OFFICE OF THE AITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS This wfll a0 Haa* Yor Xunsohlk, Q~sml~or, mgo I! F6J-l uoaoe T&U. artlol8r, 8, upcwa6a, Mod, La part, 8e 141lal41 “Art, 61694 X0 fomlo shall b6 8aploysd ln any laundry r0r isorbthan fifty-fourhour8 in ana aalonder week8 tha houm ot au&i enployment to bo lo W- ranged al to per&&the anploymaatof suoh ro- ml* '0: rrnftlrpsa0 that sb* ohalL n& work mr6Wmnammxlmum of ele?enhour@ &win& the "Art. lab34 a rOi&hh6h6u b4 OJfiPw6al **a+4 *%4 In aay lawdry or ol68aingand proubg ~~abliahmant ior IIIWO tbaa flf'ty-four (54) hours irr-oar (1) MlonQr woks %~LO bourn of work to be w ~-4 a8 to psnnib t&e Unproy- mfmtarmmhiomUatanytirmnothddM &allworknare thanaamxlaum hourr alaringt&o~twalty-anlr Qr al4 (1) day* a **ecu 332 FIRST ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion