- OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN a-C.- -- t 1 -- Th-a Terar $ahool for the Blind doer not tMCh eelhge subjeots. fn faot there 16 'no etlllqce for the blind in thl8 Estate. Thla Iten.of appropriation was tn- tendedto provide pay for peraortat8 rsad to blind otudontr ettenilingoollege, there bei% no !wy for such rtudonta to prepare any lsssoa requiring mading ww$t to hare rioam- Ona read the 8wae to them. xutuallg the appropr;tatlonir nieantr0r the bsmiflt of the t&in& 5tudent. not for any partipaltircollege. IJfhonthe allmnnos zr ailA&to 8 &udeht attandia~ the ualverrlty ai TaraS, the IW*unlty state Board of control,page E doesnot receive :t. If the all=m.ce be rude for a student e,ttendixi; ~llliam amI %axy College in Virginia, that school muld n& be receivic:gtba nwney. Ilance,we think the appropriationmay be drawn upon to rrovide readers for blind ~erans attending out of state collages and we answer your queatlon affirmstlvely. Hours very truly APPROVEDOCT 3, 1940 ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion