~oncwable T. ib. Trlmblo, Pa&o 8 oonferro& and grantoda aal, oxoept a8 prahfbltod by the oonstitution ot tho State of Texa8 or ro8- trioted br thie oharter, tho Qlty ot Nlfidland 8hal.l hare ail4m 0XU0180 all munlolpal poWbra, fuiotiono, rights prlriloge8 end lmmnittor 0r every muno arlb nacaro wht&ooYor. In ad<lon to 'UitioS ado tb3# thO 8hartOr 03 am&&BS~ hersuador 8ha%1 L vo iutl powor ot local rati- $oYernment, anb amon& the other pQ8oro thikt may bib OxOrOl8Od by any 8Wh Oity the fo5lsring are horoby em8aoratob for @Oater oortaintyt "* . c *8& To prorid f0r tho l8tabli8hmJ%$ o# publio 8ahOQb Mb publio 8OhCd ~Y8t8m tn aplf ruoh oity and to havo axotu8lYo oor&tmPl over 8CiMlUld ta pFaide 8odh aWUlatlon0 WI r\il41e garornin6 the lmnafpmnt Qi Mee a8 .Blay bo doomed adrilrabloj tQ ]LOVy aad O&%aot the nOoO88Uy taXO8,@MOFtiQ~ 8p8O%a& rOr th0 8UppOSt 0f 8Wh public @ObO18 aid PUbllO 8ohool 8y$t,a&* BQr IPOt@ thsa thiSty y-8 GUS 8tatutO8 hY0 WOQ&- nixed the dlartinotlcm betuooa lnbopondant ~hool dletrlot8 iaeorporated for rree sohool purpose8 only and city oontrollod dirtriots or mualolpal corporationa whloh bar0 a8aumed ooa- tral of the sohoolr wIthin theb liloitrr,thereby agqlalrtnga dual oharaater and ereroirlng dual futkotfonaB f b i8 ah3 roll rattled in this jlWl8di&lWl that tho raUaiQlpl QWpoPatioa a8 ooamo~y knouu, and the othor oor~retlon, an Labopemloat 8ahool diatriot irmorpo~ted ror roheol purpoeeo only may exfrrt oaoh ropwate and apart from Wao othor exoralsingtheir rerpwtlro iuaotlona althoughthelr bou&ariea cay b6 aoextcsnsivo~ statutory provi8lon has been IBBCI~ whOrObp a oity my aamma oxolusive oontrol oi tho ubllo Sros school8 wlth- t.Ii it% liSit8. sea Arttoloa 275s 81 60, 8b71, 87(18, 2765, 8769, ~771, et aoq,, ReTlead Cl& Statuto8, 1935. ,.. -. .:. 124 Iioaorable T . Y. Trlmblo, Pago #I The letter of r6qub8t dose not dlso.loaotho pFO8Ult 8tatU8 or relation8hip of tho city of M.dlrtnQ and tho biidland Independent School Dlstriot, wo theroforo pLW8UiBO ror pur- pO%eS Or this OpiniOn that aOh OOrpOMtiOIt OXifBt8ad iUaO- *lone a8 an entity entiTOlJ 8O&=EFhtO and indopendontd the otheri that tho City of bii&.and ha8 never aasumd oontrol oi the sahoola Witilin it$ lFmit8 a# prO8Orib66 by iaW; aab that it ha8 novor attempted to aIltWO or ororoleo 8uoh oontrol, but thrt t&loaoparato aIrporaticul for 8Ohool 9l%'&I0808only, I. l., Jtj.dlaad Indopondont Sohool DirtriOt, ha8 OXOEO18Od and OOIltinlAo8 t@ OXOrOi8e OOlltrOl OVOr th. pub116 8ohOOl8 ulthin it8 linit8 to th0 OXO~U~~OIA Or th0 City @I &Iidlandr By VhtUO Of t&O abOt0 montioaod 8ktUtO8, %flOW- pctrated Oitfes or t-8 hRV0 for maaf p-8 hSiaQt&O jMWW to l,lUM Oontrol Of t&O pubLio 8&O&.0 uithla tdOit lid88 bu9 the more erietenor 0r 8wh power, u~exer018e46, bid not dortroy or affeot the separate oorporatlozifor wheel purporrr only, within the 1bli.68 Of 8UOh Ofty OT tliWEr fUtlOt.iOlltrrg It 18 OW O+dO~ O&t thrraTO 8lluPPPcrtiW Of th8 ower provided in Artlolo 3.l76(dd), Rovl806 Civtl Statt&or fO85 l.nthe Charter of the Qity of bildland, road net ai it- 804 8tIUtd~ ~Oacr, without my turoher iWOvi8kOlI OC lOt%On, do8trey thr itidsand IndOp~dOnt !MhOol Di8 iat a8 a 80-F&. entity ar dlvost it of oonttrotand 8u 011 Of t&O PUbliO me 8QhOoilIwithin suoh at 1tr torrl rlal 1imite u ai@ be inoludod within tho oorporat* limit8 61 tho Oity ol IliQlaad. TO-8 Y?ry tm AmoRx6x ow 01 TmA8 COOadb
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion