..-._. -I--. ‘761: 9 7 \ I - -. ...~ i OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Bursao cU Labor Statlrtioe Au&la, Tou8 stated qurrtio ion was apjuwml, thir rpeotlon rrporta and 088 iroo the insurpno~ 6 the boilerr whloh e ‘&at a Booard of this dopaitmnt to know l dr r ir o lvd them inrpeotionr an&mako 00 a8 we feel that it ~111 be unlar- lo c o pthe t tnruraaae Xn8peoterr States’ bollem. n lieu or the erlating #x’fln oiroumtanoer we rhall lppreaibto your adrime relative to the mttsr nontioned above.” X0 our oplalon Ho, O-e36S, reiwred to aborr, two puytionr mr8 grwentrd for out oonridorationj the QWStiOB8 : . ‘762 Bureau or Labor StatiStiOS, Page g a5 presented read as iOiiOW8: To. 1. Carrthe Board of Control legally con- tract for ineuranoe for a three year contrsot? "Ho. 3. CM the various State iBStitUtiOn8 and agenolre pay in advanao, ?xvA ourrant apprO- pTiatiOA8, iOr the prIdU;P On 90110108 OB iu8UraAOr ooveriag a three year contraot?* These ~U6StiOllSmro MSWerad in the nagatlve* YOU forthOr inioru US that a number of the bOI18rS under the jurlsdiotlon of the Soard of contxol are now in- aurrd by v-IOU8 Insuranoa OlWl~aKli~S. This beFng true, every iA8uraAoe company i~eU&Ag boiler8 in this State, Shall after inepeoting sag steam bo;ler, file a duplioato TrpOTt Of SUOh iAO&WOtiOA with thr ~Ollld8SiOA8T,ae ~ovldrcl by ii0~8eBill No. 419, Aate of the 46th Logislaturs, paga 433, Volune 1, tinoral hU8 of Texas. house Bill Ho, 419, Bupra, reads IA part a8 fOllOW8l Veo. 5. zv@ry 1ASUlXACO OO.lQk3nyIASUrIAg boilers in this state shall, within thirty (30) day8 after IASQeOtiAg aAy 8teti boiler, ii10 a duplicate report of such inapeotion with tha Commiesioner Showing the date of ewh IA8peOtiOA togetMr with the AaJlSOf the person asking SUOh lus~ection, aAd 8uoh report Shall Show irtllyth6 oonditlon and looatlon of suoh boiler at the time Suoh iAapeotiOA waa .mde. Suah roporta will also State when the policy of insuranae was IMAled by the insurance oompong on salclholler and the date of axplration of ruch polloy of Insurance. The owner or uoer of every boiler lnepected by an iA8~~OtOT for aA inSUrMO0 oolapanpauthorlsed to do bu8IAe88 in this State on whioh suoh iAsul%AOe ~08pa~y has issuclda polioy of ~ASW~AO~ after inspotion thereof, shall br exempt imll other ill8~4OtiOA8 and iAPpeOtiOA fee8 WldW tb PrO- vIaIon of this aot; provided nothing IA thla SeatiOn shall prevent the oomAIssioAer from au- thorlzlng the IAspeotIoA of any lneuranoe boiler at any reaeonable tfme when, in the OpiBion Of the ConmIesIoner, auoh iA8UTd boiler my bo In a~ uneafo OOAditiOA, provided the ~OaLaiaIIioABr shall contaot the Insurance OompiAy oarrylng suoh within twenty (90) days, for nhIbh' Inspection Buroao or Labor 8tatiStiO8, Pag, a ,110additionaS OhOr shall br madr as 8Ot forth in Brrtioa 18 a? this Aot. The COM~SS~OBU 18 au- thorimd and has authority to i88or a orrtI?IOato o? opOratlon to the om8r or uau a? all boilrrr rubJaot to inrpeotion UBdor this Aot, and the Owner or u8or a? any lmurrd boilrr 0haU pay th0 sum o? on0 dollar ($1.00) for raoh oartltloato a? opua- tioo IrrAod, and the owner or Y8u OS the State ierpeotad bOilOT &all pay a like 8~3 of oAa dollar ($1.00) fo rlaoh oortlfioatm of opuation i88ued, whioh said ?eo shall ba and 18 abaorbrd by the ln- torn81 md *XtUBti iASp.OtiOA ?OO luthorircrdin BOOtiOn lt O? this AOt. m.Ty blSWalle0 OOLR9M7 shall noti?J thm Conurisrionerin writing at the 00naOllatIon or Oxpiratlon of lrrrr polioy or in- SUTSBOO i88uod by it with re?8reBor to boilrra,in this State, within twnty (20) days aftor the ox- piration or oanorllation a? raid polloy, giving I ’ th8 oaP80 or rraaon ?or ruoh oanpollation or lx- piration. Such notlow of oaaoollatlon or explra- tiOA shall Show the date O? tha QOliO),aAd tbr date whan the oaAo~llatlon or expiration has or will beooma ltieotivr .* We do not think that our opinion No. 0-838S, above referred to hra enr Application to the que8tion undrr OOA- SidWAtiOA. I? thr above mmtloned bOilOr ar8 AOW iB8Ur.d by 8om ~ASUTMOO oompaay duly authorlmd to d0 bUSiB@Sa in this State, th.A undu the ~OVISIOAS or fiOU8eBill 419, lupra, the said aoapany is required to ii10 the in8peotort8 report of 8uOh In8poOtion with the cOolaiA8iOA8T,within thr timr and mannu as aborr 8.t out, The above mntionrd aot further c pmvid.8 that “the owner and mar 0r every boiler in8prOt.d by an Inapootor tar an IASUTMO~ oowany authorixed to do bUSiM88 in thi8 state on whioh SUOh iA8uTaAOr OOmpIUlyhas i88wd a polioy Of ~BSUTMO~ &tOT itX8QOOtiOB thOrOO?, shall b8 .buaQt ?tOa othor iASpeOtiOA8 aA6 iBSpW3tiOB ia08 undu the prorialona of thir Aat.* I Howorm, it i8 further providsd that nothing in the above iarAt lOBOd aot shall prsvont the CO5dSSiOBO~ rrolp authorizing the in8pootion o? any iA8UTOd boilrr at any reaaonablr tiao when in the Opinion O? the COMliSSiOBeT, SUOh iorcur8dboiler mpy br iA aA UASA?. WBditiOB, provided the Comai88lonu 8hall contaot the inruranor oompony oarryiB6 muoh inrurancs ati tb iB8pOotor or deputy inrprotor Shall BUX’OaU Of hbOr 3tathtiO8, -68 4 jointly and togather inrpeat the bqllor rlthln twenty dayr, for whiOh in898OtiOn no additional oherg8 8hall bo mdr, 88 8Ot rorth ills8OtfOll 1.8or &Ii80 Bill 4l.9 supra. In rirr or th8 fbrrg0ing you sfa r88pootrully advi88d that it 18 t& oQitiOn Or thl8 Dopartsnt that tb Bureau Of Labor st8ti8ttO8 0-t di8r8erd tb in8UranO8 oompany ili8Q8OtiOn8 ad nako stat0 itl8pOOtiOEOi bOil8t8 whloh oom und8r the JUi8itiOtiOll or the State Boar6 or Con- trol Wh8r. 8UOh boiler8 8M in8ur.d by an iMlW@IIO8 OOSQaIly authori88d to do bo8in888 in thir 8tat8, Upon whloh, 8uOh hl8UranOO oo.apany ha8 irOU8d a polioy 0r iJI8tlranO8, and 88id bOilOr i8 in8~OtOd by Ut in8Q*OtOr rOr 8aid h8UrtiW company. EOwW8r,~wh8LL ifithe OpiniOn Of thn cOti88iOn8r, such in8urrd boiler may bo in an un8arr oonditfon, the Coa iai88ionor sapal authoriza the inrpootion of any fnriarod bollor at any r8a8OnablO tima in oomplianoo with th# prOvi8iOn8 Of hU8o Bill 419, 8Upra. Trurting that the rorsgoing rully 8n8wor8 your inquiry, wo aro Tour8 very truly OBBISUL ATTOR.UZY OY ?EX;\S Ardell William8 A88i8tant APFROVEDSEP 30, 1940 ;TTORNEY GENERAL OF&TEXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion