THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN oplaionlo. 04586 Ror Would the county8urYoya WI. Oorrirliowr8 Your reQue8 t ror op tion bs been reoelved ur4 mnt . Artiole 528%Ve tuter, re8da 88 r0ilwr; The above qwtod l8ngmge lndloator th8t the bond or the Daputy Surtn~or 18 r0r t&e proteotlon 0r hi8 prlnolpal, to-wit, the OountJ Sunreyor. It 18 therefore t& oplnlaa Or thir dowtment tbt four q8w8tlon 8bOtidbO UUYOnd ts th. mO*tiYO. It18 OW oplnlon th8t uld baad 8hOdd k W p8y8bl.a to the oouaty 8U?VO,JO?, in - -Ullt t0 b flti w hi8 Within th. 8trtUt0, ud 8Ub)Ot t0 hi8 8mOY81. Very tmlly PUP8 ATToBmBY mxmAL O? TXM