319 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eoxwrabl* a. mlrtt Potter county Atto.nley sm Patrlolo Sinton, Toxa6 ITOhave a lott Pea+ at QrogWy, Tsxar he lnqulroe whether a j iquost snd be antltlod 4a in 4n automob who naw the kill 4 attention to 4n a Juustloeof the Pea04 wan no 44 if t&4 kiulllg wee in the pros ; we preeum4 you had ~for- 44 r4raaleU that the party e pr444noo oS~on4 or nkoro of an unlawrul killing *a8 in- th a oopy OS said opinion. n 4 oi ~rtlale @(JB,Cods of criminal that the &&toe of the Peaao au& hold 8011ar4 su death by unlawrul steam.* Under the abme quoted provision It is the duty or e Julitioo of the P4a44 to hold an inquest whera th4 -, 320 Honorable C. Burtt Pet&or, P44 2 alroumstanaem surrounding the dorth are muoh ae to load to a euepioion that ho 04ai4 to him death by ualawtul meana, although there may bc any number of orsonia present at tho time the dsath ocourr4b and the Junt 9 04 or ths Poaoo would be lntitlrd to reoeirs his ing\ust S44. Thor4 IS no OOnf'lictin thi8 holding and the on0 mdc by us in Opinion Ilo. O-1274. Undrr said rrtlolo 968 thoro are row s4parato and dlatlnot oondltlonr undsr which a Justloe of the Poaoe is not only authorleod to but It is his duty to bold an in- qurst without a Iury. The raota surrounding oaoh death would of oourao govorn the quostion.ar to whothrr an in- quest murt bo hold by th4 Justloo CC the Poaoo. Piarson t, ga.lrrotonCO* 131 6. W. (2) 27. mu lnatead of Ihdgo Pato boaauao ho ray8 yciutold about our opinion. WO an, Donding him a oopy or this oplaion. &to. W. Barour &B8ifJtant