OFFICE OFTHEATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS Eonoreblm Tom C. Xiag State AuBitor an4 3ctri0ien0y mm-6 Austin, Tuua Dear Rlrr We reoeioed your let p%l req\yrt our 0pl.nlo ln Boulm Bill lfo.OBb, .Youaito au appropriationato to a8k two queetl oxa5ple and qusat 3. was&d horlty granted College Boar&s to U- e~ess the aaount lrpgroprioted under ftea 181 snd utilieo suoh mount to incdreaeethe aaleriea ia- eluded uudnr tteti 3&O 8x4 1617 92. Is it persia#lble for the College Boardstir pay en lnarsassdimouot to cue or several pesltion6 m~shown by tho eppropriationbill and by dearserring other po8itlone or alimfacltingothe &WalQiona t&u@ b:;goln& the amounts peLd with the eg@e@etr rpproprL- Y: Beginningwith Pnragraph thrbs, under aubasotlonNor 8, Deneral Provislonso? l3.B. No. 255, upeoial Law6 or the 46th we rina the r0310winp;lanpm@3r La(iieleture, *The hoerd ~;tregenta or &lreotore within their disoretlon an6 with good mason lnaypay smiler sslmies t'sn those ltmlnad herein. "The board or regsnta or Ulreotors,within t!~slrdlsoretlon, em authorized to promote an lndlvldualon the tbfr to 0 hi@er posltlon, vaoatellby the death or rs8ignstionof the pre- vlour lnoumbentEt the er1rrry provided tar the higher poeltlon. euah ln8tltutlonathen 8uah additionalnaployeai oh811 provlaed for net be paid larger amounts than those provlakd slmllar posItIon In other Stat8 State lnstltutlow, lnstItutlon8, am- partlPante partmtnta or ag9nalee.* a~wm1e8.* (Undsrlsaorlng (Unclsrlsaoring oum) our81 In pere+graphtwo, of the abow quoted provlelon, the governlngboard or en lo<utlon 16 authorlard to lnoraa8e enat rslery by ronoting him to a blgher poaltlon, but the bosrd 18 8pealSIosl Py lfmltod to psyw that individuarl *t?d salary provldsd ror tbb higher pa81tlon.W The undereooredlanguage In paregr8ph three alearly rsve8le that It wa8 not the intention of ths L8@3lature to permit a (Iepartmnt head to deorsems the relary item 8et up for on0 poml- tion for the purpose or Inorotmln~ the funds esrmarkad for pay- ment to the holder of another posltlon. To pormlt thl8 prooedure would deferat the evident intention of the Legielatursin ItIQIim lng and ffxlq the amount of auoh aalariel. It is thersrore the opinion of this departrant that your U.ret queetlon should be anorrerodIn the negative aa Co the Illustration alted by you and others IIke It* .,.. ?‘6 Our answer to your fir5t question renderti80 anSWf)r t0 yo\lr b3eUOfid qU@StiOll WUAOOO8118PJT. Yours verp la-u19 hTT5RNEY CZKIRAL 09 TEX:S ATTORNEY GENERAL Ox TEXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion